McDermottsAngel - Page 38

Hi. I'm McDermottsAngel, the candy princess.

Some things about me:
- My main idol is Charlie McDermott, and he is just literal perfection. I also absolutely love his show The Middle, See More
Today was mostly okay, but my day was ruined by something that happened this morning.

When I got to school this morning, I was really early, so I waited outside my form room with Lollipop Girl and a few other people in my form. Then I heard the girl who yelled at me in the changing rooms after PE a few weeks ago (Let's call her Perfume Girl) say, "I'm going to go and talk to her, because she doesn't talk." I knew she was talking about me, and I felt really scared, because she's See More

Thanks. ☺
on January 28, 2016
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*punches Perfume Girl*
on January 28, 2016
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on January 28, 2016
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People at school: *post anti-bullying pictures on Instagram and talk about how much they hate bullying*
People at school: *are the bullies*
on January 27, 2016
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Part 2 of today's post:

In form, we had to go to the ICT block to get pictures of our idols' faces for the masks for the assembly. I was really scared the whole lesson, and I kept hoping that the teacher wouldn't notice that I was there. But then the teacher said that we didn't have to print them out yet, and we just had to save the pictures to the teacher's shared file on the computer. I couldn't do that either, so I just sat there and wished that the lesson would be over. After See More

A lot of teachers say things like this, it's considered normal. And I didn't panic because today was really not that bad compared to the days where I have a lot of panic attacks. Nothing really happened that would make me panic, because nobody mentioned Mika or tried to make me talk to them.
on January 28, 2016
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Yeah. . .And we were learning about the first world war.
on January 28, 2016
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Yeah. :/
on January 27, 2016
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That happened to me and Sansy one day in class.
I almost screamed.
( i will put the whole story on mine )
on January 27, 2016
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I really want to take all of the people who've been hurting you and smack them a few times. They're horrible.
on January 27, 2016
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on January 27, 2016
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Part 1 of today's post:

Today was a bad day.

At lunch, I was sat with SkyDoesMinecraft Girl, TheDoctorsQueen and Lollipop Girl, and we were all just eating our lunch. Then HeyHoHereWeGo came over to our table, and he started yelling at TheDoctorsQueen and I because we didn't want him to sit with us. We had our reasons, because he's always getting in our personal space and business, and telling people things that we don't want them to know about us. He also always says that he See More
on January 27, 2016
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And tomorrow in form I have to print a picture of the face of someone I idolise to use for my mask for the assembly. I'm really scared. ?
on January 26, 2016
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Part 3 of today's post:

In French, we had to answer some questions in a textbook, and there was a picture of a cartoon girl with two broken legs. Then Twerking Bat Boy shouted, "The picture of the girl looks like Victoria!" and everyone started laughing. I felt really self conscious, and I just felt horrible.

In Science, we had to read out our scores on a homework sheet, and I didn't know what my score was, because SkyDoesMinecraft Girl hadn't written it on my sheet when she See More

I don't mention him a lot in my posts, so yeah. And it's okay. *hugs*
on January 26, 2016
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on January 26, 2016
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on January 26, 2016
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*pats your back* There, there.
on January 26, 2016
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*hugs you*
on January 26, 2016
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on January 26, 2016
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Part 2 of today's post:

In Drama, we were in a different classroom. When I went into the classroom, there weren't any chairs left, so I couldn't sit down. I had to stand up for a while until the teacher noticed that I had nowhere to sit, and she told me to check in the other classrooms on the corridor to see if they had any extra chairs I could borrow. I was scared to go in the classrooms, but luckily they were locked and there was nobody there. I told the teacher that, and she See More
on January 26, 2016
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Part 1 of today's post:

Today was a bad day.

In English, Echosmith Hater Girl and one of her friends were asking everyone if they hated them. Echosmith Hater Girl asked me if I hated her, and I nodded. Then she and her friend started laughing and making fun of me, and she said, "She says that she hates me just because I try to make conversation with her." But I have my reasons not to like her. I would probably like her if she didn't constantly make fun of Mika and talk to me See More
on January 26, 2016
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Today was okay. ?
on January 25, 2016
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Me: Yeah, I speak French.
Me: Elle Me Dit, Boum Boum Boum, J'ai Pas Envie, Les Baisers Perdus, Je Chante, L'Amour Fait Ce Qu'il Veut, Tant Que J'ai Le Soleil.

