Why is Africa still so underdeveloped?
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Africa first off is a hard continent to live on terrain/ geographically speaking also Africa has had a lot of government problems and I mean they've just hit every obstacle hard...

on April 13, 2015
on April 04, 2015
on July 15, 2014
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Thats SO stereotypical of you!!!! Look up johannesburg, THATS IN AFRICA
on July 15, 2014
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It is a very complex issue but I will try and summarize it.First of all, Africa is not a country; it is the second largest continent with billions of people from different ethnicites who speak more than 2000 languages. In the past, the continent was divided into a number of chiefdoms, kingdoms and even empires. There were no nation states like in most of Europe and the concept of a European style nation state did not exist in most of Africa. Most of the countries in Africa currently See More are a result of Otto Von Bismark, chancellor of Germany, who called various European countries to a conference in Berlin where they carved up Africa into countries. Different ethnic groups that had no relation with each other or were enemies were put in the same country and that has been a major cause of war and conflict in most of Africa. Some countries became the personal property of Kings like King Leopold of Belgium who killed more than 6 million Congolese all in the name of rubber.
When the colonialists left (just 50 years ago for some African countries and others just 20 years ago), a majority of the populations in this continent were illiterate. Some were forced to pay taxes to their former colonial powers for their independence (France). My country Kenya flourished after getting independence in 1963 but the world economic troubles of the 70s hit us and most other countries in Africa. The IMF recommended the same financial packages that is now being forced down the throats of the Greeks onto most African countries. Many people were retrenched and a large majority that were illiterate did not get the education they needed and most companies run by the governments were privatized. This only changed when some debts were forgiven by IMF and World Bank and when a large majority of the population got educated.
When the colonialists left (just 50 years ago for some African countries and others just 20 years ago), a majority of the populations in this continent were illiterate. Some were forced to pay taxes to their former colonial powers for their independence (France). My country Kenya flourished after getting independence in 1963 but the world economic troubles of the 70s hit us and most other countries in Africa. The IMF recommended the same financial packages that is now being forced down the throats of the Greeks onto most African countries. Many people were retrenched and a large majority that were illiterate did not get the education they needed and most companies run by the governments were privatized. This only changed when some debts were forgiven by IMF and World Bank and when a large majority of the population got educated.
on June 13, 2018
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Em because they Got independent Recently.. But i don't think it is "Underdeveloped" You should call it as "Developing"
on August 19, 2016
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Back when there was slave trading between africa, america, and the Caribbean islands, did you ever wonder where (exactly) those slaves were coming from? The answer is Africa, but here's how. African slave traders took prisoners of war and sold them off as slaves. To have war prisoners, there'd need to be a lot of war. This caused tribes wanting money to fight against other tribes and take as many prisoners as possible. African people lived in fear of a random clash and it became See More hard to develop when another tribe destroyed your city once a week. Then the slave trade fell and the majority of countries couldn't make money off of fighting. It became hard to go back to the way things were before since other countries had grown so quickly over time.
Africa is also a jungle, deseart, mountain, and generally has difficult terrains. This meant that sending people to help Africans was extremely hard.
Some places have gotten more technologically advanced like south africa, Kenya, and Nigeria all have at least 3 big cities with unfortunately high crime rates.
Some people prefer traditional ways of life too, which in peoples opinions, slows down progress. Think of the Amish. There are still nomadic tribes like the Massai and they just enjoy their way of living.
Africa is also a jungle, deseart, mountain, and generally has difficult terrains. This meant that sending people to help Africans was extremely hard.
Some places have gotten more technologically advanced like south africa, Kenya, and Nigeria all have at least 3 big cities with unfortunately high crime rates.
Some people prefer traditional ways of life too, which in peoples opinions, slows down progress. Think of the Amish. There are still nomadic tribes like the Massai and they just enjoy their way of living.
on June 12, 2018