Disc: Requiem#5708
Quot.ev: Crimson [Panda00100]/Cristallite
That's the two main ones. Any others such as Sky.pe? Dm.
Quot.ev: Crimson [Panda00100]/Cristallite
That's the two main ones. Any others such as Sky.pe? Dm.
on October 27, 2018

Greetings once again.

Yeah ^.^U I’ve actually attempted to pop on it once or twice but felt a little weird just being like “sO YOU KNOW HOW WEVE JUST LEFT THIS FOR A MONTH-?! I WANNA DO STUFF-“
on November 01, 2018
on October 27, 2018

on September 24, 2018

I'm not dead, le gasp! I'll get back to work when I can; when the ideas start coming back uwu

Aha of course! I’m currently on my 6 week holidays so I shouldn’t be too busy. Yet I now have a job and do volunteering so I might still be awkward with times ^.^U
on August 09, 2018
on August 09, 2018

The other night,
I had a dream,
There was a world full of Kings and Queens
But it was cold,
dark as the night
We were the fire under moonlit skies.
I had a dream,
There was a world full of Kings and Queens
But it was cold,
dark as the night
We were the fire under moonlit skies.
on July 25, 2018

so dead
on July 21, 2018

Let me know if anyone's up for something. They can challenge Azura or Crimson.
on July 02, 2018

Name: Crimson
Age: "I'd prefer not to say, thanks." ~Crimson
Weapons: She's adept in multiple weapons, and skilled in throwing daggers, blades and more, but that doesn't mean she uses them.
Powers: Elemental manipulation, specifically, fire manipulation and teleportation (short range; shadow travel due to her demoness heritage.)
Gender: Female
Forms: Normal, Half-Demon (where she adopts more of her demonic bloodline), Demon (where she allows her demon blood take over) and Mode See More Zero (The nickname she's given to when she loses control of her demon bloodline in which it possesses her. This mode is dangerous, and she does her best to contain it.)
Human or Mobian: Mobian.
Backstory: I'll keep this to myself unless it's necessary to explain it.
Ability: Crimson has fire manipulation. She has enhanced reflexes and speed due to her demon bloodline. Her bloodline gives her stronger powers and the likes, but it comes with its drawbacks, though, I won't go into detail.
`A brief summary.`
Age: "I'd prefer not to say, thanks." ~Crimson
Weapons: She's adept in multiple weapons, and skilled in throwing daggers, blades and more, but that doesn't mean she uses them.
Powers: Elemental manipulation, specifically, fire manipulation and teleportation (short range; shadow travel due to her demoness heritage.)
Gender: Female
Forms: Normal, Half-Demon (where she adopts more of her demonic bloodline), Demon (where she allows her demon blood take over) and Mode See More Zero (The nickname she's given to when she loses control of her demon bloodline in which it possesses her. This mode is dangerous, and she does her best to contain it.)
Human or Mobian: Mobian.
Backstory: I'll keep this to myself unless it's necessary to explain it.
Ability: Crimson has fire manipulation. She has enhanced reflexes and speed due to her demon bloodline. Her bloodline gives her stronger powers and the likes, but it comes with its drawbacks, though, I won't go into detail.
`A brief summary.`

For more detail, see my OC Book, though, the OC has been revised but not edited.
I'll also be submitting Azura, who has ice and water manipulation.
I'll also be submitting Azura, who has ice and water manipulation.
on July 02, 2018
on July 02, 2018

Cristallite added a new chapter to A Book of Poems
Sometimes it can be hard to speak your mind,
Sometimes it can be hard to find,
The courage to speak up, to find your voice.
Fearing that it may be the wrong choice.
You’ve spent your life speaking in whispers, hushed
But would you rather spend your life feeling crushed?
Of missing opportunities because you stayed mute,
Choosing to take the same, worn-down route.
Would you rather be the shepherd or the sheep?
You’ll never learn to fly if you never try and take the leap,
One step at a time ... Read Full Chapter
Sometimes it can be hard to find,
The courage to speak up, to find your voice.
Fearing that it may be the wrong choice.
You’ve spent your life speaking in whispers, hushed
But would you rather spend your life feeling crushed?
Of missing opportunities because you stayed mute,
Choosing to take the same, worn-down route.
Would you rather be the shepherd or the sheep?
You’ll never learn to fly if you never try and take the leap,
One step at a time ... Read Full Chapter
on May 22, 2018

I've been practicing my battle skills, so hopefully I've improved :)
I've also hoped I've improved on my RP in general, so if you're up for one, let me know, provided you have a general idea as to what you want to RP, and a plotline/story/gist of where you want it to go.
I've also hoped I've improved on my RP in general, so if you're up for one, let me know, provided you have a general idea as to what you want to RP, and a plotline/story/gist of where you want it to go.

