9th of January, time flies.

The reason for posting this was because it was my birthday.
on January 12, 2018
on January 09, 2018

I love your About Me. Fire Emblem's amazing, so is the song. It's been a while.
on January 07, 2018

When you realize that the title you were planning on using for one of your upcoming projects/stories sounds like it could be the name of a Pokemon game.
on January 06, 2018

Old Username:
-The_Panda_Otaku (Previous.)
Feel free to call me Cris, or any of my other nicknames, even if they're from past usernames i.e Panda, Crim etc. Cheers.
-The_Panda_Otaku (Previous.)
Feel free to call me Cris, or any of my other nicknames, even if they're from past usernames i.e Panda, Crim etc. Cheers.
on January 06, 2018

Hey, want to see a little side project I'm working on?
on January 05, 2018

on December 26, 2017

School starts up again tomorrow, ain't it fun?
on October 09, 2017

I was watching a "Try not to sing" challenge video earlier based on "Be More Chill", "Dear Evan Hansen" and "Heathers". It started off with "Two Player Game" or more specifically, George Salazar. They just had to start with George Salazar. I stood no chance. Rip, at least once I was out I could sing along to the others freely, that is, to the ones I knew.
on September 30, 2017

...Getting out of my Hamilton phrase, yeah, I totally didn't start lipsyncing near the end.

Broadway Riff-Off w/ Neil Patrick Harris
Neil Patrick Harris interrupts James during the show challenging him to a riff-off to settle a dispute and figure out who is truly more Broadway. Featuring T...
on September 30, 2017

I'm still a fan of Hamilton, but my current Musical that I'm trying to get into is called "Be More Chill," I don't know if it's working or not. Heathers was before Hamilton, though, and that wasn't a major obsession like the "Hamilton" phase was. So who knows if this attempt will be successful, also, just a reminder...Memorize more lyrics, preferably from the said musical(s).
on September 30, 2017

3 years 6 months
Happy Anniversary! As of today, you have been with Qfeast for 3 years 6 months
Tempted to just leave Qfeast and check back in a month's time, I rarely go on anyways. But hey, Happy Anniversary to myself if that counts.
Happy Anniversary! As of today, you have been with Qfeast for 3 years 6 months
Tempted to just leave Qfeast and check back in a month's time, I rarely go on anyways. But hey, Happy Anniversary to myself if that counts.
on September 30, 2017

Joined Qfeast on March 29, 2014.
..I'm still here :>
Still don't know why, but it's nice to meet new people ^-^
Even if I'm pretty much inactive now, haha.
(Kudos to those who understand the tiny, minuscule and very vague reference.)
..I'm still here :>
Still don't know why, but it's nice to meet new people ^-^
Even if I'm pretty much inactive now, haha.
(Kudos to those who understand the tiny, minuscule and very vague reference.)
on August 16, 2017

3+ LIKES FOR...I didn't think I'd make it but here we go.
A- Available: Nope :P As in, not answering. Damn.
B- Birthday: 9th January (2003)
C- Crushing On: Do fictional characters count?
D- Drink you last had: Frozen Coke. Well, water technically since I'm still drinking the frozen coke.
E- Easiest person to talk to? My IRL friend :D Her name will remain a secret. But as for on here? I've met too many people, but I need to give a mention to @sapphirethehedgehog. Thank you for See More not giving up on me and still talking to me despite my absence, and also to @TsumikiMiniwa. You're amazing and I enjoy talking to you, as well as all of our RP's.
F- Favourite song: Right now? It'd be "Wait for it' from the Hamilton soundtrack.
G- Grossest memory: I'm sorry but this is n/a.
H- Hometown: I live in Perth. Don't exactly know my birthplace.
I- In love with: A lot of fictional characters.
J- Jealous of: Certain fictional characters.
K- Killed someone: In real life? No. In games...Hell yes >:D
L- Longest friendship: One of my IRL friends. She doesn't have an account on here.
M- Middle Name: Cristina
N- Number of siblings: 0
O- One wish: Right now it'd be for the original cast of Hamilton to come to Perth and perform Hamilton; in particular at a time so I can watch them.
P- Person who called you last: Uh. Probably my dad?
Q- Question you're always asked: "How are you?"
R- Reason to smile: I've got amazing friends both offline and online; talking to them, even in an RP, is always fun and cheers me up.
S- Song you last sang: Alexander Hamilton from the Hamilton soundtrack.
T- Time you woke up: I didn't check the clock but I didn't get out of bed until at least 10.30am; I woke up earlier, though.
U- Underwear colour: Is this necessary?
V- a Violent moment you had: I can't think of any particular moments where I've lashed out as someone; verbally, perhaps. Physically? No.
Z- Zodiac: Capricorn.
~Seriously stolen~
A- Available: Nope :P As in, not answering. Damn.
B- Birthday: 9th January (2003)
C- Crushing On: Do fictional characters count?
D- Drink you last had: Frozen Coke. Well, water technically since I'm still drinking the frozen coke.
E- Easiest person to talk to? My IRL friend :D Her name will remain a secret. But as for on here? I've met too many people, but I need to give a mention to @sapphirethehedgehog. Thank you for See More not giving up on me and still talking to me despite my absence, and also to @TsumikiMiniwa. You're amazing and I enjoy talking to you, as well as all of our RP's.
F- Favourite song: Right now? It'd be "Wait for it' from the Hamilton soundtrack.
G- Grossest memory: I'm sorry but this is n/a.
H- Hometown: I live in Perth. Don't exactly know my birthplace.
I- In love with: A lot of fictional characters.
J- Jealous of: Certain fictional characters.
K- Killed someone: In real life? No. In games...Hell yes >:D
L- Longest friendship: One of my IRL friends. She doesn't have an account on here.
M- Middle Name: Cristina
N- Number of siblings: 0
O- One wish: Right now it'd be for the original cast of Hamilton to come to Perth and perform Hamilton; in particular at a time so I can watch them.
P- Person who called you last: Uh. Probably my dad?
Q- Question you're always asked: "How are you?"
R- Reason to smile: I've got amazing friends both offline and online; talking to them, even in an RP, is always fun and cheers me up.
S- Song you last sang: Alexander Hamilton from the Hamilton soundtrack.
T- Time you woke up: I didn't check the clock but I didn't get out of bed until at least 10.30am; I woke up earlier, though.
U- Underwear colour: Is this necessary?
V- a Violent moment you had: I can't think of any particular moments where I've lashed out as someone; verbally, perhaps. Physically? No.
Z- Zodiac: Capricorn.
~Seriously stolen~

Ah, I feel for you. Frankly, I don't know if I have siblings, but as far as I know? I don't.
on June 24, 2017
on June 24, 2017

Cristallite added a new chapter to The Book of Randomness
Project A.R.C Segment V.1.03
He expected this day to come, it was better this than grow old and die of old age without making any contributions to society. But why would he want to help the Government? Everyone in this city knew by now. The Government had begun making changes, there were new, strict rules that if broken, often lead to punishments, punishments with consequences as serious as death. It was seen as cruel and heartless, but he understood. Many knew about the Government’s plan to make a superior species, hum...
Read Full Chapter
on June 23, 2017