McDermottsAngel - Page 26

Hi. I'm McDermottsAngel, the candy princess.

Some things about me:
- My main idol is Charlie McDermott, and he is just literal perfection. I also absolutely love his show The Middle, See More
Now three other people have literally complained about others liking their idols, and none of them have got any hate for it. And they all complained about it in really rude way as well, which I didn't really do, but I still get a lot more hate. And as I said before, it's because they're very popular users and people ignore the controversial things they do just because they like them. :/

on June 04, 2016
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on June 04, 2016
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I wish that I could just post what I want about the things that happen to me without people yelling at me for it, to be honest. Most of the people on here don't even know me, and they shouldn't comment on things that they don't understand, especially if they've never talked to me before. I just wish people would leave me alone.

Also, something that is kind of annoying is that another user on here has just said almost the same thing as me, and has said that they don't want anyone See More
Sorry if I hurt your feelings or anything...
on June 03, 2016
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(I'm sorry I'm rambunctious. I feel guilty about everything I've done for some reason so I'm trying to be as social as possible because that helps for me) I know your pain. At school I can't even walk down the halls without being glared at.
on June 03, 2016
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on June 03, 2016
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Guys, I'm scared.

I just had a really bad panic attack, because of something someone posted about Mika that really upset me. I was hyperventilating and shaking really badly, and I stopped being able to think because I was panicking that much. I couldn't stop crying, I couldn't feel my hands or feet, and my chest actually hurt. I really didn't expect it, because every time that I've had one before, it has been at school, and it's never happened at home before. I managed to calm See More
*hugs* The simple mentioning of a test or the name "Emma" sends me in tears (Emma was the name of a bully- Wait, no, abuser is a more accurate term) and that doesn't make you pathetic. Just a trigger.
on June 03, 2016
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on June 03, 2016
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Sometimes I feel like nobody actually takes any notice of my posts telling people not to post about Mika, because people still carry on being fake fans of him. I have reasons for not wanting people to post about him, but people still continue to do it, and it just really hurts. :/
... Half of me feels bad, possibly qualifying as a "fake fan" but the other half says this may be directed at me. If so, I'm sorry *hugs* And if not, then sorry i wasted your time reading this.
on June 03, 2016
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on June 03, 2016
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I blame you for making me addicted to Mika. His voice- *screams*
I can't even..
Also, your name is Victoria? =o
1) Is it bad I get jealous of one of my idols? Because that's my additude about him currently XD
2) I'm also named Victoria! ^_^
on June 03, 2016
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His voice is amazing. ?? And yeah, my name is Victoria. ☺
on June 03, 2016
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on June 02, 2016
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Today is Mika's boyfriend's birthday, so happy birthday to him. He's very lucky to be dating him, and I wish I could thank him for making my idol happy. ??????
on May 31, 2016
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I just watched Alessia Cara's performance at BBC Radio 1's Big Weekend, because I didn't watch it yesterday, and it was really good. She performed Scars To Your Beautiful, which is my favourite song by her, and I didn't really expect her to sing it because it's not one of her well known songs, and it's probably her darkest song. But I'm glad she did, because I really love that song, and I've never heard her sing it live before. Her speech about the song was quite inspiring and See More
on May 31, 2016
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Oh my gosh.

Today I was in the car with my parents, and they were listening to BBC Radio 2. Then I heard a voice come on the radio that I would recognise anywhere, and it was Mika. I really didn't expect him to be on the radio, because he hadn't even tweeted about it, and he usually does before he does a show on the radio. He had tweeted a few weeks ago saying that he was recording something for BBC Radio 2, but he hadn't said when it was or what he was going to do. I actually See More

Yeah, haha. ?
on May 31, 2016
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I guess so. And thanks. And yeah, I'm on holiday this week, but even if I wasn't, I wouldn't post about school anyway, because it's a bank holiday. ☺
on May 31, 2016
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I just looked on Twitter, and all of the other British fans somehow knew about it. :/
on May 30, 2016
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Really? Wow, haha. And I only knew about the tweet where Mika said he was recording something for BBC Radio 2, I haven't seen anything else.
on May 30, 2016
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on May 30, 2016
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Today I was in a shop, and Grace Kelly literally came on the radio when I walked in. ?

When it came on, I actually didn't know if it was Grace Kelly, because it's hardly ever played over here anymore. When I realised that I was right, and I heard Mika's voice, I was trying really hard not to fangirl, because I was kind of happy and excited that it was being played on the radio in England again, and the last time I heard it played anywhere was about ten years ago. I actually nearly See More

I guess. . .But everyone's problems are worth caring about.
on May 28, 2016
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Nyeh, there's worse.
on May 28, 2016
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Aww, I'm sorry. :/
on May 28, 2016
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... I just realized my parents are kinda scared I'm mentally unstable and my brother has my brother has speach issues.
on May 28, 2016
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Yeah, I guess.
on May 28, 2016
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on May 28, 2016
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Part 2 of today's post:

In English, we were watching this movie that the other people in the class had chosen to watch, but it was really inappropriate, so the teacher said that we were going to watch The Big Bang Theory instead. I didn't want to watch it, because I knew that there was a character with Asperger's and a character that doesn't talk in it, so I knew that people would make fun of people that go through things like that. Then when we were watching it, someone asked See More

Yeah. It bothers me how people always make fun of serious things just because they don't understand. :/
on May 27, 2016
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on May 27, 2016
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Part 1 of today's post:

Today was okay, apart from a few things.

