I hope we can talk again some time; or anything really.

No problem! Yeah, either on here or on Disc. :)
on February 15, 2019

Sorry, I was supposed to answer you on Monday but I had a friend being nosey and I didnt want him seeing :P me too
on February 13, 2019
on February 11, 2019

So, a part of me wants to delete everything I've written on here, but the other is against that. Ah well.
on February 07, 2019

Happy Birthday to me, might as well before the day ends.
on January 09, 2019

on December 14, 2018

So...Palindromes or just backwards words? Regardless...
on December 12, 2018

Would ya' be willing to meet my revised Ocs some time? Still, I may need to tone them down, but two factors. A, said characters fall under the supernatural and B, orher characters also have powers i.e. Super speed.

Alright, I’m gonna see if I can stay up tonight to get some of it done! I think it’ll be the coming morning for you, is that alright?? I’ll message on discord when I’m on :P
on December 30, 2018

on December 29, 2018
on December 12, 2018

Note to self, neaten follows list. Possibly. On a side note...This should be fun.
on December 12, 2018

Cristallite added a new chapter to A Book of Poems
Undinished Smippets
And then they fade away,
back to the Earth from which they came,
And time passes on ever the same,
for they're born to bloom, yet destined to decay
Yes, friends are truly as precious as gold,
Their value without measure,
They’re priceless, or so I’m told
For they’re life’s greatest treasure.
So after the eruption, who’s to blame?
When there’s nothing but ashes and dust
after the flame
And a collection of fractured trust.
No words could describe how they'd feel
But the lenses th... Read Full Chapter
back to the Earth from which they came,
And time passes on ever the same,
for they're born to bloom, yet destined to decay
Yes, friends are truly as precious as gold,
Their value without measure,
They’re priceless, or so I’m told
For they’re life’s greatest treasure.
So after the eruption, who’s to blame?
When there’s nothing but ashes and dust
after the flame
And a collection of fractured trust.
No words could describe how they'd feel
But the lenses th... Read Full Chapter
on December 12, 2018

So, those who know/remember/have seen me before know that at times, I go overboard with what I write. Not always, just some. I tend to ramble. I guess I can see why overly long messages, probably unnecessarily long, can be mistaken for as a spam message. Ah well.

Bsjsjdjdk don’t you dare think we don’t enjoy your messages you amazing lil human
on December 14, 2018
on December 12, 2018

Cristallite uploaded a photo
It's moments like these that I question just what was going through my head when I saved this image

on December 12, 2018

Ayee fellow Capricorn. Also, just to add to this (because I swear I'm not just here stalking your bio - okay, that came out wrong but nonetheless,) nice username. Yep. I'm gonna make my exit now. Have a great day/night/whatever time it is for you!

oh, gn!!! it’s in the afternoon here, haha
ah man, i kinda wish i was a goat
if only my mom waited 2 days, ha
ah man, i kinda wish i was a goat
if only my mom waited 2 days, ha
on December 12, 2018

I didn't really notice the time (2.40am or so) so I'm gonna try and hit the hay. G'night, or whatever time it is for you. A pleasure talking to you, perhaps we can finish/continue another time.
on December 12, 2018

Ah, 2002 then? 2003 here, so a Goat. And fair enough, I only get the whole believed origin story behind it (or the gist of it) and what my zodiac year was; that and 2002. (I think.)
on December 12, 2018

oh, thank you! i'm sure you're super cool too! and i'm p laid-back so i can kick it with anyone, haha
chinese zodiac is cool, but i'm not really into it because it's so hard to understand. i'm a horse though!
chinese zodiac is cool, but i'm not really into it because it's so hard to understand. i'm a horse though!
on December 12, 2018

Aha, good to hear then. I'm sure you're an amazing person, not doubting that for a second; I'm just a nervous wreck when messaging at times, specifically people I don't know alall too well ^-^' And as Melanie Martinez said, "All the best people are crazy," though, I suppose rhe context is quite different. Regardless, astrology and zodiacs can be. What about the See More Chinese Zodiac? Thoughts/Opinions?
on December 12, 2018
on December 12, 2018

Well diddly darn, golly gosh, look at how time flies. "Joined Qfeast on March 29, 2014".
on December 12, 2018

