Moony added a new chapter to Thrown in Purposefully
Dad comes to the rescue
We reached Hogwarts and I could honestly say it was chaos.I landed and threw my broom to the ground.Draco landed and did the same.I took Dracos hand.This did not look like Hogwarts.Draco pointed to the front."Harry's over there."He said.I was about to go over there when I stopped."What?What's wrong?"Draco asked me."You called him Harry.Not Potter,but Harry!"I exclaim.He smirks.I ran down the hill,but stop when I see Harry.He's stuck under Lucius his wand is laying next to me and he looks scar...
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on March 24, 2013

I would just like to say a thanks to all those who are supporting Harry Potter Characters on Facebook I will get an update in on that soon.I think,if more people read it,Thrown in Purposefully would be getting good reviews as well.Also,THE ULTIMATE HUNGER GAMES! has been discontinued until Friday because I haven't memorized all the characters yet.Lol.Oh,and Can't Decide is free to be taken.

on March 24, 2013
on March 24, 2013

Moony added a new chapter to Thrown in Purposefully
Harry kicks Ass
Harry ran over to me eyeing Bellatrix as he went.He hugged me tightly.It felt so good to be in his arms.My brothers arms.I remember when we were kids he used to do this all the time."Jamie.."He whispered."Harry."I whispered back.We hugged for a while befiore I finally broke apart.Draco was watching us probably wishing he was Harry."Jamie.Don't stay on this side.Join ours."Harry pleaded.But the Dark Mark on my arm burned.I knew Harry wouldn't take me back if he knew it was there.I shook my hea...
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on March 24, 2013

added a
quiz to the
favorite list

Which character from the Hunger Games are you?
on March 24, 2013

on March 24, 2013

Moony added a new chapter to Thrown in Purposefully
Dark Marks and facing friends
I stood nervously in a horizontal line.Next to me was Draco and Pansy Parkinson.I felt strange being the only Gryffindor in this line.I just wished we could get it and leave quickly but I knew it wouldn't work that way.After we had gotten our marks,Voldemort started going on about how we were going to infilitrate Hogwarts.I wasn't really paying attention.A couple hours later,we were all ready to leave and put that plan into action.Draco had told me the plans and I had willingly got ready.As w...
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on March 23, 2013

Moony added a new chapter to Thrown in Purposefully
Brothers,Fathers and Boyfriends
"Take the bed!The floor is more comfy!"I yell at Draco.We hardly fight but when we do it's over something stupid.Like 2 months ago,we fought over who would eat the last pink jellybean."If the floors so comfy why can't I sleep on it?"He asked me.I rolled my eyes."Because,it's MY floor,doofus!"I answer."Okay.Let's compromise.We'll share the god damn bed!"Draco suggests."Pretty lame compromise.But it could work."I say happy he had suggested it.He flops onto the bed and climbs under the covers.I ...
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on March 23, 2013

Moony added a new chapter to Thrown in Purposefully
Draco demands me to stay
"WizTech?"Harry asked.I looked up from the letter."It's a...American wizarding school."I explain to him."Who's their headmaster?"Harry asked.I looked carefully at the bottom of the paper."Professor Justin Russo."I answer looking up.Harry doesn't say anything.I turn to dad,who has been surprisingly quiet."Dad?What am I going to do?"I asked.Dad looks up at me frowning."It's your choice."Dad answered me.I groaned and sat down.I hated it when he made ME choose.Just then there was a soft knock on ...
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on March 23, 2013

Todays Character is *drumroll* DRACO MALFOY!His quote is:"Pigfarts,Pigfarts here I come!Pigfarts,Pigfarts Yum yum yum!"Best thrown dis:"You know,not all of us earned enough money to buy out NASA when our parents died."And lastly,Dumbledores words to him:"Then why didn't you take the girl out for a Happy Meal and go to space camp?"
on March 23, 2013

Anyone who has read Harry Potter,Hunger Games or Percy Jackson will enjoy Deborah Ellis' The Breadwinner series.
on March 23, 2013

I have Tom Felton,Daniel Radcliffe,Rupert Grint,Oliver Phelps and Emma Watsons addresses if your interested in Fanmailing them.
on September 08, 2019
on March 23, 2013

on March 22, 2013

I have bad news for everyone out there.My Uncle Christopher just died.I don't think i'm gonna be able to laugh for awhile.(Don't worry though Fred & George will have me back to normal in a jiffy!).In the meantime,all my stories (including Harry Potter Characters on Facebook) will be discontinued 'til further notice.Also,i'm putting two stories up for adoption.I'll tell you the titles in my Important Notice which will be in both stories that are up for adoption.Thank you for your See More understanding!
on March 22, 2013
my big sis loves those things