McDermottsAngel - Page 22

Hi. I'm McDermottsAngel, the candy princess.

Some things about me:
- My main idol is Charlie McDermott, and he is just literal perfection. I also absolutely love his show The Middle, See More
Offered up my wrist, and you thought you hit it. But your arrow missed, couldn't kill me with it. All I asked of you was to free my pain, so you couldn't do this to me again. ?
on July 04, 2016
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Take a bow, play the part, of a lonely, lonely heart. Say goodbye, to the world you thought you lived in. ?
on July 04, 2016
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And Mika's songs are making me feel better, as usual. I think his music is one of the only things that helps me anymore, really. He's helped me more than my fake friends ever have, really.
on July 04, 2016
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I think all of my friends in real life are fake friends, to be honest. Nobody who is really a good person has ever cared about me. They've always only ever wanted to use me, because I can't exactly stick up for myself, and when I try, they make me feel bad. And then they always decide that they hate me and leave. :/
on July 04, 2016
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Part 2 of today's post:

In English, we were in a different classroom, and I didn't know where the new classroom was. The note on the door of my old classroom said that it was in a room that I didn't even know existed, and I didn't know how to find it. I couldn't see anyone else from my class, so I was really scared, and I felt as if I was going to have a panic attack again. I kept walking around school trying to find it, and while I was walking around, this older boy jumped in See More
on July 04, 2016
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Part 1 of today's post:

Today was absolutely awful.

In RE, I got my test back. I had been excited to get it back, because I thought I would get full marks on it like the teacher said I would. But when I got it back, I found out that I had got all of the marks apart from one, and I had got 29 out of 30. I was really upset and annoyed at myself, and I thought that Phone Girl, who was the only other person expected to get full marks, had probably done better than me.

In Maths, See More

I guess, but I didn't really want anyone to care about me then, and I just wanted everyone to ignore me. And they might have just been making fun of me and pretending to care, because nobody actually does care. And maybe, but she might leave me. :/
on July 04, 2016
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on July 04, 2016
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And the verses I write will speak for me, good girls don't make history. ?
on July 03, 2016
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Mika is such a nice person, really. He always does things to support charities and help his fans, and he has also literally never done anything bad to be in the media. He's so lovely to everyone, and I just love him so much. ?
on July 02, 2016
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Yesterday, while Mika was performing Underwater at a concert, there were a lot of people under the influence of alcohol and drugs in the crowd. Some drunk girls started punching this other girl, and she was taken out of the concert because she was overwhelmed and upset. After that, Mika invited her on stage to sing and dance with him, and he told her that everything would be okay. And today, he tweeted saying that he hoped the fan would have a better day today.

Mika is such a See More
on July 02, 2016
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Happy birthday! ????
on July 02, 2016
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All these years of trying, if I said I'm happy, I'd be lying. ?
on July 01, 2016
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Part 2 of today's post:

In Geography, we were lining up to go into assembly, and I was stood next to Handbag Girl. She told the girl on the other side to switch places with her, and when she asked why, she said, "I don't like sitting next to people that I don't like." I felt as if everyone hated me, and I felt like crying.

In English, I was doing my work, and this boy was being told off for talking. He said, "But everyone else was talking!" and Football Boy said, "Victoria wasn't!" See More
on July 01, 2016
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Part 1 of today's post:

Today was a bad day.

In ICT, I worked with Diamond Girl again, because TheDoctorsQueen was off school. We were doing the work, and then Diamond Girl said that she wanted England Girl to join our group. I didn't want to work with her, because I didn't really like her, but luckily England Girl said that she was going to work on her own. After a while, we finished the work and printed it out, and I was kind of happy, because it looked quite good. The teacher See More
on July 01, 2016
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I have to do the presentation today, and I'm so scared. :/
on July 01, 2016
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Guys, I might make a School Trip In The Life Of MikasPrincess story when I go to Blackpool Pleasure Beach. ?
on June 30, 2016
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Today was mostly okay, but in Maths, there was a lot of drama and we didn't learn anything because of everyone disrupting the lesson.

But I didn't have to do my presentation in History, because we had another lesson to work on our presentation to give the Literacy Leaders more time, as they weren't in the last lesson. But I have to do it tomorrow now. :/

I'm not still in school, I've just got home to make this post. And I got home late because I was at my grandma's house.
on June 30, 2016
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Your still in school?
on June 30, 2016
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on June 30, 2016
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This morning, when I got up, the music channel was on, and I heard songs like I Kissed A Girl by Katy Perry and So What by Pink being played. I thought that they would be having a day for older music, and I was excited because I thought they would play a Mika song. But it turned out that it was 10 Years of Awesome Girls Day, and it was only for female artists. So they didn't play any of Mika's songs.
on June 30, 2016
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I have to do my presentation today in History, and I'm really scared. :/
on June 30, 2016
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Also, TheDoctorsQueen's internet girlfriend's school is going to Blackpool Pleasure Beach on the same day as our school, so she's going to meet her for the first time. I'm happy for her, because it's really good that she's actually going to meet her. But I'm kind of sad, because she'll probably go off with her internet girlfriend and not want to spend time with SkyDoesMinecraft Girl and I, and it will probably remind me of how I'll probably never meet my internet friends. And See More
on June 29, 2016
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Yesterday, I went to the teacher in the office to ask if she knew anything about my letter for the school trip to Blackpool Pleasure Beach, as I hadn't been given it by my form tutor and everyone else had. She told me to go to the head of year, so I went there. She told me that I needed to see my form tutor, but when I went to see her, she told me to go back to the head of year because she 'didn't deal with it'. When I went back to the head of year, she told me to go and see another See More

Ugh, that must have been annoying. I had to get my letter, though, because if I didn't I would be left at school on my own with the most badly behaved kids. :/
on June 30, 2016
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on June 29, 2016
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