Heyheyhey we should talk more again. I've been working on the thing :>

Same uwu
on May 10, 2018

Definitely! I’ve missed you :P and thank you so much, he’s amazing!
on May 09, 2018

Also I only know Thomas Sanders because of Jon Cozart, but he seems cool. Also, I'm here for you, just letting you know uwu
on May 08, 2018
on May 08, 2018

Drifting between the blurring lines. Hovering on the brink. The edge of what? Hm. Ideas, ideas.
on April 23, 2018

on April 07, 2018

Personal OC Headcanon:
Cyanide's first word is the word; Flirt. Venom only laughed at that, teasing her about how she'll be a looker.
Crescent's first word is kill. Kage stopped what he was doing and ruffled her hair, giving a rare, proud smile. He made a note to move training up.
Azariel's first word is eviscerate. Eihsa gave a chuckle and nodded in approval. He'd mention how 'Riel would take after him, and Ash, but also at how diffrrent he'd become.
Onyx's first word? Frostie. See More Eihsa heard about it and cracked up. Ash threatened to stab him, but was secretly glad it wasn't 'Ashie.' (He wasn't amused when 'Ashie' was the next word, and even less amused that Eihsa had been constantly saying it to Onyx so that he'd say it.)
Oliver's first word was 'Olive' which became 'Ollie'. Blaze wasn't sure what to make of it but started calling her 'Olive' for short; until she started crying. He resorted to 'Ollie' instead. Good choice.
Kin's first word was 'Sold'. Grey was confused, but realized that it's essentially combining part of 'Silver' and 'Gold' together, as abstract as the link. He realized when Kin pointed to his reflection in the mirror, repeating it.
Cyanide's first word is the word; Flirt. Venom only laughed at that, teasing her about how she'll be a looker.
Crescent's first word is kill. Kage stopped what he was doing and ruffled her hair, giving a rare, proud smile. He made a note to move training up.
Azariel's first word is eviscerate. Eihsa gave a chuckle and nodded in approval. He'd mention how 'Riel would take after him, and Ash, but also at how diffrrent he'd become.
Onyx's first word? Frostie. See More Eihsa heard about it and cracked up. Ash threatened to stab him, but was secretly glad it wasn't 'Ashie.' (He wasn't amused when 'Ashie' was the next word, and even less amused that Eihsa had been constantly saying it to Onyx so that he'd say it.)
Oliver's first word was 'Olive' which became 'Ollie'. Blaze wasn't sure what to make of it but started calling her 'Olive' for short; until she started crying. He resorted to 'Ollie' instead. Good choice.
Kin's first word was 'Sold'. Grey was confused, but realized that it's essentially combining part of 'Silver' and 'Gold' together, as abstract as the link. He realized when Kin pointed to his reflection in the mirror, repeating it.
on April 05, 2018

A ring which summons an unbreakable barrier (whether or not it actually is, is up for debate) around a certain radius of the wearer,lasting for 3 days at most, enough time to regain mana or heal someone. It depends on how long it lasts for.It has 3 gems on it, a sapphire, a blue diamond and an amethyst. Each one seems to light up when fully charged. When used, it’ll use the full charge on there, regardless of whether or not you intended to. It takes a week for the minimum charge See More of 1 day. (The order of gems that light up is sapphire, blue diamond, amethyst.)
An unbreakable barrier. Woo. Fun. Enough time to get back strength, though.
It's easy enough to carry around and can be seen as a simple fashion accessory.
Is it really unbreakable?
It has to be used, fully.
When used, none can enter the barrier...But none can exit either. Magic isn't disabled, but one can't teleport or leave it.
An unbreakable barrier. Woo. Fun. Enough time to get back strength, though.
It's easy enough to carry around and can be seen as a simple fashion accessory.
Is it really unbreakable?
It has to be used, fully.
When used, none can enter the barrier...But none can exit either. Magic isn't disabled, but one can't teleport or leave it.
on March 06, 2018

Cristallite added a new chapter to The Book of Randomness

Raven, an (attempted) sonnet
Raven, a Sonnet
She's quite a beauty, or so I've been told.
With raven black hair, darker than the night,
And stunning eyes, as warm as molten gold,
She never fails to bring joy and delight.
She's a playful one, who enjoys a prank
And yet she's just as fierce as she is kind,
But even so, if I were to be frank
And as rare as one like she is to find,
She's imperfect like the rest of us, though
She has her weaknesses and has her flaws,
Even still, I will always love her so
As a whole, from h... Read Full Chapter
She's quite a beauty, or so I've been told.
With raven black hair, darker than the night,
And stunning eyes, as warm as molten gold,
She never fails to bring joy and delight.
She's a playful one, who enjoys a prank
And yet she's just as fierce as she is kind,
But even so, if I were to be frank
And as rare as one like she is to find,
She's imperfect like the rest of us, though
She has her weaknesses and has her flaws,
Even still, I will always love her so
As a whole, from h... Read Full Chapter
on February 13, 2018

