McDermottsAngel - Page 31

Hi. I'm McDermottsAngel, the candy princess.

Some things about me:
- My main idol is Charlie McDermott, and he is just literal perfection. I also absolutely love his show The Middle, See More
Guys, I'm going on holiday tomorrow with SkyDoesMinecraft Girl, her mum, my mum and my little brother. There isn't any wifi in the caravan, and it's really expensive to get wifi. So I probably won't be online until Friday, because that's when I'm coming back. There's wifi in the restaurants and the places on the caravan site, though, and I'm going to be going to Blackpool Pleasure Beach again, and there's wifi there. I'll try to come online, but I might not be able to, because See More

Thanks! And I'll try to take pictures. ?
on April 10, 2016
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on April 10, 2016
About Author
Today was okay. ?
on April 08, 2016
About Author
Today was mostly okay, apart from a few things.

In form this morning, we got given our options. The teacher read out mine first, and I was kind of excited, because I thought I would get the choices that I wanted. But when the teacher read them out, she said that I had got all of my top choices apart from Geography, and I had got Food Tech instead. I was really upset then, because that meant that my future was basically ruined, and I needed to have Geography because it would help See More
on April 07, 2016
About Author
The girl that wrote the fanfiction that I thought was a copy of mine just commented on one of my Instagram posts asking if I wrote Priceless, and she said that she loved it. I said thank you, and then I asked her if she'd seen the comment I left on the latest chapter of her fanfic. Then she replied saying that she hadn't seen it before, and that she didn't realise her story was so similar to mine. She said that it was one of her favourite stories on W attpad, and she wanted to See More

Thanks. . .I think I made the person who wrote the story feel bad, though. :/
on April 07, 2016
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Thanks. I feel like I sounded rude or something though. :/
on April 07, 2016
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on April 07, 2016
About Author
Today was okay. ?

Yeah. ☺
on April 06, 2016
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that's good
on April 06, 2016
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on April 06, 2016
About Author
Mika is going to be releasing a DVD of his performance with the symphonic orchestra in Montreal on 27th May, and it's going to be called Sinfonia Pop. I'm excited because I might see it in shops, and someone might upload it to Youtube so I can watch it, but I'm also kind of sad because I won't be able to buy it.
on April 06, 2016
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Today was a bad day.

In Science, I was doing my work, and the teacher asked me a question. I was scared, but I forced myself to answer the question, and I felt like everyone was looking at me. Then when it was the end of the lesson, this girl said, "Victoria! You actually spoke!" I suddenly felt horrible, and she kept yelling at me and telling her friends that I had said something. It made me feel awful, and I very nearly started crying. I managed not to, though.

In Art, we See More

on April 06, 2016
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I know. . . :/
on April 05, 2016
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on April 05, 2016
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on April 05, 2016
About Author
Today was okay, apart from one thing.

In Food Tech, everyone was sat wherever they wanted, and I didn't know where to sit. So I just went and sat on the table that I usually sat on, and this boy started yelling at me and saying that I couldn't sit there. I ignored them and sat there anyway, because I really didn't have anywhere else to sit. Then the boy and his friend sat down in the seats either side of me, and I was scared because I knew they had moved so they could make fun See More

Well, I can't speak to tell them that. And that would be a lie, and it would make me seem like a really horrible person. But thanks. :/
on April 04, 2016
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*hugs* I'm sorry. Can you tell them you don't speak because they don't deserve to hear your voice? =3
on April 04, 2016
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on April 04, 2016
About Author
I just remembered something that happened on Friday in Maths.

When SkyDoesMinecraft Girl and I went into our Maths classroom, the teacher was having an argument with this Year 10 girl. When we sat down in our seats, we heard the teacher say, "You can't have everything your own way, Mika!" Then SkyDoesMinecraft Girl turned round to me and said, "Mika!" Then we started laughing, and I realised that the Year 10 girl was the person called Mika that everyone always talks about.

I See More
on April 04, 2016
About Author
I just commented on that story asking the person who wrote it if they copied my story, because it was bothering me a lot. I said that I was sorry if they didn't copy it, but if they did copy it, then they should delete it. I explained how much my stories mean to me, and I'm hoping they'll understand.