So, in other words...The main official OCs for the universe?
1. Mara/"Crimson" of the House of Morsephtis.
2. Astaroth/"Dusk" of the House of Morsephtis.
3. Lilith/"Dawn" of the House of Morsepthtis. Status: Deceased
4. Samael/"Alizarin" of the House of Morsephtis. Status: Deceased
5. Azura/"Celeste", "Anti" of Crimson; the being that came to exist from some of Crimson's demon blood in retaliation. In a way, they're related by blood.
6. Ares/"Sol", Anti. His founding is different. See More Unlike Crimson's lack of use, Dusk attempted to remove it. It didn't go down well for either, but Merihem helped enough to weaken it so he could break free of the cage. Whilst more experienced than Celeste, generally weaker.
7. Aster, a hybrid and in the current time, generally a cursed existence. Things change due to his time travel.
8. Raziel/"Jinn", a (Fallen) angel.
9. Merihem.
10. Whatever name the 2nd Antagonist is given. (Belial? Mephisto? Thanatos? Probably the latter.)
11. Whatever time travel character acting as the antagonist; probably the leader of the organization who died in her universe but survived in the other.
12. Any other secondary OCs such as the Council.
1. Mara/"Crimson" of the House of Morsephtis.
2. Astaroth/"Dusk" of the House of Morsephtis.
3. Lilith/"Dawn" of the House of Morsepthtis. Status: Deceased
4. Samael/"Alizarin" of the House of Morsephtis. Status: Deceased
5. Azura/"Celeste", "Anti" of Crimson; the being that came to exist from some of Crimson's demon blood in retaliation. In a way, they're related by blood.
6. Ares/"Sol", Anti. His founding is different. See More Unlike Crimson's lack of use, Dusk attempted to remove it. It didn't go down well for either, but Merihem helped enough to weaken it so he could break free of the cage. Whilst more experienced than Celeste, generally weaker.
7. Aster, a hybrid and in the current time, generally a cursed existence. Things change due to his time travel.
8. Raziel/"Jinn", a (Fallen) angel.
9. Merihem.
10. Whatever name the 2nd Antagonist is given. (Belial? Mephisto? Thanatos? Probably the latter.)
11. Whatever time travel character acting as the antagonist; probably the leader of the organization who died in her universe but survived in the other.
12. Any other secondary OCs such as the Council.

Raziel, Raz, or "Jinn" as he is known by, is, was an Angel. After the events of the War, Jinn deviates and he became a Fallen. His fate in the Alternate future is unknown. As an Angel, he possesses a remarkable control of Soul Fire. Initially blue, after deviating it became a mercury silver.
on October 29, 2018

Ares on the other hand, takes on a similar role for Astaroth. Named after the God of War, he possesses Telekinetic abilities, however, rather than Illusions, he has Reaper-like abilities. Once again, his origin is unknown however it is later revealed that he desires true freedom, as to what this means, it is up for interpretation.
on October 29, 2018

It is unknown as to how Azura "Celeste" Hetherbelle came into existence, or Ares "Sol" for that matter. Both are connected to Mara and Astaroth respectively. Azura, is like the opposite of Mara and possesses the power of Frost. Despite the opposing powers and abilities, and her name, she is not an angel. Ares often refers to her as a Viper, and it's not unfounded. See More Azura is believed to have formed from Mara's demon lineage; a drop of blood initially sealed away. Or perhaps she was the embodiment of what she would never be. Either way, none are certain. At first, Azura despised Mara believing that they could not co-exist. Over time, this view changed.
on October 29, 2018

Mara (or Crimson as she is known) Morsethtis is the younger sister to Astaroth (also known as Dusk). Their official home is in Erebos, located in the realm of Hell. Their parents are the late Lilith "Dawn" Morsethtis and Samael "Alizarin". Mara inherited the flame affinity from her father, and has the ability to wield what she simply calls "Hell Fire", a black See More flame reminiscent to the Angel's "Soul Fire" which possesses...cleansing abilities. Rather than cleansing, Hell Fire has the ability to burn and wither. There's a saying; "Heaven forges, Hell severes.". She is most known for this black fire. Astaroth has the telekinetic abilities of their mother, which include telepathy and telekinesis. He also has an ability he calls "Illusion" magic, seemingly gained from his understanding of the mind. Both siblings can be identified by the crescent choker Mara wears, and the star earring Astaroth has.
on October 29, 2018
on October 27, 2018