In ICT, I was doing my work, and Diamond Girl asked me if I was still a fan of Mika. I was really scared, because I was worried that she was going to say horrible things about him and make fun of him. I said yes, and for some reason she asked me if I had a Mika pillow. I said that I didn't, and she said, "Really?" and laughed at me. I said yes again, because I obviously didn't have any Mika merchandise when I wasn't See More
on May 27, 2016
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I have History again today, and I'm scared because Football Boy is probably going to make fun of me again. :/
on May 27, 2016
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Today was okay, apart from a few things.

At break, SkyDoesMinecraft Girl and I were sat down talking, and TheDoctorsQueen came over to us and sat with us. She started talking about how she was going to the zoo on a trip for Literacy Leaders, and she kept bragging about it. It reminded me of how I wasn't a Literacy Leader, and I almost started crying because I felt really bad. Then Football Boy came over to me and started making fun of me, which made me feel even worse. After See More
on May 26, 2016
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Today was okay, apart from a few things.

When I was walking to my Maths classroom, this girl suddenly pointed at me and yelled, "It's her!" Then she walked away with her friends, and I just felt really horrible and embarrassed. I think it was the same girl that sarcastically called me her best friend yesterday, but I wasn't sure, because I didn't really see the person who shouted.

In PSHE, we had to work in pairs, and I was told to work with Echosmith Hater Girl because she See More
on May 25, 2016
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2 likes and I will tell:

Kissed someone: No. Only in my fanfic, haha.
Been Drunk: No.
Cried Myself to Sleep: Most nights I do.
Self harm: Yeah. . .
Felt lonely: A lot of the time. See More
on May 24, 2016
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Today in French, I had to find out about Paris using the computer. When I searched it, there was a list of upcoming events in Paris, and it literally said 'MIKA concert on 27th May'. ?

I really wanted to fangirl, but I couldn't because I was at school. I was actually shaking a bit, because I didn't expect it to come up on the computer, and people could have seen it. I don't think they did, though, which is good. ?
on May 24, 2016
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Today was okay, apart from one thing.

In French, we were in the ICT block, and I was walking there to find the other people in my class. I was literally made fun of three times, when I was just walking around school. Firstly, these younger kids saw me and made fun of me. Then one of them said, "Hey, that's the girl that Lindsey said was her sister!" Then the others agreed, and one said, "You can tell she's her sister." I was confused, because I didn't know anyone that was called See More
on May 24, 2016
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A rant:

Today at school, in RE, the pastoral mentor came into the classroom, and she told everyone that there would be an assembly in the next lesson. Everyone was trying to guess what it would be about, and everyone was scared because they thought it was going to be about something really bad. I was kind of nervous as well, because everyone kept talking about it and saying that they were worried, and it was making me feel like that too.

But when we went to the assembly, it See More

Same here. But at my school, everyone else agrees with the teachers, and they only behave properly when the inspectors are in school. If I could, I would probably be the only person telling the inspectors what the school is really like. :/
on May 24, 2016
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on May 23, 2016
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Today was actually a good day.

Everything that I was scared about turned out okay. In Food Tech, it turned out that today was the day that we were going to make cakes, but I had brought some money with me in case it was today, so I could pay for it and it turned out okay. And in RE, the teacher didn't notice that my book was full, so I got the lined paper out of my bag and used that, and she didn't notice that either. I'm really relieved that everything turned out okay.

And See More

Yeah. ?
on May 24, 2016
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Oh, right. And it only has Erase on the Japanese version, so the one I have doesn't have it.
on May 23, 2016
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Ohh but the green one does have Over My Shoulder, it's a hidden track. I just looked it up and the pink one has indeed Ring Ring and also Erase, according to Amazon. But except there i didnt see a Dutch website selling the pink one, so i guess i couldnt have had it anyway so yeah q:
on May 23, 2016
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Yeah, it has Ring Ring and Over My Shoulder, which aren't on the standard edition of the album. The pink version is kind of like the deluxe version, really. And thanks. ?
on May 23, 2016
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Anyway i'm really glad for you! ?
on May 23, 2016
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on May 23, 2016
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I'm scared for this week, because there's a lot of things that I'm scared about.

In Food Tech, we're supposed to be making cakes, and we were told that we would be making them on 24th May. But the only day that I have Food Tech this week is tomorrow, and the 24th is Tuesday, but I don't have it then. And you have to bring 40p to school to pay for all of the ingredients, but I don't know if it's tomorrow or not. If it turns out that we are making the cakes tomorrow, and I don't See More

Yeah. . .And I have a week off school next week.
on May 23, 2016
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on May 23, 2016
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