Maya_swan - Page 21

my name is Maya ariana swan. i am a total fangirl trust me!
My fandom's are:
•harry potter See More
.( '_')
.(> )>? I was going to give you this lollipop
.U U

......('_' )
.?<( < But then I was like... See More
Aww! Thank you! :D
on May 13, 2015
About Author
on May 13, 2015
About Author
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
Light Elf
You're very fair, and wish for world peace and equality. Light elves have platinum blonde hair and hazel eyes. They will help anyone with almost anything, so if you need a partner, go to them. They can usually be found basking in the sunshine. They're rarer than most elves, because you cannot find them at nighttime. Anywhere that is dark, they are sure NOT to be. If you're desperate, look in rays of sun at exactly noon. That is the time when they bask most often. They have voices like bells tinkling. If a Light elf doesn't like you, watch out, because they have the power to hypnotize people. They might take advantage of you, but not often.
on May 13, 2015
About Author
chapter eight
chapter eight
the hour passed by fast after that and we all met up at the orchard.
"well, i suppose i should give you a tour" ally said we walked to a big orchard with many apples grapes corn an other fruits, and vegetables. "this is the orchard, this is where we plant our food and over there" she pointed to a green field with picnic tables and a big table full of food. "that's where you will eat" she then lead us to a cool building "this is where all initiates will sleep" the rest you can find on your ow...
on May 13, 2015
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uploaded a photo
Sorry it's blurry and upside down
Maya_swan's Photo 4
on May 13, 2015
About Author
Ok i just found out that one of the actors from the maze runner voices ferb in phineous and ferb or at least i think thats how you spell phineous
on May 13, 2015
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chapter seven
chapter seven
My blood dripped into the amity bowl. The dauntless booed and the amity cheered everyone else clapped. I walked to the amity section and sat by a small brown haired girl and the other seat by me was empty. a couple of names where called then may was called. she walked up from a couple seat behind me and walked up to and smiled at Marcus, looked at me then at mako and cut her hand without hesitation and let her blood drop onto the dauntless coals. the dauntless cheered and amity didn't do...
on May 12, 2015
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chapter six
chapter six
I woke to my sisters alarm clock. i kept my clothes on until my sister pulled off my blankets and she pulled me up.
"today is a special day please get up" Nikky said letting me go
"ok" i said still a little tired i picked up a long sleeve shirt and black leggings. i took a small shower and ate breakfast. Nikky and i walked to the the roof and she gripped my hand as we looked down at the ground. She looked at me with a smile, she knew i was leaving dauntless she knew i wouldn't visit this ...
on May 12, 2015
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chapter five
chapter five
i didn't speak on the way to dauntless i was worried about mako. may had to punch me as hard as she could in the shoulder to get my attention that it was time for me to jump out.
"bye" may said but i just waved and jumped off the train floor onto the roof. everyone began jumping of the roof doing flips and stuff, i faked a smile and jumped off the ledge landing in the net. i climbed out and watched other dauntless kids and teenagers jump off and do stunts. One 12 year old girl went head f...
on May 12, 2015
About Author
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
Your determined mind!
You never stop trying to do something until you do it, because you're one determined person. Anything can happen as long as you try, and you know that. You're also very passionate and have a lot of dreams and goals you hope to achieve one day.
on May 12, 2015
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chapter four
chapter four
i was sent back to my class room to get my stuff so i could get my bag and get ready to go. i picked up my books and gave my homework to Mr. padem for the last time. i started to walk to the bus stop and wait but instead i waited for may and mako. May came in shortly after i had finished packing up but mako didn't follow her i guess he is one of the last ones called
"i know you can't tell me your results but what did you think of the test" i asked
"i think i'm going to get a guard dog" may...
on May 12, 2015
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chapter three
chapter three
The class walked out together and everyone sat in their own faction leaving me with no one i knew. i sat by a blonde haired girl with blue eyes. she had a sandwich in her hands but she couldn't even look at it.
"are you going to eat that?" i asked. she looked at me
"oh um ya" she said but she kept on looking at it
"nerves aren't you" i said
"not really"
"why not" she said taking her first bite
"because i know i'm not getting dauntless and i'm not getting Erudite and other tha...
on May 12, 2015
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on May 12, 2015
About Author
:p this is nothing to how weird and funny i am!
on May 11, 2015
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chapter two
chapter two
Mako,may, and me walked into the school together. The whole school was buzzing about the aptitude test and what they think they will get, even guesses on what the test will be like. All my sister told me about her experience is that she would never get a dog ever in her life so i suppose it has something to do with a dog. we walked in silence trying to get through the crowd to get to class. Many people stepped on my shoe one even pushed me into may who stumbled into mako who was knocked into...
on May 11, 2015
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on May 11, 2015
About Author
on May 11, 2015
About Author
created a poll
which emoji?

which emoji?

on May 11, 2015
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created a poll

hi! or bye

on May 11, 2015
About Author
on May 11, 2015
About Author
created a personality quiz
are you a cat or dog? (3)

are you a cat or dog? (3)

on May 11, 2015
About Author