Hehe ^_^
on January 24, 2016
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It's the titles of Mika's French songs. ?
on January 24, 2016
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on January 24, 2016
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It's really quite amazing how everyone listens to music, but we all listen to it in completely different ways. We all have our own individual music tastes, and everyone listens to different things. Some people like pop music and songs that are in the charts, some like rap music, some like rock music, some like country, some like classical music, etc. Everyone's music taste is unique, and it's actually quite beautiful, because it's part of who we are as people. It also usually See More
on January 24, 2016
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Today was okay. ?
on January 22, 2016
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I really hate the fact that I can't be happy for other people. Every time someone gets noticed by Mika, I see it as him liking them more than his other fans and hating me. Every time someone posts that they're going to a Mika concert, I see it as them trying to highlight the fact that I can't go to concerts. Every time someone says that they've met Mika, I see it as them trying to make fun of the fact that I can't meet him. Every time someone gets better grades than me, I see See More

I guess so, but I'm not jealous. I don't want Mika to notice me any more, because I don't even feel like I would have the motivation to be happy about it, and there are other people out there who deserve it so much more. I just believe that if you get noticed by your idol, get to go to a concert, get to meet them, etc., you shouldn't show off about See More
on January 22, 2016
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Probably not. :/
on January 22, 2016
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I'm really not. One of the most popular people in the Mika fandom got noticed by him today, and she kept showing off about it, so it made me feel bad. I tweeted that I wished I could be happy for her, but I couldn't, and then she subtweeted me and said that everyone should be happy for whoever is getting noticed, and if you aren't happy for See More
on January 21, 2016
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on January 21, 2016
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Today was okay, but in Science we had to go to the canteen to complete a survey about our personal health with the school nurse. There was a question on the survey asking if we had ever self harmed and when the last time we did it was, and I was scared because I really didn't want to answer it. But eventually I made myself answer it honestly, because the school nurse and her assistants were the only people who would read it, and I kind of wanted the school nurse to know about See More

Yeah, I guess.
on January 21, 2016
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on January 21, 2016
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Today was a bad day.

In Music, I had to sit next to the same boys who were making fun of me yesterday in Art. The boy who stole my pencil case was off school, which was good, but the others were still there. The boy who slapped me yesterday kept telling the boy sat next to me to pull my hair, and he kept doing it. It actually really hurt, and they kept laughing at me because I didn't react. And when it was the end of the lesson and we had to stand behind our chairs, the boy who See More

The mask idea is for the assembly, we wear the masks while we're doing it. And it's okay. :/
on January 20, 2016
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Yeah, same. And I hope so.
on January 20, 2016
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I know. They don't teach us anything, and they have no sympathy for anyone.
on January 20, 2016
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No, you wear it in the assembly while everyone is quiet and watching your presentation. You have to wear it, because it's part of the theme. And you're supposed to print it out at school at the same time as everyone else, so I can't say that. And the teacher would probably just take me to another printer and tell me to print it off there.
on January 20, 2016
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Then they're bad teachers.
on January 20, 2016
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on January 20, 2016
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I really don't want to go to school today.

I've just realised that I have Music today, and the boys who made fun of me yesterday sit next to me in that lesson. They always make fun of me and throw things at me, but I've never really worried about it happening before. I just kind of put up with it when it happens. What they did yesterday was horrible, though, so that's probably why I'm scared. :/
on January 20, 2016
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My form tutor said that the date for the assembly is being moved to a day in February, because she thinks that everyone isn't ready to do it. That's good, but I have to help to make the presentation tomorrow in form with Badge Girl, Lollipop Girl and TheDoctorsQueen, and they're all probably just going to yell at me and say horrible things about Mika. :/

I hope so.
on January 20, 2016
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Maybe. But Badge Girl and Lollipop Girl definitely won't be.
on January 20, 2016
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Wow that's sad.
on January 20, 2016
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on January 20, 2016
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I'm not even a week clean yet, and I already ruined it. I'm sorry. :/

Yeah. . . *hugs*
on January 20, 2016
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on January 19, 2016
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Today was absolutely awful.

In Art, I was doing my work, and this boy stole my pencil case and threw it onto the teacher's desk away from me. He and his friends kept laughing at me, and I wanted to get it back. But I was too anxious to get up, and I thought the boy and his friends would laugh at me even more if I went to get it, and they would probably just take it again. So I sat there trying not to cry, and I tried to carry on with my work. Then one of the boy's friends walked See More

Yeah. *hugs*
on January 20, 2016
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Yeah. . .At school I just feel like everyone treats me like an alien or something, and whenever they talk to me I feel more like I'm being interviewed than being talked to as a human being. And I wouldn't give Mika up, but it still hurts when people say things about him. :/
on January 19, 2016
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Hmm, maybe. :/
on January 19, 2016
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Hey, I promise> :)
on January 19, 2016
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Thanks. . .
on January 19, 2016
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on January 19, 2016
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TheDoctorsQueen just sent me a message on Tumblr saying that she talked to our form tutor about letting me not be in the assembly, and apparently I don't have to talk, but I still have to choose an idol to put in the presentation. And the other people in my group will probably make a big deal out of how they have 'stage fright' and purposely make me talk in the assembly, even though they aren't actually scared of doing presentations, like Diamond Girl did when I almost had to See More

I guess. :/
on January 19, 2016
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on January 18, 2016
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