I want to forget this

on February 10, 2017

What's wrong?
on February 10, 2017
on February 10, 2017

Noescaping added a new chapter to My top ten favorite and least favorite sonic characters. (Alexis the Hedgebat style.)

Maria Robotnik (least favorite) #3
Okay... *sighs* I know exactly how I am going to put this argument thanks to the mysterious mr enter on youtube. The argument on why I don't like Maria. While I've obviously grown to not hate her as much as I used to, she still comes off to me as pretty useless. Its the argument that Mr. Enter made when reviewing Snowdrop. Its a poor blind girl that's bullied, feel sorry for her. When it comes to Maria we only see her from a side view so to say. We don't really see what she's like. Yes we kno...
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on February 06, 2017

Noescaping added a new chapter to My top ten favorite and least favorite sonic characters. (Alexis the Hedgebat style.)

Cosmo Seedrian (favorite Sonic characters) #10
Is it ironic my top ten worst list and top ten favorite list both start off with characters from Sonic X? Maybe..? Anyways Cosmo is awesome in my opinion. When you first meet her and you find out what happened to her you honestly feel sad because of what she's experienced with her sister and her mother especially. She was the last of her kind to survive the meterex attack on a ship that was fleeing her home planet for that exact reason. The meterex took everything from her. She is extremely s...
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on February 06, 2017

Noescaping added a new chapter to My top ten favorite and least favorite sonic characters. (Alexis the Hedgebat style.)

Black Doom. (Least Favorite) #4
Okay, so Black Doom. Um. I'm sorry, what? This character feels so unnecessary. Also, this may be a coincidence but why do characters with explained back stories have to be aliens? Seriously, Shadow and The Babylon Rogues are both stated to be aliens. I think Amy is supposed to be an alien too but that's for a whole different story. Alright, I can kind of buy the Babylon Rogues being aliens because they're the first bird/mobian things we've seen and all but why does Black Doom need to exist. I...
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on February 06, 2017

Well...after 4 years with cancer, my great grandmother finally died...
on January 22, 2017