McDermottsAngel - Page 44

Hi. I'm McDermottsAngel, the candy princess.

Some things about me:
- My main idol is Charlie McDermott, and he is just literal perfection. I also absolutely love his show The Middle, See More
My dad asked me if I had become a Literacy Leader today, and I said that I didn't. Then he started yelling at me and saying that I don't deserve to be appreciated, and that I'm just too lazy to do anything that will help me in the future. He said that I'm a rubbish writer, and that I should forget about becoming an author or a journalist and going to college because I'll never make it.

But I'm not lazy, I'm depressed and I just don't have the motivation to do anything. And I See More

It is kind of true, though. . .And he's never read Darkness Falls or Red, because I don't let my parents read my stories because they always say that my stories are 'too dark' and that I should write happier stories. And he thinks that I've just become a terrible writer this year, because apparently I've 'become lazy'.
on December 10, 2015
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Thanks. . .
on December 09, 2015
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on December 09, 2015
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on December 09, 2015
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Today was a bad day.

In Music, when the teacher was telling us what we were going to be doing, these boys kept ripping up pieces of paper and putting it in my hair. They kept making fun of my hair and poking me, and I actually very nearly had a panic attack because they kept laughing at me. I managed to clam myself down, though.

At lunch, I had to go and visit the pastoral mentor with SkyDoesMinecraft Girl and talk to him about the letter I wrote a few weeks ago telling him See More

It's okay. :/
on December 09, 2015
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on December 09, 2015
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Oh noooooo *GROUP HUG*
on December 09, 2015
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on December 09, 2015
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on December 09, 2015
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I just blocked as many people from school as I could find on Instagram, including Human Copy Machine Girl. And I made my Tumblr blog only visible to people with a Tumblr account, so people at school won't find me. I blocked TheDoctorsQueen as well, so she won't be able to see my posts either or show them to people.

I hope this stops people reading my posts. :/
on December 08, 2015
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Other Mika fans: *have signed copies of all the albums, have all the singles and EPs, have vinyl records of the albums, have had their accounts noticed by Mika, have been to concerts, have met Mika*

Me: *doesn't have any of the albums or any Mika-related things at all, has never been to a concert, has never met Mika, has only secretly bought Promiseland from the Google Play Store with the leftover money on the card my mum gave me to buy games with*
on December 08, 2015
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Today was okay, but this morning SkyDoesMinecraft Girl told me that Human Copy Machine Girl was talking about me and my social media on the school bus.

Apparently she was telling everyone that I was the one who liked Mika, and she said that everyone in the year knew who Mika was because of my social media and people reading my posts. She also said that she was Mika's biggest fan, but she doesn't actually know any of his songs. She didn't even know that Lollipop was one of his See More
on December 08, 2015
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Part 2 of today's post:

At the end of the day, SkyDoesMinecraft Girl followed me to my mum's car, and she tried to make me tell my mum that I can't speak at school. But I was much too scared, and I just couldn't. SkyDoesMinecraft Girl started talking about her nearly getting into a fight in a lesson, and when my mum asked me about what happened today on the way home, I pretended that we went to the school nurse because of that. My mum believed me, but she thinks something happened See More

Yeah. . .
on December 07, 2015
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on December 07, 2015
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Part 1 of today's post:

Today was both good and bad.

At break, SkyDoesMinecraft Girl and I went to the school nurse to tell her everything that I forgot to mention when I visited her a few weeks ago. I told her about people finding my social media because of TheDoctorsQueen and making fun of me, and the school nurse said that I should probably change my username, block people from school and set my privacy settings so that only my followers can see my posts. She also said that See More

No, but my fake friend told everyone about my account and they can still see my posts without having an account.
on December 07, 2015
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people in your school have qfeast?
on December 07, 2015
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on December 07, 2015
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Oh my gosh, the dinner date just sold for €15200. ?
on December 06, 2015
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Mika is putting a dinner date and a selfie with him up for auction to raise money for charity, and so far it's selling for €8800. ?
on December 06, 2015
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Karaoke game: Did you know that Mika wrote Grace Kelly as revenge on the record labels that wouldn't sign him?
Me: Did you know that I'm not a fake fan?
on December 06, 2015
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Me: *listening to Grace Kelly*
Me: *realises the guy who sings it is the same person as the guy who made No Place in Heaven*
Me: *cries*

Yeah. ;_;
on December 06, 2015
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on December 05, 2015
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My favourite lyrics from each song on No Place in Heaven:

Talk About You - "It happened to me, totally unprepared. It's the beginning, but I'm not even scared."
All She Wants - "It's an age-old conversation that is changing with the times, but it's oh so complicated if your mother is like mine."
Last Party - "If you could into the future, would you? If you could see it, would you even want to? Got a feeling that there's bad news coming, but I don't wanna find it out."
Good Guys See More
on December 05, 2015
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Today at school, SkyDoesMinecraft Girl told me that Lollipop Girl was trying to say that she was a big Mika fan again when she saw her yesterday morning. She asked her again why she thought This Is Halloween was a Mika song, and apparently Lollipop Girl said that it was because it was 'on Just Dance 3, and every song on Just Dance is by Mika'.

I actually started laughing when SkyDoesMinecraft Girl told me this, because I really can't believe that she thinks every song on Just See More
on December 05, 2015
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I watched the Beautiful Disaster music video, and I really don't like it.

It's basically just Fedez and Mika dancing badly on top of a building, with scenes of bad things happening in the world and Mika playing the piano. Mika and Fedez are hardly in it because there are so many complicated storylines going on in the video all at the same time. :/
on December 04, 2015
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Oh my gosh, I just found out that the Beautiful Disaster music video was released today. ?

I'm going to watch this now. ?
on December 04, 2015
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Today was okay, but at lunch TheDoctorsQueen and her popular friends yelled at SkyDoesMinecraft Girl and I, and when they went to sit on a different table, I heard HeyHoHereWeGo singing Lollipop and making fun of Mika. :/
on December 04, 2015
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A small rant:

People who tweet sexual things about Mika are what's wrong with the fandom, to be honest.

The people who tag Mika in their sexual tweets about him are the worst. You shouldn't tweet him anything that you wouldn't say to his face. They definitely wouldn't run up to him after a concert and start yelling the sort of things that they post on Twitter at him, so they shouldn't really be posting things like that.

Most of the people who do this are 12-16 years old, which See More
on December 03, 2015
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Today was okay. ?
on December 03, 2015
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Do you ever just think about how weird Popular Song is? I mean, it's literally Cat Valentine and the guy who sings Lollipop doing a duet.

Yeah, the original explicit edit featured Priscilla Renea.
on December 03, 2015
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on December 03, 2015
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I'm getting anonymous hate messages on Tumblr again, and for some reason I feel like it's someone from Qfeast sending them. :/
:( dam
on December 02, 2015
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on December 02, 2015
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