Moony added a question to the starred list

What does it mean when you see a rainbow iguana in your dreams?
on April 09, 2013

Moony asked a question

Is the things I think normal? I'm afraid to be alone because I think either: A)Someone ...
on April 09, 2013

Haven't been on in a while because my parents took my internet away.:( But,anyway,now i'm back.Today,was an awesome day!I won 3rd place in Battle of the Books at school and got my internet back (Thank God!).
on April 06, 2013

Moony added a new chapter to Thrown in Purposefully
Shaking Foundations
After the proposal,I was so tired.I fell asleep for about an hour.When I woke up,I was in the Gryffindor girl's dormitory.I stretched and sat up.Hermione,Lavender and Parvati were sitting on the far bed whispering amongst themselves.I slowly clambered out of bed.Hermione turned and saw me getting up."Jamie,Draco is being brought to Azkaban."Hermione told me solemmly."W-why?"I asked shakily."Because he has the Dark Mark.Harry managed to spare you,though."Lavender explained.I shook my head slow...
Read Full Chapter
on April 06, 2013

Moony added a new chapter to Thrown in Purposefully
Finding out
I pull my wand out of my pocket.I want to fulfill Harry's last wish.I raise the wand and point it nervously at Voldemort.But as i'm about to shout the spell,Harry jumped out of Hagrids arms.I gasp and jump back.Just then,a searing pain comes through my chest."Ow.."I cry out.Dad runs over and helps me lay on the table.As Draco runs over,I black out.
Draco's POV
I watch Harry fight Voldemort but when I notice Jamie is in pain I run over.She blacks out before I reach her but I sit next to her.M... Read Full Chapter
Draco's POV
I watch Harry fight Voldemort but when I notice Jamie is in pain I run over.She blacks out before I reach her but I sit next to her.M... Read Full Chapter
on March 30, 2013

Moony asked a question
Which dresses/suits should we have at my Half-brothers wedding? I am in charge of cloth...
on March 29, 2013

Moony added a new chapter to Harry Potter Characters on Facebook
More Shinanigans
Harry Potter
OMG!Found it...
Cedric Diggory likes this
Cedric Diggory:And what did Mr.Potter find?
Harry Potter:That Robert Pattinsons gay!
Ron Weasley:Really?
Harry Potter:No!I was kidding!My real news is I found out why Elvis Presleys skin shines when he's at concerts!
Severus Snape:Why...?
Harry Potter:Because he SWEATS!
Draco Malfoy:Didn't see that coming...
Daniel Radcliffe
Misses Harry..
Emma Watson likes this
Hermione Granger:Is Emma supposed to be me?Because if so I like i... Read Full Chapter
OMG!Found it...
Cedric Diggory likes this
Cedric Diggory:And what did Mr.Potter find?
Harry Potter:That Robert Pattinsons gay!
Ron Weasley:Really?
Harry Potter:No!I was kidding!My real news is I found out why Elvis Presleys skin shines when he's at concerts!
Severus Snape:Why...?
Harry Potter:Because he SWEATS!
Draco Malfoy:Didn't see that coming...
Daniel Radcliffe
Misses Harry..
Emma Watson likes this
Hermione Granger:Is Emma supposed to be me?Because if so I like i... Read Full Chapter
on March 27, 2013

Moony added a new chapter to Thrown in Purposefully
Bringing us Forward
I was breathing pretty deeply.I was trapped.There was a brick wall behind me and three Death Eaters blocking me I had my wand held out in front of me.The events of this week swirled through my mind like mist."CRUCIO!"Pain seared through me.Everytime I felt it was over and went to stand the curse would be cast again.I curled into a ball and took the pain.Finally,it stopped.I stayed in ball formation too scared to get up.I felt a hand rest on my back and I flinched."Jamie..it's just me."The voi...
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on March 26, 2013

Everyone please read this.I made it myself: http://www.quotev.com/26739081/journal/712843/Racism-Other-Problems/

Jamie Black's Journal | Quotev
Jamie Black's Journal
on March 26, 2013

Moony asked a question

What breed of dog would fit my family? We have a big house but a huge pool in my backya...
on March 25, 2013

Moony added a new chapter to Thrown in Purposefully
Join his side,Traitor.
Everyone on Harry's side assembled behind Harry.Even my self.I looked around and saw Draco standing next to Dean and Luna.I smiled.I then turned back to the front.I felt my Dark Mark burning but I delibrately ignored it."Now that i'm here and healthy,i'd like to make a change to our armies."Voldemort told Harry.Harry nodded his approval though looked concerned."First off,Malfoy and Black have Dark Marks.Why aren't they over here?"Voldemort asked.I turned pale.Everyone looked at me and Draco.I...
Read Full Chapter
on March 24, 2013

Take that back you f****** bastard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on March 24, 2013

Hello JamieMellarkWeasleyChase how are you?I've seen your stories and Questions but I don't see your quizzes where are they?
on March 24, 2013