McDermottsAngel - Page 21

Hi. I'm McDermottsAngel, the candy princess.

Some things about me:
- My main idol is Charlie McDermott, and he is just literal perfection. I also absolutely love his show The Middle, See More
I tweeted saying that the Mika fandom should try and trend #GrowingUpAMikafreak, because of all the hashtags other fandoms have, like #GrowingUpAnArianator or #GrowingUpADirectioner. And now hundreds of people are literally tweeting with the hashtag because of me. ?

I feel famous. ?
on July 09, 2016
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And now, I'm keeping my head in the clouds. And it's not so tragic, if I don't look down. ?
on July 09, 2016
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Today was mostly okay, apart from one thing.

In ICT, I was on the computer, and Diamond Girl kept saying that I had to put England Girl's name on my work. I really didn't want to, so I said I wouldn't do it. She kept yelling at me, but I said that I wasn't going to. She said that I had said I would give England Girl my work, and I said that I hadn't, because I had only said that to make her leave me alone. After a while, I still didn't put her name on my work, and she eventually See More

I guess, but I only really stood up for myself because I already know her. I can't really do that for anyone else. :/
on July 09, 2016
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I guess, but standing up for myself just made it worse.
on July 08, 2016
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Yeah. :/
on July 08, 2016
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I feel so bad for u
on July 08, 2016
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on July 08, 2016
About Author
I'm kind of scared to go to school today, because I might have to do my presentation. And I have ICT today, and Diamond Girl is going to make me pretend that England Girl did my work, so I'm probably going to be upset about that too. :/
on July 08, 2016
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Guys, I'm back. The Awards Evening was actually okay. I got to sit with SkyDoesMinecraft Girl and TheDoctorsQueen, and the older kids didn't really do anything to me. And I won a certificate for attainment in English. ?
How did this post get five likes in one minute!? ?
on July 07, 2016
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on July 07, 2016
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I have to go to Awards Evening now, guys. :/
on July 07, 2016
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I have to go to my school's Awards Evening soon, and I don't really want to go. I'm kind of scared, because I'm going to have to go on stage to accept my award, and I'll probably have to sit near older kids that will make fun of me. :/
on July 07, 2016
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Jessie Paege also has Oh Girl You're The Devil in one of her Spotify playlists, and that's one of Mika's least well known songs. ?

She also has quite a lot of songs by La Roux, Alessia Cara and Marina and the Diamonds. So she likes all of the same artists as me. ?
on July 07, 2016
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Today was okay. ?

And Food Tech actually turned out okay, which was good. I was scared, because I didn't really know what I was doing, but I managed to actually ask the teacher for help, which is really good for me. And Nirvana Girl, Mouse Boy and Laughing Boy actually helped me to make my curry, which was kind of surprising because they usually just ignore me or laugh at me. But I guess they can be nice sometimes, like how Badge Girl acts. They all make fun of me, but help me See More

Yeah. ?
on July 07, 2016
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:D glad to hear it turned out okay
on July 07, 2016
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on July 07, 2016
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I have to do cooking in Food Tech today, and I'm scared. I couldn't see or hear the demonstration before, because of people messing around and disrupting the lesson, so I don't really know what I'm doing. And the teacher probably won't help me. :/
on July 07, 2016
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I looked through Jessie Paege's Spotify playlists to see if Lollipop was there, and I also found Popular Song in one of them. ?

She also likes Ariana Grande and the Scissor Sisters, which is good too. ?
on July 07, 2016
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I published My Book of Rants on W attpad as well. ☺
My Book of Rants - MikasPrincess/Victoria - Wattpad
My Book of Rants - MikasPrincess/Victoria - Wattpad
Read My Book of Rants, a 8 part story with 0 reads and 0 votes by MikasPrincess

on July 07, 2016
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on July 07, 2016
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on July 07, 2016
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Guys, I published the new book of rants! ?
on July 07, 2016
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on July 07, 2016
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Guys, I just want to make a post about something awful that some of the kids at my school did. It's not really anything to do with me, but it's just horrific, and I'm just so disgusted by it.

This weekend, a boy from my year and two Year 10 boys broke into a nursery. They smashed all of the cameras, then they broke into the children's petting area. They let some of the animals out of their pens, and they actually stamped some of the animals to death.

I know that the kids at See More

I know. They probably thought it was some kind of horrible 'fun' or something. Or they could have been under the influence of drugs or alcohol, because those boys are the kind of people that would do drugs or drink when they're underage.
on July 06, 2016
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Exactly. It's just horrible, and it seems like nobody even realises how disgusting it is. Everyone at school just laughs and jokes about it, and it's just so awful.
on July 06, 2016
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on July 06, 2016
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This is the video that has Lollipop in it. Also, I'm literally the Overachiever and the Shy Person.
7 Kinds of People at High School | Jessiepaege
7 Kinds of People at High School | Jessiepaege
7 Kinds of People at High School | Jessiepaege I've seen 7 kinds of people you date, 7 kinds of anime, and other videos like this! I've seen videos like this...

Yeah, haha.
on July 06, 2016
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on July 06, 2016
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I was watching a video by a Youtuber I like, and Lollipop came on in the background. And she said in one of her other videos that all of the songs she plays in her videos are ones that she likes, so that means she likes Mika. ??

I like her even more now. ?
on July 06, 2016
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Today was okay. ?
on July 06, 2016
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I just realised that I also said in that post that I was trying to stop being friends with TheDoctorsQueen, and she would have read that. :/
on July 05, 2016
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Today was mostly okay, but in English, TheDoctorsQueen said that she had been looking through my Qfeast posts.

She also asked me if I wanted to meet her internet girlfriend with her, which means that she saw my posts about her and about how I felt left out. I was really scared, because she wasn't supposed to see it, and the only reason I really make posts like that is because I didn't think she would see it. Someone talked to her while she was talking to me, and she turned round See More
on July 05, 2016
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