Dedeea's Starred Questions - Page 2 Dedeea has 35 starred questions In an orchestra, is a conductor really necessary? What is the purpose and the responsib... Do you believe in 'the unknown'? Do you believe in ghosts/ zombies/ tarot cards/ vampir... Why does the moon's gravity affect the ocean tides? I know scientists say it's the moon... Where is the save file for Resident Evil 6 PC version? You were stuck on an island what three things would you want with you? I know what I wo... Why do you think the meaning of life is??? Well, in R.E., we had to write down what we ... What is a good single word with same meaning as the "the person whom I am talking to" e... Have you got your mum a mothers day present yet? Because it is on Sunday people! Who was your first follower? My first follower was roxrox. You can see who was your fir... Vikings....Facts.... We're learning about the Vikings in school, so I'd like to know so... what country's/states have you been to? i was wondering what states people have been to... whats your name and name meaning!! dont be afraid mine sucks!!! :'( What Albert Einstein died from? I know he died in 50's, but I would like to know more d... Can the most powerful telescope on Earth see the flag on the Moon? Why haven't we been to the moon in more than 40 years? We’ve overcome so many technolog... « 1 2