Are bad spelling or emoticons considered a grammatical error?

"Are" Huehuehue.
on April 13, 2016
on April 13, 2016

I've finished the drawing of Wolfsun if you want to see it ^_^
on April 13, 2016

Yay 400 followers! ^_^
Thank you to those who took the time to click the follow button!
Goodnight, everyone, I will be flying to Tokyo tommorow.
Thank you to those who took the time to click the follow button!
Goodnight, everyone, I will be flying to Tokyo tommorow.
on April 05, 2016

Wolves Of The Ravine
Ferone doesn't know where he belongs. He doesn't know where he is. Or even what he is. But his whole life changes when he comes across the wolves of the ravine. Can outsider Ferone save an entire pack from peril?
on April 05, 2016

Dei_Dei added a new chapter to The Guide to Great Story Writing
Spacing and Paragraphs
Good spacing in a story makes a story easier to read.
Include a space when:
A new person is talking, (e.g)
"Are you sure we should go there?"
"Yes, it's the only choice."
"Are you sure we should go there?"
"Yes, it's the only choice."
Don't do this! (E.g)
"I think we should go shopping." She said. "Yeah me too." "Where are we going?" "Eastfield." "It's really good"
This makes it hard to see who's talking, and makes the text look ugly!
Include a space when:
The topic is chan... Read Full Chapter
Include a space when:
A new person is talking, (e.g)
"Are you sure we should go there?"
"Yes, it's the only choice."
"Are you sure we should go there?"
"Yes, it's the only choice."
Don't do this! (E.g)
"I think we should go shopping." She said. "Yeah me too." "Where are we going?" "Eastfield." "It's really good"
This makes it hard to see who's talking, and makes the text look ugly!
Include a space when:
The topic is chan... Read Full Chapter
on April 04, 2016

on April 02, 2016

*chews burger* I
*scratches armpit* care
*rips pizza* alot
*licks ice cream* about
*touches face* my
*lies in bed* health
*scratches armpit* care
*rips pizza* alot
*licks ice cream* about
*touches face* my
*lies in bed* health
on April 02, 2016

Dei_Dei added a new chapter to The Guide to Great Story Writing
Along with a good title, must come a good description.
Examples of good descriptions:
(Title: Chewy) (author: Bruce Klein)
Chewy had been a stray since he was a puppy. Sometimes he travelled with other street dogs, but more often he made his rounds alone. Bruce began to feed this huge, loveable, timid animal, and he soon met other locals who looked out for Chewy too.
The neighbours saw Chewy shivering in the winter rain, and knew it would only be a matter of time until the local animal cont... Read Full Chapter
Examples of good descriptions:
(Title: Chewy) (author: Bruce Klein)
Chewy had been a stray since he was a puppy. Sometimes he travelled with other street dogs, but more often he made his rounds alone. Bruce began to feed this huge, loveable, timid animal, and he soon met other locals who looked out for Chewy too.
The neighbours saw Chewy shivering in the winter rain, and knew it would only be a matter of time until the local animal cont... Read Full Chapter
on April 02, 2016

Dei_Dei added a new chapter to Wolves Of The Ravine (abandoned)
Chapter 13
Ferone had done nothing but training and errands for the past few sunturns. He didn't even get to explore more of the territory with Brincel.
Ferone made his way to the third den, Tyun had asked him to deliver what seemed like a bundle of green and yellow to Oryan; the only medicine wolf in the pack. The third den was sheltered by an overhang of moss and ivy and was located near the heart of the camp.
"Excuse me." Ferone awkwardly called as he pushed through the entrance.
A white she-wolf ... Read Full Chapter
Ferone made his way to the third den, Tyun had asked him to deliver what seemed like a bundle of green and yellow to Oryan; the only medicine wolf in the pack. The third den was sheltered by an overhang of moss and ivy and was located near the heart of the camp.
"Excuse me." Ferone awkwardly called as he pushed through the entrance.
A white she-wolf ... Read Full Chapter
on April 01, 2016

I forgot that it was April Fool's day, I don't have a prank planned v-v
on April 01, 2016

Just a little thing with your bio, I believe you spelt Aquarius wrong, forgive me if you intended to spell it like that!
on March 31, 2016

Hey everyone, if you have time, I'd like you guys to give me some advice on my story. :)
on March 31, 2016