lizzdoolittle0108 created a poll

I'm think of rewriting the Star Wars prequels my own way: Should I?
on May 24, 2016

Did you know that Bruce Wayne owns the Daily Planet?
on May 21, 2016

I, personally, do not like the prequels. They, to me, seem simply like more ways to make money. The only decent one in my opinion is Revenge of the Sith. I think that the prequels are an essential part in understanding Annikan Skywalker, but were brought about by the studio all wrong. First, they should have made him older. He was introduced at a much too young age. They also should have made the bond between him and Padme more strong. I feel See More like the relationship on screen didn't come over well. Also, I think that he should have had more time as a Jedi and that he should have been more good. In the original trilogy you see that Luke was trying to bring Vader to the man he used to be. Luke said "I am a Jedi like my father before me." I see that in the prequels Annikan was never that good. I feel like he wasn't a great man like he was made out to be in the original trilogy. If he was he would have been, his turn to the dark side would have been that much more dramatic and could show it could happen to the best of people or Jedis. Another thing that I would like to add is to take out some unnecessary character. These character would include Jar- Jar. If they are not need, don't add them. I think that characters like those distracts from the main story line. I also would have liked for them to have included Uncle Owen. It would have developed him as a character too. In A New Hope, when Luke's aunt said that he had too much of his father in him, Owen sounded like he REALLY knew Annikin and understood that he was Vader. It would have made more sense. Also, they should have left it as a mystery that he was Vader. That way new generations of Star Wars fans could experience the same shock that Vader was Luke's father and they would also find out that Annikan was alive. They should have left it off with the fight where he was in the lava. I think that Padme should have lived a tiny bit longer. Maybe while Luke is being brought to Tatooine by Owen it can show Leia with Padme. That would explain why Leia could remember her mother while Luke could not. Padme should die though. Not long after. Maybe Luke could have been rushed off because he was born first. Padme would have never had time to see him, only say his name. Them when Leia is born she insist on holding her. She whispers Leia's name and starts to cry. Baby Leia looks into her eyes before she too is taken and Padme finally dies. Oh my. I just realized how long this post is and I could keep going. Sorry for making this so long but I would be really happy if anyone reads this.
I, personally, do not like the prequels. They, to me, seem simply like more ways to make money. The only decent one in my opinion is Revenge of the Sith. I think that the prequels are an essential part in understanding Annikan Skywalker, but were brought about by the studio all wrong. First, they should have made him older. He was introduced at a much too young age. They also should have made the bond between him and Padme more strong. I feel See More like the relationship on screen didn't come over well. Also, I think that he should have had more time as a Jedi and that he should have been more good. In the original trilogy you see that Luke was trying to bring Vader to the man he used to be. Luke said "I am a Jedi like my father before me." I see that in the prequels Annikan was never that good. I feel like he wasn't a great man like he was made out to be in the original trilogy. If he was he would have been, his turn to the dark side would have been that much more dramatic and could show it could happen to the best of people or Jedis. Another thing that I would like to add is to take out some unnecessary character. These character would include Jar- Jar. If they are not need, don't add them. I think that characters like those distracts from the main story line. I also would have liked for them to have included Uncle Owen. It would have developed him as a character too. In A New Hope, when Luke's aunt said that he had too much of his father in him, Owen sounded like he REALLY knew Annikin and understood that he was Vader. It would have made more sense. Also, they should have left it as a mystery that he was Vader. That way new generations of Star Wars fans could experience the same shock that Vader was Luke's father and they would also find out that Annikan was alive. They should have left it off with the fight where he was in the lava. I think that Padme should have lived a tiny bit longer. Maybe while Luke is being brought to Tatooine by Owen it can show Leia with Padme. That would explain why Leia could remember her mother while Luke could not. Padme should die though. Not long after. Maybe Luke could have been rushed off because he was born first. Padme would have never had time to see him, only say his name. Them when Leia is born she insist on holding her. She whispers Leia's name and starts to cry. Baby Leia looks into her eyes before she too is taken and Padme finally dies. Oh my. I just realized how long this post is and I could keep going. Sorry for making this so long but I would be really happy if anyone reads this.
on May 21, 2016

Post all of the fun facts you know. It's a great way to learn new things about your favourite heroes and tell more people about those heroes. Whether they are the power rangers or superman!:D
on May 21, 2016

on April 03, 2016

on April 03, 2016

facts about me:
1) I have never had a boyfriend and only had ONE crush
2) I'm learning guitar
3) I'm a Ravenclaw
4) I've moved once
5) My favourite song is Life in Mars? by David Bowie
6) My favourite album is eother Abbey rd. or Revolver by The Beatles See More
7) My only celebrity crush has been YOUNG Paul McCartney
1) I have never had a boyfriend and only had ONE crush
2) I'm learning guitar
3) I'm a Ravenclaw
4) I've moved once
5) My favourite song is Life in Mars? by David Bowie
6) My favourite album is eother Abbey rd. or Revolver by The Beatles See More
7) My only celebrity crush has been YOUNG Paul McCartney
on April 03, 2016

on April 03, 2016

lizzdoolittle0108 asked a question

Why do people dislike John Kasich so much? I have been following the presidential race ...
on April 03, 2016

on April 02, 2016