Cristallite added a new chapter to Tangled Threads of Fate (Sonic the Hedgehog)

Book 1, Chapter 7; Ignite
Meeting him again reminded her of what he had done, reigniting her thirst for vengeance and extinguishing the flame of doubt. (It cackled in glee, knowing it had finally won.) She’d hunt them down and then find him and get him to explain. She’d drag him back to her kicking and screaming if she had to.
She had placed her schemes on hold, but the plan was back in motion, and her determination to complete her goal was burning brighter than ever. She wondered how they’d feel once they had gotten... Read Full Chapter
She had placed her schemes on hold, but the plan was back in motion, and her determination to complete her goal was burning brighter than ever. She wondered how they’d feel once they had gotten... Read Full Chapter
on February 13, 2018

Cristallite added a new chapter to Tangled Threads of Fate (Sonic the Hedgehog)

Book 1, Chapter 6; Passerby
Once, she had a brother. His name was Dusk. He left her when she needed him most, severing their bonds. So she cut ties with him too. He was no brother of hers, she insisted. A true brother would have stayed by her side. She never thought she’d meet him again.
It was a chance encounter if one could even call it that. She passed him on the streets, and though he had changed and went by a different name, cut bonds or not, she would always be able to recognize those deep blue eyes, as rich as th... Read Full Chapter
It was a chance encounter if one could even call it that. She passed him on the streets, and though he had changed and went by a different name, cut bonds or not, she would always be able to recognize those deep blue eyes, as rich as th... Read Full Chapter
on February 08, 2018

Cristallite added a new chapter to Tangled Threads of Fate (Sonic the Hedgehog)

Book 1, Chapter 5; Conflicted
Leaving the Guild gave her time to think. She had already killed and done so much for her revenge, but what would she do after it? Was it really worth it?
Yes. They took your friends from you and razed your home. They deserve everything that they’ll get. Karma will come back and make them pay. They’ll feel your wrath and suffer at your very hands for what they’ve done.The voice inside her hissed venomously.
No. Revenge will change nothing. It won’t bring them back. And the slate you’re tryi... Read Full Chapter
Yes. They took your friends from you and razed your home. They deserve everything that they’ll get. Karma will come back and make them pay. They’ll feel your wrath and suffer at your very hands for what they’ve done.The voice inside her hissed venomously.
No. Revenge will change nothing. It won’t bring them back. And the slate you’re tryi... Read Full Chapter
on February 03, 2018

Cristallite added a new chapter to Tangled Threads of Fate (Sonic the Hedgehog)

Book 1, Chapter 4; Redemption
Time passed. She was no closer to her goal and what did she become? A monster.
She never wanted this.
She needed to survive.
She didn’t want to kill
She had to. The weak die and the strong survive. An age-old law ingrained into her mind.
Not like this. Never again. She wanted to be free from these chains of guilt. The guilt always remains. Her hands were stained with blood, no, drenched in it.
Blood doesn’t wash out so easily. A slate so red cannot be wiped clean in a day.
She could make... Read Full Chapter
She never wanted this.
She needed to survive.
She didn’t want to kill
She had to. The weak die and the strong survive. An age-old law ingrained into her mind.
Not like this. Never again. She wanted to be free from these chains of guilt. The guilt always remains. Her hands were stained with blood, no, drenched in it.
Blood doesn’t wash out so easily. A slate so red cannot be wiped clean in a day.
She could make... Read Full Chapter
on January 31, 2018

on January 29, 2018

Cristallite added a new chapter to Tangled Threads of Fate (Sonic the Hedgehog)

Book 1, Chapter 3; Survivor
She became a wanderer, a nomad of sorts but that was only on the surface. She had her schemes and plots, but she held her cards close to her chest. She joined a Guild and became an assassin for a living, she had to, in order to survive. She was no better than them. But she kept her goal in mind. She wouldn’t give up, not until they faced justice.
Once, she was injured and on her deathbed, killers were often hated so it was no surprise, but her time was running out. So she made a deal with the... Read Full Chapter
Once, she was injured and on her deathbed, killers were often hated so it was no surprise, but her time was running out. So she made a deal with the... Read Full Chapter
on January 27, 2018

Cristallite added a new chapter to Tangled Threads of Fate (Sonic the Hedgehog)

Book 1, Chapter 2; Bonds
She had a family, once. A loving mother and father, and a brother. They were happy, once. Then her mother grew sick, but she began to recover. Then her father was killed, murdered in cold blood. Her mother was struck down with grief and rather than recovering, the sickness worsened and she passed away. She had a brother too, once, but then he left her to fend for herself. They used to be close and stuck together like glue. Then her mother passed away and he drifted, choosing to shatter their ...
Read Full Chapter
on January 25, 2018