McDermottsAngel - Page 30

Hi. I'm McDermottsAngel, the candy princess.

Some things about me:
- My main idol is Charlie McDermott, and he is just literal perfection. I also absolutely love his show The Middle, See More
I really don't want to go back to school tomorrow, because there's so many things that I'm scared of happening this week and next week.

I have Drama. I have Drama every two weeks anyway, but it's still bad because of how anxious and upset that lesson makes me. It's scary because of how much group work we have to do, and it involves acting and having to speak, so it's just horrible for me.

I have that Food Tech lesson where I do woodwork every two weeks, which is scary. It's See More
on April 25, 2016
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I would probably be found out, though. And Francesca is in a different class to me for both French and Music, so I don't think that could work. :/
on April 25, 2016
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Ugh, that's bad. Good luck with the test.
on April 25, 2016
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Im so sorry. I have a playing test This week, its like the french speaking test but with instruments. I have to play Las Mañanitas. Ugh.
on April 25, 2016
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on April 25, 2016
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I just found out that Mika left X Factor Italia. ?

I'm kind of sad about this, because Mika was feeling bad about his choice to stop being a judge on the show. But I'm mostly happy about this, because X Factor Italia was making him really stressed, and I think he will be happier now. And this also means that Mika will have a lot more time to do things for other countries, so he might actually become popular in the UK again. The only time he wasn't popular over here at all was See More
on April 24, 2016
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The other day, I bought a beauty book, and there was literally a page in it about how to be like Grace Kelly and dress like her. I actually started laughing when I saw that page, and I instantly thought, "I tried to be like Grace Kelly, but all her looks were too sad." ?
on April 23, 2016
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Today is exactly a year since Mika noticed me and I named his new puppy Amira. ????

Yeah, haha. I suggested the name Amira to him on Twitter last year, because it's Arabic for 'princess', and his other dog, Melachi, has a name that is Arabic for 'queen', and Amira is her niece. And it's also supposed to be like my username, because if Mika named her Amira, she would be 'Mika's princess'. So I created a hashtag and See More
on April 22, 2016
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on April 22, 2016
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on April 22, 2016
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on April 22, 2016
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Guys, I'm back now! ?
on April 22, 2016
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Guys, I'm going on holiday with my parents now, so I probably won't be online again until Friday, like last week. I don't even want to go, to be honest, but I have to. :/
on April 18, 2016
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This morning when I woke up, my dad walked into my room and picked up the karaoke game that I got yesterday. He saw that Big Girl was on it, and then he started singing it and talking about how old the song is. And I just sat there and tried to act like I'd never heard of the song before. ?
on April 18, 2016
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Today I bought a karaoke game because it had Big Girl (You Are Beautiful) on it, and after I got it, my mum was looking through the songs and singing each of them. I was scared when she got to Big Girl, because she would probably start singing it, and when she saw that it was on the game, she said, "Big Girl by Mika. I can't remember what that song goes like." And I felt kind of awkward, because of the fact that I know all the words to that song and I listen to it a lot. ?
on April 18, 2016
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I actually hate myself. I wish I was someone other than myself, because literally everyone else is better than me.

Everyone in the Mika fandom is exactly like me, but they're all like better versions of me.

They all have basically all of Mika's merchandise, and their rooms are covered in Mika-related things. They're actually allowed to be a fan of him, and I can't even imagine ever being allowed to like him. They go to his concerts all the time, and it makes me feel bad because See More
on April 17, 2016
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Today I was in an entertainment shop, and I saw that there was a Mika section. I saw two copies of Life in Cartoon Motion, and I felt happy because I knew that I already had it, and I almost felt like a good fan for once. But then I saw a copy of The Boy Who Knew Too Much, and I remembered that I don't have that album. It made me feel like a bad fan again, because everyone else in the Mika fandom has all of his albums and so much merchandise. Then I kept thinking about how everyone See More

I am, though, and it's true. And I know that it happens, but it happens all the time. :/
on April 17, 2016
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I do look like a baby, though. Whenever people first meet me, they always think I'm ten, and they usually think I'm ugly too. And everything I said is true, because I'm just horrible.
on April 17, 2016
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5. I'm not part of it anymore though, because I dislike nearly everyone in the group and they dislike me too. And I took myself out of the group.
6. I really don't, though. And I only ever get called cute, because I look like a baby, and that's just from my close internet friends. Other people in the fandom get called beautiful and pretty, and nobody See More
on April 17, 2016
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And I know, but:

