My Book of Rants

My Book of Rants

This is just a book of rants about things that bother me or that I don't like.

published on July 07, 2016not completed

The 'Kids In Other Years' Rant

Okay, so, this is something that really annoys me. The kids in other years at my school, both the older and younger kids, are just such horrible people. They make fun of people who they've never met before in their lives, and they're just so rude and disrespectful to everyone.

I'm probably one of the people that they make fun of the most, and I've had a lot of experiences where they have done horrible things to me or made fun of me. So I will tell you some of the things that the kids in other years have done to me.

The first thing happened at lunch, when I was eating my food. I had brought a Scotch egg to school for my lunch, because I like to eat them for lunch sometimes. And as soon as I took it out of my bag, this older kid looked at it and yelled, "Oh yeah! A Scotch egg! Those are for grannies!" I was actually surprised that they knew what a Scotch egg was, considering how uncultured everyone at my school is. But they probably just know about it because they're older. And also, Scotch eggs are not 'for grannies'. It's literally an item of food, it can't be 'for' anyone. I felt like turning round and telling them that, but I couldn't, because I can't talk at school.

Then after I had eaten the Scotch egg, I took a pot of jelly out of my lunchbag. When I was eating it, the older kids kept looking at me, and one of them said, "Is is nice, that jelly?" Then another one of the older kids literally called me ugly for eating jelly, and I wasn't even angry. I was just disgusted that they were stupid enough to actually call me ugly for liking jelly, because what you eat has nothing to do with how ugly or pretty you are.

Then after that, some other older kids came up behind me, and one of them literally spat in my hair. The one that had spat in my hair actually said, "I've always wanted to spit in her hair!" I was absolutely sickened then. How can you have 'always wanted' to do something like spitting in someone's hair? Why would you ever dream of doing that? That is just so disgusting, and I honestly don't know what goes on in the minds of the kids at my school.

Another thing that the kids in other years have done is something that a younger kid did to me today. I was sat at my lunch table as usual, eating my lunch, and this younger girl turned around to my table. She pointed at me, and she said, "She's a weirdo, her!" I was scared and upset at first, but then I just became really angry. What she had said was just so rude. She was acting like I couldn't hear her, and she didn't even care about the fact that she could be hurting me. She didn't even bother to say hello to me properly or anything, and she acted as if I wasn't a real person. So I was just sat there, annoyed. The younger girl asked if I talked, and TheDoctorsQueen told her that I only talked to people that I trusted. The girl turned around then, and I was relieved, but I was still so disgusted.

And there's another horrible thing that the kids in other years have done to me. Once, when I was eating lunch, these Year 10 girls started yelling at me from the lunch line and asking me to say hello to them. When I didn't answer them, they got angry at me, and when they finished eating their lunches, they came over to my table. They started asking me why I wasn't answering them, and I tried to ignore them, but they wouldn't go away. SkyDoesMinecraft Girl tried to stick up for me, but the older girls just yelled at her and said that they weren't talking to her. They kept asking me questions and shouting at me, and I ended up having one of the worst panic attacks I've ever had. I was crying uncontrollably and hyperventilating, and I couldn't feel my hands or feet. I stopped being able to see properly, and I was really dizzy.

When the older girls noticed that I was crying, they walked away because they didn't want the teacher to find out that they were making fun of me. SkyDoesMinecraft Girl kept telling me to breathe in and out, and she was the only person that cared that I was crying. Everyone else on my table started saying that the older girls 'weren't making fun of me', when they were, and it was just horrible. SkyDoesMinecraft Girl told me that she would go to the Diamond Centre with me, which is where you go if you're being bullied at school. When I stood up, I could barely stand because I was shaking too much, and I could hardly put my bag on my back because I couldn't feel my hands to pick it up. We tried to go to the Diamond Centre, but the teacher in the corridor said it wasn't open, so we couldn't tell the teacher about what happened.

The kids in other years at my school have done a lot of other things to me, but if I listed them all, this rant would be really long. So that's only a few things.

Also, every time I walk through the corridors at school, I'm always scared, because sometimes the older kids yell at me and call me ugly. The amount of times that I have been called 'her with the messed up face' is just horrible, and I've hated how I look ever since they started saying it to me.

And these people don't even know me. I've never met them before in my life, and they don't even know my name. Yet for some reason, they still choose to bully me. I literally don't do anything at all to them, but they like to pick on me because I don't talk, and they think I'm ugly and younger than I am.

I actually don't know how the older and younger kids at my school think that what they do is acceptable. I don't even know how they can live with knowing what they've done to people. But they just don't care, and they just insult other kids that they don't even know because they can. It's just so disgusting.

The kids in other years at my school are just awful people, and they way they act just sickens me.

~ MikasPrincess/Victoria
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Comments (5)

What about those who do use triggered as a meme and do have triggers?
My stepsis does it constantly.
Also, joking is a way to cope with things. 9/11, people get depressed hearing it. I guess someone wanted people to not feel so guilty even though its not their fault.
They should find a better way to deal with their problems instead of joking about them, because then you're just upsetting other people through your own sadness. And if these people were sad about 9/11, they should actually have some respect for the victims.
About Author
on September 30, 2016
About Author
on September 30, 2016
You don't deserve to get bullied like that. Your school sucks and it is one of the most awful schools I've heard of. No offense. If I was there, I would slap them. Not lying! It is very easy to make me mad and angry. I am also 100 percent against bullying. Your so brave to tell us the whole TRUTH OF THOSE STINKING FREAKING IDIOTS!
Yeah, it is. . . And thanks.
no problem X3
About Author
on July 07, 2016
About Author
on July 07, 2016
About Author
on July 07, 2016