I'm up but I'm cleaning dishes so I may not respond https://www.qfeast.com/page/ZrcuEo/Death-battle#
on July 02, 2018
on July 02, 2018

On break officially; 2 weeks, actually...Soo....:)
on July 01, 2018

Cristallite added a new chapter to A Book of Poems
Yellow is psychologically the happiest colour.
It’s joyful and happy and bright.
Without it, surely my life would be duller,
A bleak meadow with nothing but trampled flowers in sight.
Yellow is the colour of gold.
Golden memories, moments and days,
Golden stories yet to be told,
Golden as the flowers in May.
Yellow is the colour of the tangerine sun,
Warm and vibrant every day
And for each and every one,
The sun illuminates Earth with its rays
Yellow is the colour I associate with you,
As pu... Read Full Chapter
It’s joyful and happy and bright.
Without it, surely my life would be duller,
A bleak meadow with nothing but trampled flowers in sight.
Yellow is the colour of gold.
Golden memories, moments and days,
Golden stories yet to be told,
Golden as the flowers in May.
Yellow is the colour of the tangerine sun,
Warm and vibrant every day
And for each and every one,
The sun illuminates Earth with its rays
Yellow is the colour I associate with you,
As pu... Read Full Chapter
on June 22, 2018

So...Making a whole storyline into a quiz is difficult, or can be, kudos to @sapphirethehedgehog for being able to do so. Trying to create a whole politic system, especially for Hell or Heaven, (in the whole fictional sense and writing, because I have nothing against someone who may or may not believe in Religion nor do I want to offend them), but so far I've got a High Council with the "Seven Deadly Sins"/"Seven Princes of Hell" and two advisors. Meanwhile, Heaven has a similar See More concept but with, y'know, Archangels and angels. Though, Heaven is one land/territory thing whilst Hell is divided, 'cause 'Angels can share', and with the sin of Greed or Envy, yeah, sharin', not happening. They do co-exist though, so that's a start.

Aha, yeah, I figured as I was reading through XD either I’d forgotten everything or this was something different, good ideas though! I’m intrigued @.@ I’m hoping the summer holidays come quick because I will have nothing to do, therefore I can work solidly on it! And sounds good :3
on June 20, 2018

Heh. Not related to the thing, but another idea I had. The whole demon and angel thing, that is.
As for the storyline, we're doing well so far~
The poll ended being Characters (both genders) x Gender Neutral! Reader. But right now, it's geared towards a female reader; it is female-orientated after all/aimed at females.
As for the storyline, we're doing well so far~
The poll ended being Characters (both genders) x Gender Neutral! Reader. But right now, it's geared towards a female reader; it is female-orientated after all/aimed at females.
on June 20, 2018

Two completely different ideas, mind you...
But in terms of demons?
-Satan, Wrath
-Lucifer, Pride (Also the kind of pseudo-leader)
-Asmodeus, Lust See More
-Belphegor, Sloth
-Beelzebub, Gluttony
-Mammon, Greed
-Leviathan, Envy
Then we have the advisors Abaddon and Azrael.
As for angels/archangels?
-Michael (as opposed to Lucifer in terms of Pseudo-Leader)
Ramiel and Raguel as opposed to Abaddon and Azrael.
But in terms of demons?
-Satan, Wrath
-Lucifer, Pride (Also the kind of pseudo-leader)
-Asmodeus, Lust See More
-Belphegor, Sloth
-Beelzebub, Gluttony
-Mammon, Greed
-Leviathan, Envy
Then we have the advisors Abaddon and Azrael.
As for angels/archangels?
-Michael (as opposed to Lucifer in terms of Pseudo-Leader)
Ramiel and Raguel as opposed to Abaddon and Azrael.
on May 30, 2018
on May 30, 2018

