Chris Thorndyke (least favorite) #10

I did like Chris because he reminded me of me because were the same age and he liked Sonic. Don't get me wrong I like paring my oc with Shadow but at least I do not have a whole "love shrine" to Shadow in real life. I have a Shadow plushing and thats about it. I also feel that Chris sort of took Amy's place as damsal in destress. Because he whines so much like a giant brat. Its not like Sonic was his only friend. Seriously Chris is a lier because he said "Sonic was his only friend". I find that very untrue because in that case what are Danny, Helen, and Frances. Also he kept Sonic from going home. If I was I Chris' place I wouldn't want Sonic to leave but I would honestly ask to come with him not keep him from being where he'd be happier. I bet Sonic wanted to go home but doesn't want to hurt Chris' feelings.
Yet again I do not hate Chris as much as other characters because he only appeared in Sonic X. Still I found it creepy that he kept a hold of Shadow's inhibitor ring. Also it bothered me that everyone in the Sonic universe is apparently color blind. Seriously I get that Shadow and Sonic have close to the same quills but thats about it. Also even when Shadow game Chris an evil smile Chris was to stupid to know Sonic was in trouble but this is why Chris is number 10.
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