1. I know I have two of his albums now, and I actually feel kind of bad about that too, because I used to kind of be a sort of spokesperson for people that aren't like most of the fandom, or at least that's how I saw myself.
2. I do annoy a lot of people, because most people think I'm too opinionated and overemotional. And I guess, See More
on April 17, 2016
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It is true, though. And I know that there are other people like me, but I think I'm kind of the main person that is like that, because I talk about it the most, even though that probably makes me sound like a horrible person.
on April 17, 2016
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on April 17, 2016
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When all is shaken, say you'll be my safety. In a world uncertain, say you'll be my stone. ?
on April 17, 2016
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Today I was at my grandma's house, and the TV was on in the living room. I suddenly heard Celebrate playing in the background of a show on the TV, and I recognised it from the first note of the song. Then I went into the living room so I could hear the song better, and I pretended to look for something while I was actually listening to it.

It made me really happy that Celebrate was being played on TV, because it's one of Mika's most underrated songs and also one of my favourite See More
on April 16, 2016
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Guys, the holiday pictures are on my personal Instagram now. My personal account is vicasounds, if you want to look at them. ?
on April 15, 2016
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Also, something really good but kind of scary happened on the holiday.


On Tuesday, I was out shopping at the Blackpool shopping centre with SkyDoesMinecraft Girl, and we went into HMV while my mum and my little brother went into a bargain shop. We decided to look for a Mika album, and we found the Mika section in the rock and pop albums. We found No Place in Heaven and Life in Cartoon Motion, and they were both £6. I wanted to get No Place in Heaven, and I See More

Yes. ?
on April 15, 2016
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I KNOW. ??
on April 15, 2016
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on April 15, 2016
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Guys, I'm back from the holiday now!

It was really fun, and I had a good time. My mum was actually nice to me most of the time, and I got to spend time with SkyDoesMinecraft Girl going to interesting places, so I kind of actually felt happy. Even though I knew I wouldn't be happy for very long, it was still good. It was probably the best holiday I've been on, to be honest. ?

I'm glad too. Also, read my latest post about why else the holiday was good. ?
on April 15, 2016
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on April 15, 2016
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I'm eating at a restaurant right now with SkyDoesMinecraft Girl. ?
on April 11, 2016
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on April 11, 2016
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Okay, guys, I'm going on holiday now. I'll be back online on Friday, but I'll try to come online whenever I can get free wifi. ?
on April 11, 2016
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I just realised something. SkyDoesMinecraft Girl's mum knows that I like Mika, and she knows that I'm not allowed to be a fan of him. She might talk to my mum about it, and then she would find out.

I'm scared now. :/
on April 11, 2016
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I just found out that the person that drew my profile picture draws pictures of everyone with Mika, and she didn't just draw me with him because she actually likes me or cares about me.

And she only drew me because someone asked her to, anyway. She definitely wouldn't have done it just because she wanted to, because nobody ever draws me. She probably didn't even want to do it. :/

Hmm, I guess so. . . :/
on April 15, 2016
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Because nobody actually cares about me. :/
on April 15, 2016
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Yeah, but she could have just been pretending to care about me. :/
on April 15, 2016
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It is, though. And she has met me, because after she drew me, we talked a lot. But she just stopped talking to me, and she talks to everyone like she talked to me. :/
on April 11, 2016
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on April 11, 2016
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I just watched a Mika interview where he talked about idolising people, and he said that people shouldn't get too close to their idol and they should just try to be a fan instead of being attached to them. He said that people shouldn't want to meet their idols, because when they are in their fandom, they make them seem like better people than they really are, and the person idolising the celebrity will just be disappointed when they finally meet them, because they realise they're See More

He could. :/
on April 15, 2016
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He might, though. :/
on April 11, 2016
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Yeah, I guess. But I meant that Mika would probably hate me because of when he said that nobody should get attached to someone they're a fan of.
on April 11, 2016
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on April 10, 2016
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