McDermottsAngel - Page 37

Hi. I'm McDermottsAngel, the candy princess.

Some things about me:
- My main idol is Charlie McDermott, and he is just literal perfection. I also absolutely love his show The Middle, See More
I'm really scared for tomorrow. And it's not even the assembly, it's just the planning for it and printing out the idol masks. :/
on February 08, 2016
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My mum came into my room before she went to work, and I asked if I could borrow the charger. She gave it to me and told me to give it back tomorrow, so I can still be online now. I hope I can be online for the rest of the week until I get a new charger. :/
on February 07, 2016
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I just broke my charger, and now I'm annoyed because if I don't have anything to charge my tablet and phone with, I won't be able to listen to Mika or post about my day. And I really need to this week, because of everything I'm worried about this week.

I hope I can borrow my mum's charger or something. I'll try and ask to borrow it tomorrow, because she's going to work now, and if I ask my dad for his charger, he'll take my tablet away and look through it while he's charging See More

Yeah. :/
on February 07, 2016
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on February 07, 2016
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Me: *asks someone what they said five times and still doesn't understand*
Me: *recognises any Mika song at any time no matter how faint it is*
on February 07, 2016
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I just watched the Hurts music video, and it's perfect. The message is really good, and I like it. ?

One thing that I don't understand is why Mika is the one depicted as the bully in some of the scenes, but then also acts as the victim in the rest of the video. I feel like he's trying to show how bullying can hurt people, but I'm not sure. :/

Yeah, same. :/
on February 05, 2016
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Yeah. Someone on Tumblr said to me that he was trying to help the girl put her books away after her shift at the library, but I don't think that's right, because the girl runs away and acts hurt. And then there's that scene where he punches that boy in the arm and he pretends to laugh, but then runs away and seems hurt as well. :/
on February 05, 2016
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on February 05, 2016
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It turns out that Mika didn't release the Hurts music video at midnight, and he released it today while I was at school because he's in Greece at the moment and the time zone is different. ?

I'm going to watch it now, though. ?
on February 05, 2016
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Today was okay, again. ?
on February 05, 2016
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It's going to be about bullying too, and I feel like I'm really going to love it. It's probably going to be one of my favourites of his music videos, and I might even love it as much as I love the Popular Song music video. ?

I'm really excited for it. ?
on February 04, 2016
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Today was okay. ?
on February 04, 2016
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on February 04, 2016
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Today was okay. And the teacher forgot that we had to make masks of our idols in form, so I didn't have to do that. ?
on February 03, 2016
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My mum was going to let me stay off school today because I have a cold, but then she remembered that I have an exam today and now I still have to go to school and print out a picture of my idol in form. :/
on February 03, 2016
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Today was okay, apart from a few things.

In form, the teacher was talking about the assembly, and she got a piece of paper and told everyone to write down their name and who their idol was. I had to write something first, and the teacher asked me who my idol was. I said I didn't know, and then TheDoctorsQueen told her that I couldn't do the assembly because I can't speak at school. Then the teacher said that I didn't have to talk, but I still had to wear a mask with my idol's See More

Yeah, but I don't want anyone else to know about that song. It's quite personal for me, and it means a lot to me so I don't really want to be sharing it with people in real life that I don't like. And I can't do the assembly because I can't talk at school, as I said in the post.
on February 02, 2016
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on February 02, 2016
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Contestant on The Voice France: This is a hard choice. . .I don't know who to pick to be my mentor.
Mika: Choose someone who will challenge you. Don't choose to do this the easy way.
Zazie: You should choose me, because I'm the only girl here. I'll help you to focus more, and if you pick one of the boys, they'll just try to flirt with you.
Mika: But there's no danger of that with me!

It makes me really happy how Mika is so open about his sexuality now and is comfortable with See More
on February 02, 2016
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Today in my English exam, I had to write a story about the war, and I wrote a story based on Heroes. I actually called it Heroes too, and I used some of the lyrics from the song in it. ?
on February 01, 2016
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Haha, it would be funny if that happened. Once I was talking to my friend about Mika at school, and the English teacher laughed and asked me who I was talking about. I feel like she knows who he is. ?
on February 01, 2016
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Laugh if the Examiners read the lines like "Ahh, this girl has taste in music" then give you a real high grade XD
on February 01, 2016
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on February 01, 2016
About Author
Today was okay.

Also, I went to see the school nurse again, and she read my post from Tuesday from the screenshots on SkyDoesMinecraft Girl's phone. She talked to me about each thing that happened, and she asked me why the boy and girl talking about self harm in Drama affected me. I told her that I self harm, and she said it was okay, because my other problems were a lot bigger that that and I don't do it as often as I used to. Then she gave me tips on how to handle my panic See More
on February 01, 2016
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I just remembered that exams are starting tomorrow, and I have three on the same day. Before the start of every exam, everyone has to hand over their phone so that the teachers can put them all in a box and stop anyone from cheating or making noises with their phone. I don't want to hand over my phone, because I don't want to get up in front of everyone and give it to the teacher, and people will probably steal it from the box when everyone gets up to get their phone.

So I might See More
on February 01, 2016
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I'm scared for tomorrow.

On Friday, SkyDoesMinecraft Girl messaged me saying that she had taken screenshots of Tuesday's wall post, and she said that she was going to go with me to the school nurse tomorrow and show her the screenshots of what happened to me to prove that I actually do get bullied. She also read about me feeling bad when that boy and girl were talking about self harm in Drama, so she definitely knows about it now. I thought she would be mad at me, but she was See More

She wasn't nice last time, though, because of when she said that people bully me for a reason and that it was my fault. And she's not allowed to tell anyone, it's part of her job to make sure everything is confidential. :/

And it's okay, I forgot about it anyway. ?
on February 01, 2016
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on February 01, 2016
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My letter speech thing for celebrating 9 years of Mika's career:

Dear Mika,

Nine years ago today, Grace Kelly was number one in the UK charts. Nine years ago today, you had your first hit single. And nine years ago today, you became a proper artist.

I wasn't part of the fandom when it happened, as I was only five years old then, but I liked hearing Grace Kelly on the radio. I remember it being really popular over here in England, and I remember the whole Life in Cartoon Motion See More

Thanks, haha. ❤
on January 30, 2016
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on January 30, 2016
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I just realised that yesterday was 9 years since Mika became famous, and I didn't write my speech thing for it. ?

I'm going to post one in a few minutes. ?
on January 30, 2016
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Today was okay. ?
on January 29, 2016
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