Noescaping's Questions
Noescaping asked 29 questions

Who wants to be in Qfeast High? Just sign up your oc for my newest story Qfeast High :)...

Qfeast Red Queen parts for story? This is kinda like a red queen retelling of the first...

Opinion on: Galactic Kids Next Door? From what I heard this is coming to us. I think th...

Opinions on Yo-Kai Watch? Personally I've been watching the show and it has a good idea...

Should I make a qfeast WWFFY? And do you wanna be in it? I mean like make a qfeast wwff...

Who wants to be in my story: Qfeast Crash? This is similar to another Qfeaster but she ...

What is your favorite Creepypasta story? By this I don't mean characters I mean actual ...

Anyone wanna be in my werewolf/vampire survival story? Okay this is a survival story li...

What Do You Do When You Are Upset? I sleep, yep whenever I am upset I sleep, that's how...

What is your favorite youtuber queot? Mine is from Coodoo17's video: Hedgehog Race. Coo...

If I do another quiz series what should it be about? I'm not sure and I want to hear yo...

Who wants to be in my new sonic wwffy? This one instead of the Quiz taker falling in lo...
What is your favorite healthy desert? Mine is whipped cream and apples.

What do people see in MLP? Really like what is it? Cause I only liked it when I was 6 a...

Who inspired you to join Qfeast? Just another thing I'm wondering.

What am I known for? If you say Shadexis or Gummy bears I'll delete your answer. -_- I ...
(for people who don't live in America.) What do you think of when the word "Americans" ...

What is the first movie you ever saw? Mine was Sharkboy and Lavagirl, it was awesome. ^-^

Want to be in my Sonic mystery story? I actually made a script for this for a sprite vi...