McDermottsAngel - Page 20

Hi. I'm McDermottsAngel, the candy princess.

Some things about me:
- My main idol is Charlie McDermott, and he is just literal perfection. I also absolutely love his show The Middle, See More
Yesterday I found out that today is Maths Challenge Day, and I'm really scared because I think it's going to be like the real Challenge Day. I've heard that it will be cancelled, but I don't know. I really hope it is, because I'm really worried and I don't even know where I'm going. And SkyDoesMinecraft Girl isn't going to be in school today, so I'll probably have nobody to help me through it if it is like Challenge Day. :/
on July 20, 2016
About Author
Today was okay, again. ?
on July 19, 2016
About Author
Today was okay. ?
on July 18, 2016
About Author
I actually wrote five chapters of Priceless today, and I've nearly finished the whole fanfic now. I just need to write about ten more, and then it will be the end of the story. ?

I kind of want to publish them all, but I can't, because I already updated it two days ago and people probably don't want that many new chapters at once. :/

Yeah, I think I'll publish one each week. ☺
on July 17, 2016
About Author
on July 17, 2016
About Author
on July 16, 2016
About Author
Today was a good day. You can find out about everything I did today when I make my School Trip In The Life Of MikasPrincess story later. ?

on July 17, 2016
About Author

Thanks, haha. And I wrote five chapters of Priceless in the same day today. ?
on July 17, 2016
About Author

Haha, thanks. I thought that chapter wasn't really that good, though, because I don't think it was sad or detailed enough, when it was supposed to be. And I've already nearly finished the new chapter.
on July 16, 2016
About Author

You'll find out when I make my story. ☺
on July 15, 2016
About Author

Yeah. ?
on July 15, 2016
About Author
on July 15, 2016
About Author
I ended up changing my shirt. :/
on July 15, 2016
About Author
We're allowed to wear whatever we want for the trip, and I want to wear my favourite outfit, but people at school will probably make fun of it. It's actually quite a normal outfit, but the kids at my school can make fun of you for literally anything, so I'm kind of scared. :/
on July 15, 2016
About Author
Also, tomorrow at Blackpool Pleasure Beach, Lollipop Girl is going to be walking around with SkyDoesMinecraft Girl and I. She asked us if she could today, because she said she had nobody to walk around with, and I said yes. Even though I don't really like her, I know how it feels to have nobody wanting to hang out with you on a school trip, and I know that it makes you feel horrible. I wouldn't want anyone else to feel like that, so I agreed.

Thanks. ☺
on July 14, 2016
About Author
on July 14, 2016
About Author
Guys, I updated Priceless! ?
Priceless (A MIKA Fanfic) - Chapter 15 - Wattpad
Priceless (A MIKA Fanfic) - Chapter 15 - Wattpad
Victoria has always been an outcast. Nobody has ever wanted to be friends with her, because she doesn't talk. That is, until a boy named Mica Penniman starts a...
on July 14, 2016
About Author
Today was okay. ?
on July 14, 2016
About Author
I also published my new rant on W attpad. ?
My Book of Rants - The 'Kids In Other Years' Rant - Wattpad
My Book of Rants - The 'Kids In Other Years' Rant - Wattpad
This is just a book of rants about things that bother me or that I don't like.
on July 13, 2016
About Author
added a new chapter to My Book of Rants
The 'Kids In Other Years' Rant
Okay, so, this is something that really annoys me. The kids in other years at my school, both the older and younger kids, are just such horrible people. They make fun of people who they've never met before in their lives, and they're just so rude and disrespectful to everyone.

I'm probably one of the people that they make fun of the most, and I've had a lot of experiences where they have done horrible things to me or made fun of me. So I will tell you some of the things that the kids in othe...
on July 13, 2016
About Author
Today was okay, apart from one thing.

At lunch, I was eating my food, and this younger girl turned round to my table. She pointed at me, and she did, "She's a weirdo, her!" I suddenly felt really scared, and I felt like I as going to have a panic attack, but I was also really annoyed and disgusted. What she had done was just so rude, and she couldn't even be bothered to treat me like a normal person. She acted as if I couldn't hear her, and I was just really angry. Then she asked See More
@fox4ever and @Soulfure

Yeah. . . :/
on July 13, 2016
About Author
on July 13, 2016
About Author
on July 13, 2016
About Author
I finally added five new chapters to Red, after over a year of not updating it. ?
Red - MikasPrincess/Victoria - Wattpad
Red - MikasPrincess/Victoria - Wattpad
Kerrie Finch's school is horrific. Murders and fights happen there every day, and many students have died. The teachers don't do anything about it, so Kerrie d...
on July 12, 2016
About Author
Today was okay, apart from one thing.

In Drama, our normal teacher wasn't in school, so we had a teaching assistant as our teacher. The normal teacher had left a note saying that we could play games for this lesson, so she told us to play Wink Murder. But nobody would play it properly, and everyone was messing around. There were a lot of fights, people were throwing chairs, and everyone was screaming and shouting. The teacher didn't even do anything about it, and I was just disgusted. See More
on July 12, 2016
About Author
Today in PE, we were allowed to listen to music, so I just listened to Mika for the whole lesson. ?
on July 11, 2016
About Author
Alessia Cara just revealed her birthday surprise on Twitter, and it was the music video for Scars To Your Beautiful.

I watched the music video, and it's really beautiful, but I don't really want it to be a single. I know that Alessia probably thinks she can help people with it and everything, but now it will become popular because it's one of her songs. And that means that people at school will hear it, and they will probably just make fun of it and not appreciate the meaning See More
on July 11, 2016
About Author
Happy 20th birthday, Alessia Caracciolo! ????
on July 11, 2016
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Today was okay. ?
on July 11, 2016
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