McDermottsAngel - Page 23

Hi. I'm McDermottsAngel, the candy princess.

Some things about me:
- My main idol is Charlie McDermott, and he is just literal perfection. I also absolutely love his show The Middle, See More
My top five favourite songs from each of Mika's albums:

Life in Cartoon Motion: Relax (Take It Easy), Any Other World, Happy Ending, Stuck In The Middle and My Interpretation.

The Boy Who Knew Too Much: By The Time, Blue Eyes, We Are Golden, I See You and Rain.

The Origin of Love: Heroes, Overrated, Celebrate, Step With Me and Underwater.

No Place in Heaven: Talk About You, Hurts, Rio, Ordinary Man and Promiseland.
on June 29, 2016
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Today was mostly okay, apart from a few things.

In PSHE, I was doing my work, and Echosmith Hater Girl told the teacher that she wanted a new seating plan. She said that she wanted to move seats, because she said that she didn't have anyone to talk to. This boy sarcastically said, "You've got Victoria!" and everyone started laughing at me, and I just felt horrible. Then Echosmith Hater Girl started saying that she really didn't want to sit next to me, and I felt bad about that See More

on June 29, 2016
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Haha ?
on June 29, 2016
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Wow ?
on June 29, 2016
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That sounds scary. :/
on June 29, 2016
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The teacher that I have for PE at the moment is actually the deputy headteacher, and she really just doesn't like me. She made me go and sit in another room once because I got hurt while playing dodgeball, and she yelled at me for crying. She also wouldn't let my best friend go into the other room to help me, even though she asked the teacher See More
on June 29, 2016
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on June 29, 2016
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Today in Drama, we were supposed to be watching a film, but we had to write instead because people were disrupting the lesson and talking during the movie. The teacher said that we could write a story relating to the topic if we wanted, and I wrote this really long story based on the performance that I did before. I was kind of proud of it, and when it was collected in, the teacher said, "At least someone does work in this class." which kind of made me happy.

But I really hope See More
on June 28, 2016
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Today was okay, apart from Nirvana Girl making fun of me in PE.
on June 28, 2016
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My internet friend apologised to me, and we're friends again now. So that's good. ?
on June 27, 2016
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I kind of want to apologise to the internet friend that doesn't like me anymore, but I don't know if I should, because I don't think it was my fault, really. I was just saying how I felt about something, and she just yelled at me for how I felt, even when she knew how I would feel about it. But maybe I should apologise, because I'm just horrible, and nobody should really listen to anything that I say, because everything I say just annoys people. And I don't have any other internet See More

She apologised now, but thank you. ☺?
on June 27, 2016
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on June 27, 2016
About Author
Today was mostly okay, apart from a few things.

In PE, we were playing dodgeball, and I had to throw the ball. When I threw it, it hit Human Copy Machine Girl's best friend, and everyone started laughing at me and making fun of me. I felt like I wanted to cry, and I just felt awful.

In RE, we redid a test, and I had to swap my test with someone else to have it marked. The girl I passed my test to passed it to the table behind her, and I heard a boy on that table say, "Why would See More
on June 27, 2016
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Block by block, from the bottom to the top. I know just who I am, and I know just who I'm not. ?
on June 26, 2016
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Teacher: *taking the register* Victoria?
Me: Here.
Teacher *carries on with the register*
Me: Oh, oh, I ask myself, what am I doing here?
on June 26, 2016
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Lover Boy basically explains exactly how I feel about kids dating and claiming to be in love, to be honest.
on June 26, 2016
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I was actually feeling quite good today, but now I'm not anymore. :/
on June 26, 2016
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on June 26, 2016
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By the way, guys, I'm making a new Day In The Life of MikasPrincess story today. ?

Yes ?
on June 25, 2016
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on June 25, 2016
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on June 25, 2016
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And another thing that happened yesterday was that in ICT, TheDoctorsQueen was working on the school newspaper with the Literacy Leaders, so Diamond Girl had nobody to work with. She wanted to work with me, and I said that she could, even though I didn't really want her to. It was actually kind of fun in the end, and the work we did together turned out really good. But she kept asking me questions about myself, like how most people at school do, and then at the end of the lesson, See More

I guess we're frenemies, haha. And maybe, I kind of hope so.
on June 25, 2016
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on June 25, 2016
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Also, yesterday in Art, we were drawing optical illusions, and I was one of the only people that could draw them. Nirvana Girl and Mouse Boy, who were sat next to me, couldn't do it, and Mouse Boy literally asked me if he could have my work and pretend it was his, just because he couldn't do it. I just shook my head and carried on drawing, but I was really angry about it. He should learn to do his own work, instead of trying to take other people's.
on June 25, 2016
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Yesterday I thought that I wouldn't have to do any more scary things at school for the rest of the school year, because I've got through most of it. But yesterday I was told in History that I have to do a presentation on my own in front of the whole class on Thursday, and now I'm scared about that. :/
on June 25, 2016
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Today was okay. ?

Yeah. :/
on June 24, 2016
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Yeah, haha. Everyone is talking about it, and it's kind of annoying that the UK has left the EU, because now a lot of good things aren't going to be here much longer, and we might have new bad things, like having to be at school until 5pm.
on June 24, 2016
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on June 24, 2016
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Pick a number(s) and I'll tell you my:
1) height
2) best friend
3) relationship status
4) favourite movie
5) have or want any piercings
6) what i hate most about myself See More

Oh, cool. ☺
on June 24, 2016
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Virgo. ?
on June 24, 2016
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on June 24, 2016
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Kids by Mika:

The real lyrics: Just another California day.
What I thought it said: Just another kind of funny day.

The real lyrics: Take your kid gloves off, this is love, not war. Give our peace a chance, make it worth fighting for.
What I thought it said: Take your kid clothes off, this is not normal. Give our peace a chance, make a new world, fall to the floor.
on June 24, 2016
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Alessia Cara's song with Troye Sivan was released today, and it's actually amazing. ?
on June 23, 2016
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