My Book of Rants

My Book of Rants

This is just a book of rants about things that bother me or that I don't like.

published on July 07, 2016not completed

The 'When People Insult Their Own Idols' Rant

Okay, so this is going to be a rant about something that bothers me, and that I just do not understand. People that insult and make fun of their own idols.

I see people like this all the time, usually on Twitter. I've seen other people from other fandoms doing this too, but for this rant I'm just going to use the Mika fandom as an example.

There are some people in the fandom that just constantly insult Mika for every single thing he does. They make jokes about how he dresses, how he dances, how he acts, what he looks like. . .It just never stops, and it's awful.

Another thing that they always joke about is how Mika's career is 'over'. Well, it's no wonder that he's not that popular, because all of his 'fans' just don't support him. If these people actually spent more time trying to help him to become more popular and less time making fun of everything he does, then his career wouldn't be 'ending', or whatever else they say about him.

And the worse thing is when they TAG HIM IN THEIR TWEETS INSULTING HIM. I mean, why would you even do that? Why would you want to bring down the person that you claim has inspired you and helped you? It looks like they hate him, even when they claim to be a fan, but they might as well just be haters with the way they talk about him.

Imagine if Mika saw those tweets. Or whoever your idol is, if you're not in his fandom. You would be lowering the self esteem of someone that you say that you look up to, and that's just horrible.

I don't understand why anyone would act this way towards someone they admire. I mean, why would you even call yourself a fan of them if all you're going to do is insult them? If you make fun of someone that you claim to 'love', then I'm not sure if you're even a real fan. Fans don't say horrible things about their idols. They support them, and they are there for them.

And I know that a lot of people will say things like, "The people that post these things are just joking!" or, "Mika (or whoever your idol is) will take it as a joke!"

But the truth is, it isn't a joke. Hating on people is not funny at all, and it is just awful. You also shouldn't make fun of your own idol just because other people are doing it, because that's bad too, and it shows that you care more about your reputation than the person you look up to.

It's like what I said in my 'Idol Hate' rant. Just because hate exists already, doesn't mean it is right.

Basically, if you are a fan of someone, you should respect them and support them. Not make fun of them.

~ MikasPrincess/Victoria
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Comments (5)

What about those who do use triggered as a meme and do have triggers?
My stepsis does it constantly.
Also, joking is a way to cope with things. 9/11, people get depressed hearing it. I guess someone wanted people to not feel so guilty even though its not their fault.
They should find a better way to deal with their problems instead of joking about them, because then you're just upsetting other people through your own sadness. And if these people were sad about 9/11, they should actually have some respect for the victims.
About Author
on September 30, 2016
About Author
on September 30, 2016
You don't deserve to get bullied like that. Your school sucks and it is one of the most awful schools I've heard of. No offense. If I was there, I would slap them. Not lying! It is very easy to make me mad and angry. I am also 100 percent against bullying. Your so brave to tell us the whole TRUTH OF THOSE STINKING FREAKING IDIOTS!
Yeah, it is. . . And thanks.
no problem X3
About Author
on July 07, 2016
About Author
on July 07, 2016
About Author
on July 07, 2016