My Book of Rants

My Book of Rants

This is just a book of rants about things that bother me or that I don't like.

published on July 07, 2016not completed

The 'When People Make Fun Of Serious Things' Rant

Okay, so this is something that makes me quite angry. Every day, on the internet and at school, all I hear is people making fun of serious things. It's just disgusting, and it seems like I'm the only person who doesn't do it. Everyone constantly makes jokes about things that hurt a lot of people, and nobody at all ever mentions that it's wrong.

So that's why I'm writing this rant. To let people know that the things they are saying are not right. Because I'm not even sure if the people that say these things even know how serious this issue is.

I'm going to split this rant into parts, and each part will be about a different thing that people make jokes about.

The first serious thing that people make fun of is triggers, or being triggered. Every time someone gets angry about something, everyone just starts saying the word 'triggered', and they don't even know what it means. The other day in Science, these boys were making fun of it, and one of them said, "What does 'triggered' even mean?" The other one said, "I don't know. It's just 'triggered'." First of all, you should not use a word if you don't even know what it means. And secondly, being triggered is not just getting angry about something. Being triggered is when someone with a mental illness is caused to have a bad flashback or a panic attack because of something they've seen, or something someone else has said. It is a serious thing, and nobody should ever joke about it.

The second thing is Harambe, or whatever that gorilla is called. People constantly make jokes about it, and they're literally making fun of an animal that died. And I don't know that much about what happened, and some people think that it was a good thing that Harambe was shot. But no matter what your views are, you shouldn't joke about death, or anyone or anything dying. It's just not something that anyone should find funny.

The third thing is when people tell other people to kill themselves. Whenever people say this is wrong, the person that said it always says that it's just a joke, and that they're friends with the person who they told to kill themselves. But if you were friends with someone, you really wouldn't want them to die. And imagine if they really were suicidal, or going through things. They might actually do what you told them to do, and then how would you feel? You literally don't know what other people are going through, or what they're hiding. So why do people say things like this? Suicide is not something to joke about, and it's sad how some can hate themselves to the point of wanting to take their own life. You just don't make fun of something as awful as that.

The fourth thing kind of links to the last part, because it's about people that joke about killing themselves. If you're not actually suicidal, you should never say that you're going to kill yourself. It's just horrible how there are so many people who make jokes about how they're going to 'kill themselves' over something like having a lesson they don't like at school. It takes the attention away from people who are actually suffering with depression and suicide, because the people who aren't joke about it all the time. And then when someone who is suffering asks for help, nobody takes it seriously.

People do this with self harm too. I always hear people say that they're going to self harm over something that doesn't matter, like I said about when people joke about suicide. It's just awful. And like another thing I said when I was talking about people making fun of suicide, it makes people that actually do self harm afraid to ask for help with their problems.

The fifth thing that people make fun of is 9/11. I literally don't understand how people can find this funny. So many people died in that event, and it was such a terrible happening that we even have a minute of silence on that day. That shows how bad it really was, and I don't know how you can make jokes about something as serious as that. People even post memes about it every year, and I've even seen people say that they literally 'get excited' for the day of 9/11 so that they can post them. That's just sickening in so many ways.

The sixth thing is people who use mental illnesses or disabilities as insults, and make fun of them. So many people do this nowadays, and I don't know how they can't recognise the fact that it is just wrong. Things like that are not insults, and you should not be using them in that way. It's extremely disrespectful, because people that have mental illnesses or are disabled are not any different from anyone else. You also don't know if someone in the same room as you has that disorder or disability, and they could be hurt or offended by you using their condition as an insult. That has happened to me, so I know that it does hurt.

It's honestly so sad and sickening that this is what kids find funny these days. Is this what the world has been reduced to? Making fun of serious things that have affected a lot of people? Nobody used to joke about these things, so why are people suddenly doing it now? People should be laughing at comedy shows, not tragic stories on the news.

And it's so disgusting that everyone thinks it's okay. Nobody ever mentions that it's wrong, and when someone finally does, they just get the word 'triggered' yelled at them, or told that it's 'just a joke'. But more people need to recognise how horrible this really is, and it needs to be fixed, before the world is like this forever.

~ McDermottsAngel/Victoria
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Comments (5)

What about those who do use triggered as a meme and do have triggers?
My stepsis does it constantly.
Also, joking is a way to cope with things. 9/11, people get depressed hearing it. I guess someone wanted people to not feel so guilty even though its not their fault.
They should find a better way to deal with their problems instead of joking about them, because then you're just upsetting other people through your own sadness. And if these people were sad about 9/11, they should actually have some respect for the victims.
About Author
on September 30, 2016
About Author
on September 30, 2016
You don't deserve to get bullied like that. Your school sucks and it is one of the most awful schools I've heard of. No offense. If I was there, I would slap them. Not lying! It is very easy to make me mad and angry. I am also 100 percent against bullying. Your so brave to tell us the whole TRUTH OF THOSE STINKING FREAKING IDIOTS!
Yeah, it is. . . And thanks.
no problem X3
About Author
on July 07, 2016
About Author
on July 07, 2016
About Author
on July 07, 2016