Lightstriker195 uploaded a photo
Notice for Impure. Wouldnt let me post cause it was spam and cant rewrite cause busy.

on January 17, 2018

This world has gone to hell, and we have nobody but ourselves to blame. Instead of working together to find a middle ground, we sit around bickering at each other over who gas it worse, constantly in a stalemate. This is a world where if you're white you're automatically racist, black and you're automatically a criminal, male and you're automatically sexist, female and you're automatically weak. Conservatives, liberals, third wave feminism, antifa, everything has caused this world See More to go downhill. I sit at night and hope every day will be better than the last one. Everyone is so damn focused on proving that they're the good guy, unable to see the poison stirring within their own ranks. Nobody cares if the are people on the street, or how many people die each day. No they'd much rather criticize you and call you a retard for believing in god or having a faith of any kind, or whether or not you believe gender is a social construct. I don't want to hear any of the "that's not real feminism" or the "conservatives/liberals are the good guys". No, each side is guilty, third wave feminism isn't needed in the first world. If somebody tries to help you and you're a dick, you'll get no sympathy from me. I'm tired f being walked and having my views shot down because I'm a "white cisgendered male" or they don't go along with your own beliefs. Dislike this all you want, the truth hurts and this is the real world. Either side, left or right, will go along with you until you show that you have one contradictory belief to theirs, then you're the villain. Debate with me rather than argue with me if you oppose any of these ideas. I'm tired of being walked on simply because
on November 15, 2017

Was thinking, should i change my name to Dilnar on this site? but then people wont call me light...
on November 04, 2017

wonder if Impure will ever make it back to trending, ive just been gone so long. I'll post the next couple chapters in a couple days and maybe that will help, i just want to get the story out there.
on November 04, 2017

Lightstriker195 added a new chapter to Impure

Chapter 5: Outsiders
Hey, look at this!" Linda shouted. She dgasped as she passed by a mystic's kiosk, Leo and Martin running to ctch up with her. She gestured to a couple of charms, which mirrored those hanging from the trees.
"Say, weren't these the things outside on the trees?" Martin asked. Linda nodded.
"A nice eye you have there, young lady." A ragged old man stepped forward, his eyes locked on Linda. His cloak kicked up dust as he walked toward them.
"These charms are very special." He spoke.
"How so?... Read Full Chapter
"Say, weren't these the things outside on the trees?" Martin asked. Linda nodded.
"A nice eye you have there, young lady." A ragged old man stepped forward, his eyes locked on Linda. His cloak kicked up dust as he walked toward them.
"These charms are very special." He spoke.
"How so?... Read Full Chapter
on June 04, 2016

Lightstriker195 added a new chapter to Impure
Chapter 6: Divine Intervention
"Lucas?" Martin asked.
"The kid I'm helping." Rin stated. "He went to Rusty to get his rings back earlier and I couldn't stop him. And I can't find Either of them."
"Calm down," Martin said. "We'll find him. What did he look like?" Martin asked.
"He's kind of short, White hair, feathers down his arms-"
"Yeah I know him." Martin interrupted. "He stole my pendant. I'm going to guess he tried to trade it to the guy for the rings."
"They'll help us, right, Rin?" the girl asked asked. "Two of... Read Full Chapter
"The kid I'm helping." Rin stated. "He went to Rusty to get his rings back earlier and I couldn't stop him. And I can't find Either of them."
"Calm down," Martin said. "We'll find him. What did he look like?" Martin asked.
"He's kind of short, White hair, feathers down his arms-"
"Yeah I know him." Martin interrupted. "He stole my pendant. I'm going to guess he tried to trade it to the guy for the rings."
"They'll help us, right, Rin?" the girl asked asked. "Two of... Read Full Chapter
on October 12, 2017

on October 12, 2017

Friend: Hey, you finished that chapter. You should post it!
Me: Yeah, one second. I'm doing some research and making sure I made everything accurate
Also me:
Me: Yeah, one second. I'm doing some research and making sure I made everything accurate
Also me:
on October 08, 2017

The wait is over. Ch. 6 comes out this weekend (maybe tonight if we go to the gym)
I wanted to post a pic but the quality here sucks.
Ill be updating Impure Bi-weekly for a while. Though it may pause when I get my computer screen fixed.
I wanted to post a pic but the quality here sucks.
Ill be updating Impure Bi-weekly for a while. Though it may pause when I get my computer screen fixed.
on October 06, 2017

Well. Time to start rebuilding myself on here
on September 29, 2017

Gah sorry for no posts guys, been really busy lately
on September 08, 2017

Anyone good at digitally coloring characters?
on September 02, 2017
I’m not opposing you but people take racism to far as well. There are numbers. People think the Cops show is racist because they arrested a black. WTF?! Let a true story be true. But still, you can’t judge a book by its cover.