Noescaping added a new chapter to Qfeast Crash.

Access denied
Wait. What? What's going on? This is a story. You can't just block off a chapter. Its her story. What's going on? You looked at the screen in confusion as you tried to open up the next chapter of Qfeast Crash after so long until you started thinking. As the "access denied" popped up just blinking and mocking you right in the face. With that you looked at the screen and tried to click out. Nothing happened. You tried again. Nothing happened. You tried to clear out of everything. Nothing happen...
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on April 16, 2017

on April 10, 2017

on April 01, 2017

Pst....PSTTTT....hi :3

Tbh same
on April 07, 2017

Bored, tired, and hungry
on April 06, 2017

How's you?
on April 01, 2017

on April 01, 2017
on March 31, 2017

Noescaping added a new chapter to Qfeast Crash.

What do they really want?
When I got up it was around noon or so. I saw Amy in my room smiling down at me. "Hey sleepyhead." "Sapph, can I be alone? And howd you get in here?" "Your door was unlocked." I looked at her kinda confused then back at my door. I was pretty sure that I had locked it. I noticed she was dressed in a black and white dress like her oc had worn in a picture she made. I was pretty sure I had locked it.
"I'm not really like my oc ya know, I like being alone." She said sorry and left. I got out of ... Read Full Chapter
"I'm not really like my oc ya know, I like being alone." She said sorry and left. I got out of ... Read Full Chapter
on March 25, 2017

Noescaping added a new chapter to Things I did as a kid

Getting hurt even more
Literally 2 weeks after I wrote the first chapter I got hurt. It was my most graceful injury ever. Anyways, my dad and I were going to a gas station after school since I had an early day and I was thirsty. So I decided to get some chocolate milk and a few other things but the way the sidewalk was created, I ended up tripping on a ledge but I twisted my body to catch my chocolate milk...which I actually managed to do! However I ended up skidding on the pavement on the inside of my left leg and...
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on March 11, 2017