While you're online you should talk to people. Get to know the community
on March 20, 2016

Oh yeah hahaha
on March 20, 2016

Yeah. "Sitting here watching the hunger games." @Eskibro1
on March 20, 2016

Trump joke???
on March 20, 2016
on March 09, 2016

on March 09, 2016

Me now: Trump can't win! I won't let him!
Next year: no, president Trump can't do that, he just can't!
2018: I'm sitting at home watching the hunger games... I hope my district wins
Credit to @Eskibro1
Next year: no, president Trump can't do that, he just can't!
2018: I'm sitting at home watching the hunger games... I hope my district wins
Credit to @Eskibro1
on March 09, 2016

What's burnt and bubbly and scratching on glass?
A toddler in the oven
A toddler in the oven

"I'm quite fuhrerious at the sight of that joke... at least I can use an oven properly!" -Hitler
"Sorry for the horrible Nazi jokes" ~Ty.
"Sorry for the horrible Nazi jokes" ~Ty.
on March 09, 2016
on March 09, 2016

What would my theme song be from undertale? (IDK I'm bored and curious, and those don't always mix well)
on March 09, 2016

Martin: walking down a path in the woods, looking for Leo. "WHERED YOU GO?"

(Sorry for the migration bomb, but if @Lightstriker195 wants it done, then....never-mind, we just are to make this RP easier...)
on March 10, 2016

on March 10, 2016

Two men, dressed in black are near the gate. One has his head, and arms chopped clean off. The other is being healed by a Shedan. The others are talking amongst each other, and a small fox pup sits squeaking to Tyler.
on March 10, 2016

Martin: just what i need, more runners. *runs after them, recklessly, yet silently, sliding into the bush*
on March 10, 2016

Tyler: *Is gone running down the road chasing after a now sprinting Dareskilith* *a small commotion occurs, and the smell of blood starts to fill the air. Then someone yells with a slight lisp "GET DOWN" then it is followed by silence.
on March 10, 2016
on March 08, 2016

|:{| unibroustache
on March 08, 2016

Was this page forgotten? This upsets dilnar
on March 08, 2016

Hey, wonderful, my school account is glitched. I have four fs and 52 missing assignments according to the school website. My spirits are thoroughly broken because I know I've been turning in my stuff
on March 08, 2016

AAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand its updated
on March 08, 2016

Guys, i just want to take a moment to thank you so much or 115 reads and 25 readers on impure. It really does mean a lot to see that people enjoy my writing. I worked really hard on it for about 2 years now and just wanted to thank yiu all very very much.

*sees docs works in browser* oh...I guess I can do that while at school.... guess I know what I'll be doing today.
on March 08, 2016

Well...when I say group, it's more so a single friend and I with some external, verbal suggestions from those who like the idea. Wish the Amazon Fire phone had google drive on it....but it doesn't...
on March 08, 2016

*Is sorry for reviving comment section* Well, I have permission to share what my group calls: The Blacklist Script RvB RP/story. Also my RvB OC specifically made for the story. Not sure if you care or not, but you are the only other person outside my group to know of this. I'll toss you a link if you want to read early as I transfer the stories to Qfeast.
on March 08, 2016
on March 08, 2016

I dont always leave the tv on when i sleep, but when i do, i get f***ed up dreams
on March 08, 2016