My Book of Rants

My Book of Rants

This is just a book of rants about things that bother me or that I don't like.

published on July 07, 2016not completed

Author's Notes

Hi, guys!

As you can probably tell by the title of this story, this is going to be a book of rants. In this book, I will rant about things that I dislike, things that annoy me or things that bother me. I have a lot of opinions on a lot of things, and I don't really have a place to post all of them, so I made this rant book. Most of the rants will be about my school or things that have happened to me, but I will do rants about other things too.

I used to have a rant book on here before, but then I stopped updating it and I forgot about it. But I kind of missed having one, so I made another one. I'll try to update this rant book whenever I think of something to rant about, but I don't know if I will be able to, because I have to update other things as well. But I'll try.

So, yeah. I hope you guys will like this book of rants!

~ MikasPrincess/Victoria
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Comments (5)

What about those who do use triggered as a meme and do have triggers?
My stepsis does it constantly.
Also, joking is a way to cope with things. 9/11, people get depressed hearing it. I guess someone wanted people to not feel so guilty even though its not their fault.
They should find a better way to deal with their problems instead of joking about them, because then you're just upsetting other people through your own sadness. And if these people were sad about 9/11, they should actually have some respect for the victims.
About Author
on September 30, 2016
About Author
on September 30, 2016
You don't deserve to get bullied like that. Your school sucks and it is one of the most awful schools I've heard of. No offense. If I was there, I would slap them. Not lying! It is very easy to make me mad and angry. I am also 100 percent against bullying. Your so brave to tell us the whole TRUTH OF THOSE STINKING FREAKING IDIOTS!
Yeah, it is. . . And thanks.
no problem X3
About Author
on July 07, 2016
About Author
on July 07, 2016
About Author
on July 07, 2016