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on May 30, 2018

Cristallite added a new chapter to A Book of Poems
An Ode to the Crow
With feathers that were as dark as the night,
And gleaming eyes, intelligent and bright,
The crow sat, silent upon the steel wire,
patiently watching the thorny briar.
The crow soon decided the time was right.
And like a rocket, shot up, taking flight.
A mouse soon scampered out, scurrying by.
Just to be plucked by the bird in the sky.
Devouring their caught prey, they flew away
And thus time passed by and there went the day.
Cerulean blue to stygian black,
Tomorrow soon came, and the cr... Read Full Chapter
And gleaming eyes, intelligent and bright,
The crow sat, silent upon the steel wire,
patiently watching the thorny briar.
The crow soon decided the time was right.
And like a rocket, shot up, taking flight.
A mouse soon scampered out, scurrying by.
Just to be plucked by the bird in the sky.
Devouring their caught prey, they flew away
And thus time passed by and there went the day.
Cerulean blue to stygian black,
Tomorrow soon came, and the cr... Read Full Chapter
on May 22, 2018

Not entirely sure if this is still open...but...
Name: Cristina
Nicknames: Cris, Vee
Titles/Monikers: Crimson, Red Cardinal, Sparrow, Vixen, V
Gender: Female
Class: Assassin
Personality: She's cold at first, but only due to trust issues and a naturally pessimistic outlook. However, to her friends, She's fiercely loyal and willing to protect. She will be more than willing to trade her happiness if it means her friends are happy. Cris, if she truly dislikes something or someone See More threatens her friends, may not be all that forgiving and would likely hold a grudge. She's normally quiet and antisocial but will speak if spoken too, though her answer a tend to be monosyllabic or simple and sharp unless it's a friend. Even then, her replies are short. She's no stranger to killing or murder, and though she has a sadistic side (one which sometimes comes out), she is able to reign in her bloodlust.
Gender: Female
Age: ?
Species: Human
Appearance: Dark brown, though they look black, hair often tied in a ponytail. Her eyes are a dull dark brown, almodt black. She's relatively short in comparison, though not a 'midget'. Her clothes are often either two colours. Black or red. Black, as it blends in with the darkness and red, as It's easier to hide the blood. She often wears a mask, one with a faint resemblance to a fox. She has a tattoo on her right shoulder, normally hidden by her outfit, though It's more of a brand which represents her guild that she was in.
Strengths: Cris, or V as she goes, has a high dexterity and strong determination. She's calculative and highly perceptive with good reflexe as well as being adaptable and quick on her feet/A quick thinker. In terms of battles, she is well-adversed in sneak attacks and taking the upper hand, and can fight with both ranged and melee weapons thoigh she personally prefers close with a good trustworthy dual blade. She will not hesitate to dirty tricks if necessary. Even if It's not 'honorable' or fair. Despite this, she is loyal and will keep promises for friends.
Name: Cristina
Nicknames: Cris, Vee
Titles/Monikers: Crimson, Red Cardinal, Sparrow, Vixen, V
Gender: Female
Class: Assassin
Personality: She's cold at first, but only due to trust issues and a naturally pessimistic outlook. However, to her friends, She's fiercely loyal and willing to protect. She will be more than willing to trade her happiness if it means her friends are happy. Cris, if she truly dislikes something or someone See More threatens her friends, may not be all that forgiving and would likely hold a grudge. She's normally quiet and antisocial but will speak if spoken too, though her answer a tend to be monosyllabic or simple and sharp unless it's a friend. Even then, her replies are short. She's no stranger to killing or murder, and though she has a sadistic side (one which sometimes comes out), she is able to reign in her bloodlust.
Gender: Female
Age: ?
Species: Human
Appearance: Dark brown, though they look black, hair often tied in a ponytail. Her eyes are a dull dark brown, almodt black. She's relatively short in comparison, though not a 'midget'. Her clothes are often either two colours. Black or red. Black, as it blends in with the darkness and red, as It's easier to hide the blood. She often wears a mask, one with a faint resemblance to a fox. She has a tattoo on her right shoulder, normally hidden by her outfit, though It's more of a brand which represents her guild that she was in.
Strengths: Cris, or V as she goes, has a high dexterity and strong determination. She's calculative and highly perceptive with good reflexe as well as being adaptable and quick on her feet/A quick thinker. In terms of battles, she is well-adversed in sneak attacks and taking the upper hand, and can fight with both ranged and melee weapons thoigh she personally prefers close with a good trustworthy dual blade. She will not hesitate to dirty tricks if necessary. Even if It's not 'honorable' or fair. Despite this, she is loyal and will keep promises for friends.

