I'm drawing Eridan. :3 (The character by Andrew Hussie)
on May 25, 2015

on May 25, 2015

A tree.
That's how I want to die.
That's how I want to die.

Woah! I didn't say I WANTED to die!
This is supposed to be a reference!
This is supposed to be a reference!
on May 25, 2015

No please don't, I used to cut and try to do that but I thought it was right, but I reealižed that that is selfish because so many people love you. And your taking that love away. And when I attempted to do this things, people would text me the same that I'm telling you. And I didn't listen and kept on doing it. But know I see what they were trying to tell me. See More So just talk to me about how you feel in personal message if you are comfortable with that. Bye, hope you feel better
on May 25, 2015
on May 25, 2015

SpeakPipe - receive voice messages from your audience directly on your website.
SpeakPipe allows your customers, podcast listeners, blog readers and fans to send you voice messages (voicemail) right from a browser without any phone calls.
on May 25, 2015

Eww I just saw the most disgusting cut for Zayn picture there is. Ew ew ew.
on May 25, 2015

Does anyone want to Skype? :3

Yes, I enjoy speaking to people who have common sense in a way.
on May 25, 2015
on May 25, 2015

on May 25, 2015

*sends picture of Petra's death to cousin*
"Is that Mikasa?"
"How could you."
"Is that Mikasa?"
"How could you."
on May 25, 2015

•If you don't care: Stop reading
•If you'd go to my funeral: Like.
•If you'd miss me: Comment a ♥.
•If you're not scared: R e p o s t to see who your "real friends" are.
•If you'd go to my funeral: Like.
•If you'd miss me: Comment a ♥.
•If you're not scared: R e p o s t to see who your "real friends" are.
on May 25, 2015

Who do you guys ship me with? :3
on May 25, 2015

on May 25, 2015
on May 25, 2015

@FirestormthePegasus Yasss.
@Haven_The_Hedgewolf Doesn't she have a gf?
@Haven_The_Hedgewolf Doesn't she have a gf?
on May 25, 2015
on May 25, 2015

Send me video urls! ^3^
on May 25, 2015

I'm setting up a little movie room, we're watching Paul Blart. :3
It'll be in a few hours.
It'll be in a few hours.
on May 25, 2015

I want to grab you all from out the screen and watch cheesy comedy/action movies together.
on May 25, 2015

hello :3

cool. im not that close with my cousins- i have two. One named athen, i havent seen her in years. shes probably 8 now? and danny, he's 6
on May 25, 2015
on May 25, 2015