on April 03, 2016

on July 10, 2014

on April 24, 2014

on April 23, 2014
on November 19, 2013

MoonyWormtailPadfootProngs added a new chapter to Little Known Facts About Harry Potter
The word Quidditch comes from the name of the balls. Qu for Quaffle, two d's for two Bludgers, and itch for the Golden Snitch. Simple!
Read Full Chapter
on November 03, 2013

MoonyWormtailPadfootProngs added a new chapter to Little Known Facts About Harry Potter
Something Went Weird With This Story, This Is Not A Chapter
Have any of you ever wondered where the word Quidditch came from? Here's the answer. Quidditch is made from the balls; Qu for Quaffle. dd for the two bludgers and itch for the Golden Snitch.
Read Full Chapter
on October 14, 2013

MoonyWormtailPadfootProngs added a new chapter to Little Known Facts About Harry Potter
You're Not Pure-Blood!
There's no such thing as an entirely pure-blood family. Everyone must have come from the same person, we all started off in the same place. Therefore: Every wizard family has a Muggle in it. I can see people like the Malfoys and the Blacks pretending they have no Muggle relations, but they really do have them.
Read Full Chapter
on October 06, 2013

MoonyWormtailPadfootProngs added a new chapter to The 25th Hunger Games
Voting For The Tributes
I knew I must be dead because they would vote for the only girl that could get through the Hunger Games. Me. I am immensely strong for my age, can run faster than any boy, and I am an excellent hunter. Of course they would pick me. I ran away there and then for the woods, my favourite part of District 12. Well, the only part I liked. I hid in a tree and thought of what I would do. And then I thought of something.
They would vote for the person that could get through, or he person no one wo... Read Full Chapter
They would vote for the person that could get through, or he person no one wo... Read Full Chapter
on October 06, 2013

MoonyWormtailPadfootProngs has become a member of the page

The "Say Anything" Page
on October 06, 2013

MoonyWormtailPadfootProngs added a new chapter to Little Known Facts About Harry Potter
Colin Creevey- The odds and the funeral
Now, if you think about it, Muggle-borns are rare. Most magical families are half-bloods. So, Colin is a wizard. And his younger brother is, too? The odds of that must be astronomical.
At Colin's funeral, Harry came. Instead of leaving flowers by his grave, he left a signed picture of himself. The only autograph he ever gave. Read Full Chapter
At Colin's funeral, Harry came. Instead of leaving flowers by his grave, he left a signed picture of himself. The only autograph he ever gave. Read Full Chapter
on October 05, 2013

MoonyWormtailPadfootProngs created a story

Little Known Facts About Harry Potter
on October 05, 2013

Random Jokes

on January 05, 2014
Lucius is a girl. And his picture is funny. Peter's picture? Something is Siriusly wrong with him.
on November 16, 2013
on October 05, 2013

The Harry Potter Pledge
I promise to remember Harry
When I must be courageous
I promise to remember Hermione
When I get teased for being clever
I promise to remember Ron
When I feel overshadowed See More
I promise to remember Percy
When I let ambition get the better of me
I promise to remember Ginny
When I must face my fears
I promise to remember 'I solemnly swear that I am up to no good'
For the Marauders, of course
I promise to remember Gred and Forge
When I need a laugh
I promise to practise constant vigilance
For Moody, of course
I promise to remember Dobby
When asked the price of freedom
I promise to remember Snape
When asked the meaning of true love
I promise to remember Dumbledore
For The Greater Good
I promise to remember Draco
When I make a bad choice and must pay for it later
I promise to remember Narcissa when I'd do anything for family
And I must remember the Dursley's
Because my parents hid my Hogwarts acceptance letter
I promise to remember Harry
When I must be courageous
I promise to remember Hermione
When I get teased for being clever
I promise to remember Ron
When I feel overshadowed See More
I promise to remember Percy
When I let ambition get the better of me
I promise to remember Ginny
When I must face my fears
I promise to remember 'I solemnly swear that I am up to no good'
For the Marauders, of course
I promise to remember Gred and Forge
When I need a laugh
I promise to practise constant vigilance
For Moody, of course
I promise to remember Dobby
When asked the price of freedom
I promise to remember Snape
When asked the meaning of true love
I promise to remember Dumbledore
For The Greater Good
I promise to remember Draco
When I make a bad choice and must pay for it later
I promise to remember Narcissa when I'd do anything for family
And I must remember the Dursley's
Because my parents hid my Hogwarts acceptance letter
on October 02, 2013

Lighting Up Wand Jokes

How many Veela's does it take to light up a wand?
Really, just one, but one hundred boys will offer to do it for her.
Really, just one, but one hundred boys will offer to do it for her.
on October 02, 2013
on October 02, 2013

Crossing The Road Jokes

@MoonyWormtailPadfootProngs I agree so much. But in defence of Slytherin, not all of them are double-crossers. It's like saying all of the Slytherins are going to be Death Eaters, and no Hufflepuffs, Gryffindors or Ravenclaws will. The Crabbe and Goyle one is so LMAO though :D xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD See More xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD
on August 15, 2017
on September 30, 2013