DragonGirl added a new chapter to Fire Creasent Flames

Christian's First Day
The next morning Avery woke up. Christian was still asleep. She stood up and walked into the bathroom, brushed her teeth put her hair in a ponytail, and got dressed in a light gray tee-shirt and black jeans. She walked back out and sat on her bed. She grabbed her black and white shoes and picked up her charm bracelet. She slid it on her wrist. She walked towards the door and once again, she picked up the family sword and slid it in her pant loop. I was almost time to leave, figuring she shoul...
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on December 02, 2012

I'm kinda proud of "Fire Crescent Flames", my newest book :3 so please, I would really appreciate if I got some readers of it. If you don't like it, sorry I couldn't fit your taste. If you do like it, awesome! I'd like to here from you whether you like it or not.
on December 02, 2012

DragonGirl added a new chapter to Fire Creasent Flames

The Visitor
"Who are you and what are you doing here?" she asked sternly, yet shaky of nervousness. "If you must know, I'm Christian Jones, from the wind magic clan." he said in a normal voice, as if talking to a friend. "Wait, did you say wind magic clan? As in the wind dragon?" she asked gripping her sword tighter in fear. "Yeah, guess you could say that. And you're from the fire magic clan?" he asked, already aware of the answer. "The what?" she said, loosening her grip slightly. "So you don't know? T...
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on December 02, 2012