Waiting too long out of battle. In battle she can be quite patient.
Her guild (that is, after it fell apart. She hates a certain man who she blames for the falling apart of the Guild, even if it was a variety of causes.)
Talking too much. Hence, she keeps her replies short.
-"V for Vendetta" was one of her killing marks (something she left as her killing See More signature after each kill, written in the victim's blood. Or, if it was a request, she was overly bloodthirsty or was feeling vindictive, she'd carve it into the skin like a brand. Honestly, she judged each on their own way based on their sins, that is, if it wasn't a request and she had to do it. She no longer does this as she doesn't work for the guild any more, though she still takes contracts.)
- She almost always wears her mask.
- She rarely ever let's down her guard and thus, can sometimes be overly paranoid.
If you want any more info, just let me know.
Her guild (that is, after it fell apart. She hates a certain man who she blames for the falling apart of the Guild, even if it was a variety of causes.)
Talking too much. Hence, she keeps her replies short.
-"V for Vendetta" was one of her killing marks (something she left as her killing See More signature after each kill, written in the victim's blood. Or, if it was a request, she was overly bloodthirsty or was feeling vindictive, she'd carve it into the skin like a brand. Honestly, she judged each on their own way based on their sins, that is, if it wasn't a request and she had to do it. She no longer does this as she doesn't work for the guild any more, though she still takes contracts.)
- She almost always wears her mask.
- She rarely ever let's down her guard and thus, can sometimes be overly paranoid.
If you want any more info, just let me know.
on May 22, 2018

Watching the moon, meditation, the night and all of its stars, foxes and owls.
Pointless bloodshed. Whilst she is an assassin, She hates mindless killing or idiots who simply serve others with no will of their own.
Watching the moon, meditation, the night and all of its stars, foxes and owls.
Pointless bloodshed. Whilst she is an assassin, She hates mindless killing or idiots who simply serve others with no will of their own.
on May 22, 2018

History: Error. This file has been deleted fron the system.
(Alternatively? Whilst she doesn't have a dark past, as an orphan she was taken in by an assassin's guild where she learnt everything she knows today. She grew through the ranks and remained a loyal member, until it was...disbanded due to a fall out. Actually, the original leader was assassinated, how See More fitting, and thus it split into nine sides, each after one of the nine possible heirs. She was offered a position but declined. After the assassination, She left and now carries out bounty missions, assassination contracts and such.)
Element Strengths: Dark
Element weakness: Light
Family: She's an orphan. Thus she has no clue.
Friends/relationships: None at the moment.
(Alternatively? Whilst she doesn't have a dark past, as an orphan she was taken in by an assassin's guild where she learnt everything she knows today. She grew through the ranks and remained a loyal member, until it was...disbanded due to a fall out. Actually, the original leader was assassinated, how See More fitting, and thus it split into nine sides, each after one of the nine possible heirs. She was offered a position but declined. After the assassination, She left and now carries out bounty missions, assassination contracts and such.)
Element Strengths: Dark
Element weakness: Light
Family: She's an orphan. Thus she has no clue.
Friends/relationships: None at the moment.
on May 22, 2018
on May 22, 2018

Cristallite added a new chapter to A Book of Poems
A frame of glass reflects the light
The same painted mask proudly on display,
The same mirage they see each day
Blinding with its golden splendour
Its colourful array.
But hidden out of sight
Are all the things left unsaid
The thoughts left unspoken
Fragments of their former self
Shards of something broken.
Something damaged, first something whole
Each day their words took their toll
The paint is chipping away.
The bottle breaking at each word they say,
A crack here, a fracture there
Until it... Read Full Chapter
The same painted mask proudly on display,
The same mirage they see each day
Blinding with its golden splendour
Its colourful array.
But hidden out of sight
Are all the things left unsaid
The thoughts left unspoken
Fragments of their former self
Shards of something broken.
Something damaged, first something whole
Each day their words took their toll
The paint is chipping away.
The bottle breaking at each word they say,
A crack here, a fracture there
Until it... Read Full Chapter
on May 22, 2018