why do bullies bully? this question just popped into my head... so i decided to see why people think bullies bully.
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because they r holding a grudge against someone or they might have gotten insulted, so they feel that they should take it out on others
on January 05, 2012
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Their are multiple reasons why bullies, well bully
1: Their Family. Sometimes things that happen at home can effect the way the kids act towards other people
2: Someone bullied them, and they want someone else to feel the pain they went through
3: They don't like the person or they envy them. So they just bully them
4: They can't figure out another way to release their anger.
5: Because they're just mean.
6: They think their better then everyone else. Over confident in themselves See More causing them to act that way
Hopefully this answered your question. They're probably more reasons but those are the ones I could think of
1: Their Family. Sometimes things that happen at home can effect the way the kids act towards other people
2: Someone bullied them, and they want someone else to feel the pain they went through
3: They don't like the person or they envy them. So they just bully them
4: They can't figure out another way to release their anger.
5: Because they're just mean.
6: They think their better then everyone else. Over confident in themselves See More causing them to act that way
Hopefully this answered your question. They're probably more reasons but those are the ones I could think of
on June 30, 2017
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They bully because they think they will get all of the attention and they wanna prove That they are the bigger person
on August 07, 2012
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If they say something such as: "Your an idiot!" and you cry, they'll gain more power, and think your weak. I get bullied a lot because of my size. Usually bully's pick on smaller kids or educational/smart kids. My teacher always used to say: "If you do something bad to a person, you'll leave a bad memory. If you do something good to a person, you'll leave a good memory." :) I've always had that in my mind.
on May 09, 2012
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They are so used to being able to disrespect their parents, so they think they can disrespect anyone. One of these days they will mess with the wrong person,|-)
on November 09, 2016
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Sometimes they are going through their own person hardship at home. So they decide to take it out on others so they feel their pain.
on July 01, 2017
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Bullies bully people because they see something in that person that they dont have to all. They wanna makr they person feel bad about they slef either because somebody makes them feel bad about they slef and they dont know nothing but make somebody feel bad about they slef or they are getting bulled at home and jest bully people to make they slef feel better then what they really are feeling.
on May 19, 2014
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on March 11, 2012
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The biggest myth is that bullies were bullied once and it's a cycle that keeps going.
Truth is becoming a bully is easy, and the everybody, including the victim, makes it happen.
The victim already stands out in someway, say glasses or red hair. Now, a small group is just watching him, laughing at how ridiculous the kid can be because it's amusing. It's like watching reality tv irl so they get into it. That kid becomes the base of their jokes.
The way the victim reacts determines See More if they're going to be bullied for the rest of the year or not. If they act so over the top, the other kids will find it amusing and mess with him more.
If the victim reacts angrily or tries to pick a fight, everybody will want to avoid and make fun of them.
If The kid reacts funnily or doesn't seem to care, then they might become friends with the people that were talking about them or the bullies talk less.
Sure- the cycle can happen. However that's a unique situation and not the biggest reason. "Bullies were bullied" is like the slogan of afterschool specials.
Truth is becoming a bully is easy, and the everybody, including the victim, makes it happen.
The victim already stands out in someway, say glasses or red hair. Now, a small group is just watching him, laughing at how ridiculous the kid can be because it's amusing. It's like watching reality tv irl so they get into it. That kid becomes the base of their jokes.
The way the victim reacts determines See More if they're going to be bullied for the rest of the year or not. If they act so over the top, the other kids will find it amusing and mess with him more.
If the victim reacts angrily or tries to pick a fight, everybody will want to avoid and make fun of them.
If The kid reacts funnily or doesn't seem to care, then they might become friends with the people that were talking about them or the bullies talk less.
Sure- the cycle can happen. However that's a unique situation and not the biggest reason. "Bullies were bullied" is like the slogan of afterschool specials.
on April 22, 2018
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Bullies bully cause they want to fell better about themselves so they put down others.
This can't always be, but it is likely thing
It might be depending on who the person is.
Soemthings in their past could've triggered it.
They themselves could've been bullied.
They could have a grudge or just want revenge.
They could find themself to be a lesser human being and feel like they need to be powerful. See More
They could just naturally be an asshole.
If they are just naturally an asshole just stay away.
Dont give them any satisfaction.
This can't always be, but it is likely thing
It might be depending on who the person is.
Soemthings in their past could've triggered it.
They themselves could've been bullied.
They could have a grudge or just want revenge.
They could find themself to be a lesser human being and feel like they need to be powerful. See More
They could just naturally be an asshole.
If they are just naturally an asshole just stay away.
Dont give them any satisfaction.
on November 11, 2016
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Most bullies bully because they have been bullied themselves. They are insecure. Give them a chance. Stand up for yourself...
on January 03, 2016
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because there mean little butts and they think that since people were mean to them they will be mean to others
on May 25, 2013
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bkuz they hurt in the inside of them so they put they anger out on other people :((:">
on May 22, 2013
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they have been hurt in a way in the past so they decide to hurt people back even if the person didnt do it
on April 21, 2013
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It makes them look better.
They don't think that it will hurt you.
They do it for fun.
They do it because they're jealous.
They want popularity.
:'( It's tragical.
They don't think that it will hurt you.
They do it for fun.
They do it because they're jealous.
They want popularity.
:'( It's tragical.
on April 20, 2013
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Bullies bully because they get bullied. I've gotten bullied but I'm not a bully.
...That sounds like a tongue twister!
...That sounds like a tongue twister!
on April 16, 2013
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I used to get bullied because of my size and I don't know what else but my friends stood by me. Bullies are just cowards. The way I got them to stop is when me and my mates were all going to the park to hang out when they came up to us. They started being mean but luckily my friend had a folder of photos from when we were little (she likes carrying it round because it has all her stuff in it) and she found some pictures of them when they were little. There was one of him picking See More his nose and another of her in a princess dress...they never came near me again after that!

on April 02, 2013
on August 11, 2012
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Well I HATE bullies and if you bully you have a lot to explain...FUNKYLIZZIE150 and also they think it's cool. This girl at my school (Alisha) gets bullied loads by this horrible girl (Emma). I wih I could do something to stop her but she won't stop.
on July 24, 2012
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number of resasons
ill list the top three of of my head
they used to get bulied/abbused
they were raised that way and think its ok
their jealous
ill list the top three of of my head
they used to get bulied/abbused
they were raised that way and think its ok
their jealous
on March 14, 2018
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bullys bully because they have been through rough times and turn there anger agenst the person. bullies arent bad people, its the people around the bully that made him a bully
on March 14, 2018
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Because they want attention, I don't know why but when a guy beat up somebody he can get attention.. The logic is just DUMB, like they are beating a nerd, the nerd is smarter than you. But, I'm not reading minds of bullies.. They can have a different reason, but I know they are begging for attention.
on October 16, 2017
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It honestly depends, Most of the time, it is because they are ill treated at home, their parents don't spend enough time with them, or my reason, I didn't realise I was bulling them.
on September 12, 2017
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Bullying has nowadays become just a form of recreation. It's for no reason that bullies generally bully.
on July 03, 2017