PlzStopFollowingMeThisAccountIsNotInUseThxBby's Starred Polls
PlzStopFollowingMeThisAccountIsNotInUseThxBby has 31 starred polls

Madoka Magica vs Sailor Moon

What is your favourite anime series (of these) which was released in 2013?
What south park character out of these?

Which maturely popular fandom are you in?

Dave or Dave?

which one is better- iphone or samsung !

Homestuck- Alpha Kids or Beta Kids
What attack on titan character is best

What is your style?

What is your gender?

Which is the best Attack on Titan couple?
What is your opinion on self harmers?

Which nickname is the best for the undead on The Walking Dead?

anime series whats better anime sword art online,bleach,naruto,attack on titan,fairy tail
Are you in a gang?

Twitter vs Instagram vs qfeast

Have you ever cosplayed before?

Metric or English?

Which faction would you want?