My Book of Rants

My Book of Rants

This is just a book of rants about things that bother me or that I don't like.

published on July 07, 2016not completed

The 'When People Steal Your Fandom' Rant

This rant will probably make me sound like a horrible person too, and a lot of people probably won't understand why I feel the way I do about the things that I will talk about in this rant. I know that a lot of people really won't know how I feel, and I'll probably get comments telling me that I'm 'just selfish' and that I 'need to learn to share my fandom'. But I'm still going to talk about it, because it's something that bothers me a lot.

I really don't like when people steal my fandom and become fake fans. You show someone one song, and then they suddenly think that they're a bigger fan than you. They don't even bother to find out any more about the celebrity that you idolise, or search for any more songs. And yet they still think they're more of a fan than you.

It's horrible, because I have basically dedicated my whole life to supporting Mika. His music has helped me through so much, and even saved my life. He is the only reason that I'm alive, and it just hurts a lot when people claim to be 'big fans' when they don't even love him like I do.

This has happened to me online, and in real life too. On the internet, I get a lot of people that are fake Mika fans. And in real life, there's people like Lollipop Girl. She literally claims that she was a 'big fan' of Mika, even though she only knows Lollipop. She also thinks that every single song on Just Dance is a Mika song, when it really isn't, and that This Is Halloween is one of his songs, when that isn't true either and it's a song from The Nightmare Before Christmas.

And it's just disrespectful, because if you know that someone feels that way about their idol, then you just do not become a fan of them. I make posts all the time talking about how it makes me uncomfortable and scares me when people become fake fans of Mika, and people still continue to do it. Whenever I see that someone else has an idol that they love more than anything else, I don't become a fan of them, because I know how it feels to have someone take your idol from you. It just feels horrible, and I wouldn't want anyone else to feel that way. And if I'm already a fan of that artist, I will stop listening to them, because it would just be horrible if I stayed a fan of someone whilst knowing someone else who idolises them. I've actually stopped listening to quite a few artists because of this, as I wouldn't want anyone else to feel how I do when someone else becomes a fan of Mika. If I don't want it to happen to me, then I shouldn't do it to anyone else.

Another thing that I don't like is when people who aren't close to me mention Mika. A lot of people will probably hate me for this, but it really does scare me when people mention him. It upsets me when people on the internet that aren't part of the Mika fandom post about him, but only if I knew them before they posted about him, and when people at school talk about him.

It's actually really hard to explain the horrible feeling that I get when people like this talk about Mika, but it basically feels like my heart is trying to push itself out of my body through my mouth. It's such a horrible feeling, and it happens every time someone like the kinds of people I mentioned says something about him. It's the worst when people at school sing Lollipop in my lessons and make fun of him, because then I usually end up having a really bad panic attack. Once I was in an English lesson, and Echosmith Hater Girl and Hair Colour Girl were singing Lollipop. They compared Mika to Hair Colour Girl's eighteen year old boyfriend, who was a horrible person, and that upset me so much. I actually didn't stop shaking for almost two hours after it happened. It's just awful, and it just really hurts.

Also, once, I had a really horrible panic attack because of something someone said on here. Someone started to become a fake fan of Mika, and one time she was talking to me about him, and we were talking about how amazing his voice was. She said he was 'one of her idols', and that really scared me, because she had called Mika her idol. I had such a bad panic attack because of that. I was shaking and hyperventilating, and I couldn't feel my hands or feet. I was rocking back and forth on my bed, and I couldn't see properly. I couldn't stop crying, and I had really bad chest pains as well. It was really scary, because I hardly ever have panic attacks at home for some reason, and I had to keep breathing in and out to try and calm myself down. Eventually I did manage to stop panicking, but I was exhausted and I felt so horrible when it ended.

I really wish that I could just be happy when other people liked my idol, and be able to share him like everyone else does with their idols. I wish I could just be normal. Everyone else somehow manages to actually want people to like their idols, and even encourage them to listen to them. But for some reason I can't, and I always feel so pathetic because of it.

But Mika just means so much to me, and I don't think people really understand how much he has done for me. He was there for me when nobody else was, and he has probably helped me more than anyone in real life has ever done and will ever do. This man is my favourite person in the world, and I just love him so much.

A lot of people say that they're fangirls of celebrities, but most people do it just to fit in. Only a few people really know what it's like to actually love their idol like this, and the ones that do will probably be the only people that understand.

To be honest, people should actually ask before liking someone else's idol, because they don't know if it could hurt them or not. And if they knew if it would affect them, it could help.

And I know that people will probably be thinking, "But not everyone else is like you!" But there are other people that are like me. I've had internet friends that were like this, and they felt the exact same way about their idols that I felt about Mika, in the way that they had panic attacks when people mentioned them, that they didn't like when other people liked their idols, etc. Before I found that there were other people like me, I just thought that I was an awful person for being scared of things like this. But other people are like this, and it isn't just me. Also, you really don't know how other people could be feeling about things. Just because someone hasn't posted about them being upset about something like this, it doesn't mean that it doesn't affect them. You don't know people, and you could hurt someone.

Basically, stealing other people's idols is horrible, and you should probably try and find out how people would feel about things concerning their idol before you become a fan of them or anything.

~ MikasPrincess/Victoria
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Comments (5)

What about those who do use triggered as a meme and do have triggers?
My stepsis does it constantly.
Also, joking is a way to cope with things. 9/11, people get depressed hearing it. I guess someone wanted people to not feel so guilty even though its not their fault.
They should find a better way to deal with their problems instead of joking about them, because then you're just upsetting other people through your own sadness. And if these people were sad about 9/11, they should actually have some respect for the victims.
About Author
on September 30, 2016
About Author
on September 30, 2016
You don't deserve to get bullied like that. Your school sucks and it is one of the most awful schools I've heard of. No offense. If I was there, I would slap them. Not lying! It is very easy to make me mad and angry. I am also 100 percent against bullying. Your so brave to tell us the whole TRUTH OF THOSE STINKING FREAKING IDIOTS!
Yeah, it is. . . And thanks.
no problem X3
About Author
on July 07, 2016
About Author
on July 07, 2016
About Author
on July 07, 2016