Getting hurt even more

So now I have a scar on my ankle from where I tripped and faint skid marks on my left leg. What made it worse was that the way my house I used to live in was designed that as soon as you walk in, you have to go up stairs to actually reach any part of the apartment so...that was fun. I stayed home from school for a week and it hurt.
The second time I was 6-7. I was losing a tooth that day in an awkward way. So that day I was going with my cousin Julie to her friends birthday party in downtown LA and if you don't know, if a kid has a birthday party in LA its huge. This place had 2 birthday cakes, a snowcone maker, games, slides, a pool, ect. However, the thing I liked the most was the huge inflatable balloon bouncy house. I spent most of the free time I had inside there just bouncing around and being a kid. Although, after my second snowcone of the day, I noticed the bouncy house looking a little bit full but since I was small I squeezed in anyway. 15 minutes after, the thing pops! With like 16 kids and 2 teenagers (I don't know why teenagers were there) in there. So, naturally I scrambled out, and as I did, a fat teenager jumped on my back, knocking my head into the ground and helping me loose that lose tooth. It hurt so bad and I had to go home early because of my tooth and the pain. I ended up screaming and crying and looking back on it now, it was really embarrassing.
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