Hurrivoi's Starred Questions
Hurrivoi has 15 starred questions
In which country would you like to live? Brazil....
Which 2 continents do most farmers live in?

How screwed do you think you'd be if your parents saw your entire internet history? I’m...

Where on earth is Carmen Sandiego? I just HAD to make this!

What do you think about the first day of school?

What would a world populated by clones of you be like?
Would you rather always have a clown hat glued to your head or always have 50 pound wei...

Any female lightning/electricity superhero names? i want specificly female names for a ...

Why is Africa still so underdeveloped?

whats your fav girls name?

why do bullies bully? this question just popped into my head... so i decided to see why...

what is your definition of insanity?

Any Good Fake Disease Names? I need help for my story competition