what country's/states have you been to? i was wondering what states people have been to or states i have been to 32 states and 2 countrys so i have been to a lot so if you have been to another country or state click on this question!
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I've bin to Canary Islands, Spain, Ireland, Austria and Italy. I have never bin to a state in USA because I am English. I went up the Leaning Tower of Pisa when I was 6, but I was 8 yesterday, because my birthday was 6 July, and today's the 7 July.

Nice so your eight now? Thats pretty cool to have been to all those places
on July 08, 2014
on July 07, 2014
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i live in nj and i have been to tennesee,florida,pennsylvania,ohio,new york,virginia,maryland,delware!
on January 26, 2014
on January 26, 2014
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i have been to 2 dif countrys and they are Venesuala and mexico my dad played baseball and we traveled a lot lol
on February 13, 2013
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United States of America; Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, North Carolina, Kentucky, Virginia, D.C., Maryland, And South Carolina, In That Order. :)
on September 02, 2015
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Ireland, Spain, Italy, London, Canary Islands, but I've been to Ireland 14 times, Spain:1, Italy:2 London: 2 Canary Islands: 2
So yeah I travel a lot ._.
So yeah I travel a lot ._.
on July 29, 2015
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I live in Ontario,Canada and visited Orlando,Florida twice.

That's cool.When i'm older i'm gonna visit other places.I wanna go to England,Greece,Egypt,Rome,Australia,Africa and Ireland.I don't know why though.Just feel like going there I guess..
on September 29, 2013
on July 30, 2013