I hope they don't think I'm rude or a horrible person because of the comment, though. :/

I know she's read my fanfiction, because it's in her reading list. And her fanfiction still has almost the same storyline as mine. And yeah, but there actually aren't that many Mika fanfics about bullying nowadays. Most of them are just those ones where Mika falls in love with a girl in the crowd at his concert, and then they fall in love and get See More
on April 05, 2016
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Yeah. Does it actually sound like my story, or am I just overreacting? :/
on April 04, 2016
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(Delete the space in the link.)
on April 03, 2016
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Yeah. Everything else is exactly the same as my fanfic, though. :/
on April 03, 2016
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No, it's called Grace Kelly, like Mika's song.
on April 03, 2016
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on April 03, 2016
About Author
I just found this Mika fanfiction on W attpad, and the storyline and characters are the exact same as in my fanfic. The story is based in a secondary school in England, where Mika moves and is bullied for being different. Then the main character, who is the author of the story, sits next to him, and then they get to know each other in a Maths lesson and at break. Then in the next chapter, Mika asks the main character to meet him at the park so they can talk about their past together. See More
on April 03, 2016
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Everything turned out okay today, luckily. I managed to hide all of the things that I didn't want my parents to find in my school bag while my parents weren't upstairs, so they didn't end up finding out about anything. I'm really relieved and glad, because I was so worried about it. ☺

Yeah. I'm really glad that everything turned out okay. ?
on April 03, 2016
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Yeah. Thanks. ☺
on April 03, 2016
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on April 02, 2016
About Author
Guys, I'm so sorry that I'm online so late, and that I didn't post earlier. My parents were decorating my room today, and I thought that they would have found out that I like Mika because I left my tablet charging when I went to school, and when they unplugged it to paint my room, it would show notifications from my social media and about Mika. And I think they've been hiding my tablet from me, and they might have found out about Mika, because I've only just found it. I also thought See More

Yeah, me too.
on April 02, 2016
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Yeah, I guess. But on the way home from school in the car, my mum said that she had 'found a lot of interesting things in my room', and even if they didn't find anything, they probably will tomorrow. :/
on April 02, 2016
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Yeah. ?
on April 02, 2016
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Wow, that's a big time difference. ?
on April 02, 2016
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Yeah. . .Thanks. And it's 11pm here, haha.
on April 02, 2016
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on April 02, 2016
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Today was okay, apart from Bars and Melody Girl making fun of me today in History.
on April 02, 2016
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You've got me jumping through a circle of fire, you've got me juggling everything that I care for. And in your world it's like a cage with a tiger, that's what the cuts and all the bruises are there for. ?
on April 01, 2016
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So much on my mind, I think I think too much. Read between these lines, unspoken weight of words. ?
on April 01, 2016
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In slow motion, can't seem to get where we're going. But the hard times are golden, cause they all lead to better days, and we're gonna be alright. ?
on April 01, 2016
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Today was a bad day.

This morning, I went up to the English corridor and walked to form like I had been doing for the past few days, because of the room changes. But today there was nobody there, so I went to go and see if I was supposed to be in my old form room. When I got there, the sign saying that I wasn't allowed to go in was still there, so I thought that I wasn't supposed to be there. I went back up the stairs to the English corridor again to check if anyone was there See More

on April 01, 2016
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on March 31, 2016
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It's okay. . . :/
on March 31, 2016
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Yeah, I guess. And I don't know how everyone else knew to go to the old form room, because they would have seen the sign too. And yeah. But not many people in real life actually care about me. And thanks. ?
on March 31, 2016
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Aw...well...I don't really know what might help...sorry...
on March 31, 2016
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There are 5 more comments. Show
on March 31, 2016
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Today was mostly okay, apart from a few things.

When I was trying to find my Food Tech classroom after I had found out that we weren't in our normal room, I had to keep going up and down the stairs to check if I was in different classrooms, because the other people in my class kept saying that we were in different places. When I was walking up the stairs for the third time, this older boy was walking down the stairs, and he turned round to me and said, "You've walked up these See More
on March 30, 2016
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I just remembered that I have Food Tech tomorrow, but it's the lesson where I have to do woodwork every two weeks.

Now I'm scared, because in the last lesson, Goldfish Girl broke the box I was making, and everyone has one apart from me. And I can't even fix it, because that involves using the machines, and I don't know how they work and I can't ask the teacher. So I won't be able to do very much, but I can't do nothing either because the teacher will yell at me.

Also, in the See More
on March 30, 2016
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