McDermottsAngel - Page 24

Hi. I'm McDermottsAngel, the candy princess.

Some things about me:
- My main idol is Charlie McDermott, and he is just literal perfection. I also absolutely love his show The Middle, See More
Today was okay. ?
on June 23, 2016
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I'm scared to go to school tomorrow, because SkyDoesMinecraft Girl is going on a trip, and TheDoctorsQueen is doing something for the school newspaper with the Literacy Leaders. So I'm going to be on my own all day, and if I'm sat on my own at lunch, the older kids will probably make fun of me and yell at me. :/
on June 23, 2016
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I updated Priceless! ?
Priceless (A MIKA Fanfic) - MikasPrincess/Victoria - Wattpad
Priceless (A MIKA Fanfic) - MikasPrincess/Victoria - Wattpad
Priceless (A MIKA Fanfic) - Victoria has always been an outcast. Nobody has ever wanted to be friends with her, because she doesn't talk. That is, until a boy...
on June 23, 2016
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Today was okay. ?
on June 22, 2016
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Today I have to perform a song by my favourite artist in Music, and I'm scared. :/
on June 22, 2016
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When I got a 7c in French today, it was actually because of Mika. One of the questions on the exam paper asked what 'mauvais temps' meant, and I didn't know, so I almost just guessed the answer. But then I thought about Mika's song, L'amour Dans Le Mauvais Temps, and I remembered that the name of that song meant Love In Bad Weather. So I wrote 'bad weather' and got it right.

Haha ?
on June 22, 2016
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Oh, that's cool. ?
on June 22, 2016
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Haha, I remember reading that post. ?
on June 22, 2016
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Yes ?
on June 22, 2016
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Yay, haha. I actually found a post on Tumblr a while ago that said that listening to Mika actually does help you with French.
on June 21, 2016
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on June 21, 2016
About Author
Today was mostly okay, apart from one thing.

At lunch, I was eating my food, and I felt like someone was staring at me, so I looked up. These boys on the other side of the room were looking at me and laughing, and I tried to carry on eating and ignore them. But I heard them making fun of me, and they were saying that my hair colour was horrible, that I was ugly and that I was staring at them, when I wasn't and they were the ones looking at me. They kept looking at me and saying See More

Yeah. And thanks. ?
on June 21, 2016
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on June 21, 2016
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Today was okay, apart from this teaching assistant yelling at me because I was late to school. :/
on June 20, 2016
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One of my internet friends in the Mika fandom who lives in England found out that it was actually part of the curriculum of British schools to learn about Mika in French lessons. She also said that she actually had to learn about him and listen to his French songs at her school before, and she lives very near to me, so our schools probably have the same lesson plans.

If I actually had to learn about Mika at school at some point, I would probably walk out of the classroom. It See More
on June 19, 2016
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I just tweeted Holly Bourne saying that I loved her books, and I said that The Manifesto on How to Be Interesting was my favourite of her books because of how much I could relate to the main character. And she replied to my tweet. ?
on June 18, 2016
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Part 2 of today's post:

In Maths, Echosmith Hater Girl kept complaining about how bad her day was, and she kept saying that she felt awful because of things like the teacher not letting her go to the toilet and getting the injection. That kind of made me annoyed, because she really doesn't know what a bad day is. And she had just been making fun of me before that, so does she think that hurting other people will make her feel better or something? Then Smoking Boy was talking See More
on June 17, 2016
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Part 1 of today's post:

Today was mostly okay, apart from one thing, and a lot of really crazy and ridiculous things happened at my school today.

In ICT, I was doing my work, and then the pastoral mentor came into the classroom. He told everyone that all of the girls from my form and another form had to go to the room next to the sports hall to get an injection. The pastoral mentor said that it was the second part of the one that we had last year to prevent cancer, and I was See More
on June 17, 2016
About Author
Today was okay, apart from one thing.

In Maths, we were watching the football, and a teaching assistant told SkyDoesMinecraft Girl and I that we could go home early, because everyone else was in different classrooms. We didn't know if that was true, because when we left the classroom, different teachers told us that we could and couldn't go home. So we decided to just walk around school, and when we were outside, this boy that used to bully me in primary school was walking behind See More

Yeah. . . It's horrible how literally everyone in my school is a bad person. :/
on June 16, 2016
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Thanks. I kind of felt bad for getting a better levels than everyone else, because I started to feel like being the only person in the school who is good was a bad thing.
on June 16, 2016
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on June 16, 2016
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3+ Likes for:

❥ Single? Yeah.
❥ Crushing? No.
❥ Favourite food? Chicken noodles.
❥ Favourite color? Indigo.
❥ Favourite Music? Mostly pop music.
❥ Favourite band/artists? Mika is my favourite artist, but I also love Echosmith, Ariana Grande and Alessia Cara. I also like Cher Lloyd, the Scissor Sisters, La Roux, Marina and the Diamonds and a few other bands and artists. See More

Aww, thank you. ??
on June 17, 2016
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Haha. I used to think I was tall, and that most people are just taller than me, but then I found out that I'm the fifth shortest person in my year on school photo day. ?
on June 17, 2016
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on June 15, 2016
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My speech for the one year anniversary of No Place in Heaven:

Talk About You taught us that love is an amazing thing, and that everyone should be able to show their love for another person.

All She Wants taught us that everyone should be accepted for who they are, and that a good parent would love their child no matter who they grow up to be.

Last Party taught us to live our lives while we are here in the world, and to live in the moment, as if the world is going to end.

Good See More

Haha, thanks. It's only one tweet, though. ☺
on June 16, 2016
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Thanks. I wrote this on Twitter yesterday, haha. ?
on June 16, 2016
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on June 15, 2016
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I just found out that today is one year of No Place in Heaven, and I thought it was tomorrow. ?
on June 15, 2016
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Also, today I was in a shop with my grandma after school, and Talk About You came on the shop's radio. I was surprised, because I hadn't heard it anywhere for a while, but I was still really happy that it was being played. So I was just walking around the shop, trying not to cry or fangirl because a Mika song was on the radio.

And when the song finished, Wild Things by Alessia Cara came on straight after it, and I was really happy about that too, because two of my favourite songs See More
Thats good. Its allways a good thing to be happy! ^-^
on June 15, 2016
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on June 15, 2016
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Today was mostly okay, apart from Football Boy making fun of me when I was walking to my Maths classroom.

Yeah, haha. ?
on June 15, 2016
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Want me to punch him. I have some free time XD
on June 15, 2016
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on June 15, 2016
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Today was mostly okay, apart from a few things.

In PE, I was on the exercise bikes with SkyDoesMinecraft Girl, and we were sharing a pair of headphones like yesterday. Diamond Girl was on the bike next to the ones we were on, and she started asking us what we were listening to. I was scared, because it was Lollipop, and I didn't want her to find out that it was a Mika song. SkyDoesMinecraft Girl didn't tell her, which was good, and then she started asking us who our favourite See More
on June 14, 2016
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Also, the other day, Human Copy Machine Girl literally came to school with all the same stationery as me.

This is why I call her Human Copy Machine Girl. :/
on June 14, 2016
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