Stefan Karl Steffanson (Robbie rotten) has survived stage 4 terminal cancer. I meant to post yesterday when I learned but I need to start getting off these sites that are turning into political war grounds.

Isn't it everyone's nowadays.
on August 16, 2017

@tylnapp yeah. I'm starting to hate the internet everyday. But the internet is my life.
on August 15, 2017

That's basically most of the internet nowadays, though do you mean this site as well?
on August 15, 2017
on August 14, 2017

And I'm going to start posting stuff I've limited myself from before. Ill be honest with my opinions, so go ahead and ask away.
on August 08, 2017

Why tf does everyone think they're an expert on politics "Oh hey I read this article on CNN/Fox/Buzzfeed that says "(insert some made up **** here)" so that makes your point totally invalid." No, that's not how it works. The world sucks, every one knows that, and Liberals/Democrats/Republicans/Conservatives have their own pros and cons. Neither side is always right. But people will fog the screen and brainwash others, on both sides, and now all of a sudden every 9-19 year old See More is an expert on politics. I have my views, so just keep yours to yourself if you don't want to respect mine.
on August 08, 2017

Lightstriker195 uploaded a photo
For the writers out there, here is a really good app for planning out your stories.

on July 25, 2017

Sorry I been gone so long guys. Been busy Sith college stuff and trying to get my license. As for Impure, the book is out and published and may be purchased, in an alternate universe. As for the current world we live in I still have a bunch of the story to write, but ill continue to update the draft on here.
on July 24, 2017

Aye *pokes with a stick* do something
on July 10, 2017

I want to rant. But I'm not going to because I have an unpopular opinion
So ill sit in silence until I get a good chance
So ill sit in silence until I get a good chance
on June 29, 2017

Anyone want to try out this rpg and tell me what they think so far?

Here's the link to the game. Just direct download and unzio, and what I have so far is all yours. Let me know what you think
Here's the link to the game. Just direct download and unzio, and what I have so far is all yours. Let me know what you think
on June 28, 2017
on June 28, 2017

To play what I have so far, download and unzip this file.
When I'm done it will have
- character faces by the dialogue
-a Sprint button
-updated and original sprites.
- much more. See More
I would have these things now but I'm very limited with what I can do with my computer offline.
When I'm done it will have
- character faces by the dialogue
-a Sprint button
-updated and original sprites.
- much more. See More
I would have these things now but I'm very limited with what I can do with my computer offline.

Dropbox - Impure Rpg.zip
Shared with Dropbox
on June 27, 2017

Also anyone willing to make sprites for me is more than welcome. This would be especially helpful for custom characters (such as Dare or Tyler that have animal traits that stick out more than others)
on June 27, 2017

Its not big enough to actually call a demo but its got fights against the briarbees. And the little opening sequence. I have to put in where you put the signs down but that's what I'm gonna work on next
on June 27, 2017

I've gotten very little done but its shaping together quiet well. I would put up for people to play maybe the three minutes of gameplay I have but if I any good sharing sites. Any ideas?
on June 27, 2017

Lightstriker195 uploaded a photo
Good news for whats going on. This will take a while but i might have the demo out shortly.

on June 26, 2017

We Haven't Talked In YYYYEEEEAAAARRRRSSS.................So hello.

on June 26, 2017
on June 26, 2017

on June 17, 2017

Well, seems most people I've talked to have left. That's a bummer. Was wondering if you guys wanted me to continue "Impure" on here because I've been gone. I'm keeping it going offline because I want it finished but if if you guys want me to keep it on here. Ill post a sample from a future chapter

@Kanmuru. True, I'm just unsure if too many people would want to continue reading it.
on June 17, 2017
on June 17, 2017

Howdy, remember me?

on May 08, 2017
on May 08, 2017

Was wondering if I should ask kjestine and Chris to review Impure cause theyre bookworms. Ideas?
on April 28, 2017