Dedeea's Starred Questions
Dedeea has 35 starred questions

What are Queen Elizabeth II's duties?

Is it worth buying Play Station 4 Pro without 4K TV?

Do you believe cats have psychic abilities? If so, how?

Stranded on a deserted island, what ONLY ONE food would you prefer to eat? Every day, e...

How long is the open world part in Evil Within 2? Please no spoilers

How many phone numbers do you know by heart? Whom?
What are the main cultural differences between China and Japan ?

Does blood have a smell? If so, what does blood smell like?
What is the difference between president and CEO (of a company) ?
What is the difference between president and chairmen (of a company) ?
Is it correct to have a space before a question mark? Like: "How are you ?" I have seen...

Do you believe people is thinking too much about money these days?

How long have you been on Qfeast? (1) I just had my one year anniversary! I've been on ...

qfeast vs facebook! which one?
What is the fastest growing plant?

Which Dead Space similar games do you know and recommend? I've finished all Dead Space ...
Why are Israel and the Palestinians fighting over Gaza?

Why is Africa still so underdeveloped?

What is the poorest country in Africa? What country has the least money, food, water, c...