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What do the hp characters think of u? #2
on April 13, 2013

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wat does Harry Potter think of u? (Girls only)
on April 13, 2013

Moony added a new chapter to Harry Potter Characters on Facebook
Potter Puppet Pals & Youtube
Cedric Diggory
has posted the link to Potter Puppet Pals:The Mysterious Ticking Noise
Hermione Granger,Emma Watson and 1 other likes this
Severus Snape:What is that ticking noise?It's not coming from over here.Not from over here.Hmm...it's kinda catchy!Snape,Snape Severus Snape.Snape,Snape Severus Snape.
Albus Dumbledore:Dumbledore!
Severus Snape:Snape,Snape Severus Snape
Albus Dumbledore:Dumbledore!
Ron Weasley:Ron,Ron Ron Weasley
Harry Potter:Stop it!
Remus Lupin:So unfair :( Snivel... Read Full Chapter
has posted the link to Potter Puppet Pals:The Mysterious Ticking Noise
Hermione Granger,Emma Watson and 1 other likes this
Severus Snape:What is that ticking noise?It's not coming from over here.Not from over here.Hmm...it's kinda catchy!Snape,Snape Severus Snape.Snape,Snape Severus Snape.
Albus Dumbledore:Dumbledore!
Severus Snape:Snape,Snape Severus Snape
Albus Dumbledore:Dumbledore!
Ron Weasley:Ron,Ron Ron Weasley
Harry Potter:Stop it!
Remus Lupin:So unfair :( Snivel... Read Full Chapter
on April 12, 2013

Read this story please.I wrote it but it sucks.It's a crossover between Harry Potter and Ranger's Apprentice. http://www.missliterati.com/stories/losing-hope-5116adcc599890364908a23a

Losing Hope | Miss Literati
9 year old Jamie Evans is the daughter of Halt and Lily.Lily leaves Halt and meets another man having a child with him before him and...
on April 12, 2013

Moony asked a question

Which book does this blurb belong to? Here is the blurb: Kidnapped and taken to a froze...
on April 12, 2013

Moony added a question to the starred list

Can anyone come up with a starter to this blurb? The Decorated Sword - a mystery ...
on April 12, 2013

Moony added a new chapter to Malfoys & Missions
Ministry of Magic
"Jamie?Do you mind if we stop by the Ministry on our way to Diagon Alley."Draco asks coming up behind me."Why?"I ask trying to change Harry's diaper."Because I have some important business."Draco says casually."I don't see why not.I mean,if Harry and Ginny agree,then sure.I'm sure Harry will agree though."I say finishing up my task.Draco nods and walks back into the kitchen."Mum!"Rylan called."Yes Rylan?"I call back.He doesn't reply so I go to see."Mum!Rylan says I won't be put into Slytherin...
Read Full Chapter
on April 12, 2013

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REAL do you know the Harry Potter character?
on April 12, 2013

Moony added a story to the favorite list

The Harry Potter Characters On A Muggle Chat
on April 12, 2013

Moony added a new chapter to Malfoys & Missions
The Malfoys & a surprise visit
I walked quickly down the steps.I just woke up and I am going to be darn busy.I walk into the kitchen where all 7 of my children are sitting and chatting waiting for me to get them breakfast.Draco,as usual,is sitting at the end of the table reading the Daily Prophet."Mum!Hurry!Hurry!I'm gonna miss the train!"Scorpius called."Uh,what did I tell you yesterday Scorp?"I ask finishing up the food and placing it on plates."We're not leaving until Uncle Harry & Aunt Ginny arrive."Scorpius recited gr...
Read Full Chapter
on April 12, 2013

Hello.So,um,2 years ago my pony Soldier died.2 years before that my Horse,Pegasus,and other pony,Pebbles,died.I was really sad after there death so I didn't ride for a while.But this Sunday I went to a show on my sisters pony,Sunny.When we neared the first jump,I got scared,panicked and let go of the reins.Sunny reared and I fell off.Now i'm dead scared to get on another horse.What if the same thing happens again?

O like that name Bambi, When you get your new horse do you know what you want to name it ... I could come with a BUNCH of names.
on April 19, 2013

Took Bambi out for a short ride.I did okay.Mum is working on finding me a new horse.Won't be able to ride on the weekend though.:( Which is sad because i've gotten used to Bambis rhtym and stride.My new pony is gonna be a Thoroughbred just like Pegasus.Can't wait!
on April 13, 2013
on April 12, 2013

Today is April 11th 2012.Otherwise known as the day I lost my best friend,my Palomino Pony,Soldier.He died of cancer April 11th 2011.R.I.P Soldier and you'll always be in my heart and memory.
on April 11, 2013

If you love dogs you should check out my friends website.It's called: http://www.xelascon.ca

Welcome to the Xelascon Boxers
xelascon boxer kennel georgetown ontario Canada boxer club junior handling dog breeding toronto GTA puppies puppy
on April 11, 2013

Moony added a question to the starred list
Health Question: Does This Happen To You Too? I call them dizzy spells, but I don't kno...
on April 10, 2013

Moony added a new chapter to Thrown in Purposefully
Conclusion...well,sort of.
So there's my story.I ended up going to WizTech and graduating.If you can believe it,Ron got up the nerve and FINALLY asked Hermione out.Harry is dating Ginny,much to the approval of James.Luna & Neville became a couple as did Cho & Cedric.Dean is dating Lavender and Seamus is with Parvati.We all grew up and became wiser.Learning from our past mistakes and getting older...together.But there's one last person to speak of.That's right,me!I got my happily ever after after all.Draco was realeased...
Read Full Chapter
on April 10, 2013

Moony asked a question

Do I have ADHD or ADD? I can't sit still for long periods of time and sometimes (mostly...
on April 09, 2013