Part 3, possible. Still a WIP.
*Whilst the storm clouds gather, Crimson and Jinn become closer, though, both are unaware of their identities.
*It begins. Merihem, Ares and Azura on one side. Jinn, Crimson, Dusk on the other.
*The majority of demons side with Merihem, along with the fallen angels.
*The Angels remain impartial until attacked, but reluctantly join Jinn (though, it would be the last time they would do so.) Crimson finds out, as does Jinn, of their identities. See More She leaves despite the war going on. Dusk follows.
*Dusk chooses to sacrifice himself for Crimson, realizing something. All sides had to unite, something that could only be done with power. He infiltrates the opposing side and proposes a plan.
*The said plan ultimately fails, with Sol and Merihem intercepting, but it does succeed in one aspect; its Demons and Angels in a temporary alliance. Dusk is the first to become stuck in the Grey Zone. Sol realizes too late, his formation originally different this he's bound differently
Azura seems to not care, the debt wawas repaid. Jinn is the next target. Then it's Azura and finally, half of his own self (considering his initial target left and it'd have to do)
*With the sacrifices found, the battle seems lost. Crimson returns in time. Merihem is defeated. Pride and Humility resurrect those fallen in battle, Azura, Jinn and Sol return. Dusk doesn't. Crimson is offered a position but declines so it falls to Sol. Jinn has to return to his own realm, especially after his new role. The two part ways, but make a promise to meet again someday. Azura returns to where it all began with Ares, Crimson remains at Mobius.
*Cue next arc, one which has something to do with "Dusk" seemingly returning as himself but not actually him. Crimson joins him in this. Azura and Sol end up being the heroes of this story, and Jinn deviates, losing his wings. Dusk returns.
*Something to do with time travel; Aster, their future child, returns from an alternate universe into their own. The balance is tipped so the antagonist comes with them.
*Aster chooses to remain, though, after the balance is returned he de-ages, and forgets his memory. Everything seems fine.
*The End(?)
*Nope. There's gonna be other arcs, though, it'll lead up to death.
*In other words, however...(What is set in stone..)
1. Origins: The Birth of Mara and Astaroth. The Death of Samael and Lilith.
2. The Departure of Astaroth, the "Birth" of Crimson and the whole Assassin Arc.
3. The Aftermath of Revenge and the Close Encounters.
4. The Return to Erebos and the Revolution that followed.
5. The Meeting with Raziel, the Gathering and Lead Up to the War.
6. The War, the Crisis, the Solution.
7. The Return Arc.
8. The Time Travel Arc.
9. Something, something.
10. Death.
*Whilst the storm clouds gather, Crimson and Jinn become closer, though, both are unaware of their identities.
*It begins. Merihem, Ares and Azura on one side. Jinn, Crimson, Dusk on the other.
*The majority of demons side with Merihem, along with the fallen angels.
*The Angels remain impartial until attacked, but reluctantly join Jinn (though, it would be the last time they would do so.) Crimson finds out, as does Jinn, of their identities. See More She leaves despite the war going on. Dusk follows.
*Dusk chooses to sacrifice himself for Crimson, realizing something. All sides had to unite, something that could only be done with power. He infiltrates the opposing side and proposes a plan.
*The said plan ultimately fails, with Sol and Merihem intercepting, but it does succeed in one aspect; its Demons and Angels in a temporary alliance. Dusk is the first to become stuck in the Grey Zone. Sol realizes too late, his formation originally different this he's bound differently
Azura seems to not care, the debt wawas repaid. Jinn is the next target. Then it's Azura and finally, half of his own self (considering his initial target left and it'd have to do)
*With the sacrifices found, the battle seems lost. Crimson returns in time. Merihem is defeated. Pride and Humility resurrect those fallen in battle, Azura, Jinn and Sol return. Dusk doesn't. Crimson is offered a position but declines so it falls to Sol. Jinn has to return to his own realm, especially after his new role. The two part ways, but make a promise to meet again someday. Azura returns to where it all began with Ares, Crimson remains at Mobius.
*Cue next arc, one which has something to do with "Dusk" seemingly returning as himself but not actually him. Crimson joins him in this. Azura and Sol end up being the heroes of this story, and Jinn deviates, losing his wings. Dusk returns.
*Something to do with time travel; Aster, their future child, returns from an alternate universe into their own. The balance is tipped so the antagonist comes with them.
*Aster chooses to remain, though, after the balance is returned he de-ages, and forgets his memory. Everything seems fine.
*The End(?)
*Nope. There's gonna be other arcs, though, it'll lead up to death.
*In other words, however...(What is set in stone..)
1. Origins: The Birth of Mara and Astaroth. The Death of Samael and Lilith.
2. The Departure of Astaroth, the "Birth" of Crimson and the whole Assassin Arc.
3. The Aftermath of Revenge and the Close Encounters.
4. The Return to Erebos and the Revolution that followed.
5. The Meeting with Raziel, the Gathering and Lead Up to the War.
6. The War, the Crisis, the Solution.
7. The Return Arc.
8. The Time Travel Arc.
9. Something, something.
10. Death.
on October 27, 2018

It's still a bit jumbled. Working on it. Ideas will be moved around; not everything is set in stone. A more compact version will be made later.
Part 2v
*Crimson has a chance encounter with her brother, but neither showed recognition for the other. It reignites the desire for revenge.
*Crimson backtracks to her "roots", the town which had been razed, only to find that someone had turned it into a graveyard for the citizens of the town.
*She manages to track the killers down and See More delivers retribution. Still, now that she has, she has nothing to do, her purpose lost. Meanwhile, "Celeste" met someone akin to her, his name being Ares , though, he went by "Sol." Despite being stronger, just, she owes a debt. They form a plan.
*Crimson meets a certain hedgehog. She chooses to fight for the good of others rather than take lives in revenge and thus eventually accepts his offer. That and it meant she had time to explore the world and truly live, though, she would still search for the reasons behind Dusk's leaving.
*Meanwhile, Dusk joins Ivo for his own reasons. It was the one place They would never look. By now, the charm had worn out. They would be coming to Mobius too, though, he wasn't sure who they'd send.
*The Phantom Thief's notoriety rises but so does Crimson's, and so she goes after him.
*After a successful heist, Dusk encounters Crimson once more. A battle follows though, Dusk is under a guise. He escapes but leaves behind a message for his sister.
*Crimson realizes she has a lot to learn, and even if the message were a trap, follows the advice to regain her past memories.
*She arrives back at her true home, only to find it on the verge of collapse. The Council do nothing; so she takes matters into her own hands to uncover the truth.
*Changes occur, and whilst it takes time. There are ups and downs, and close calls but she regains the honour and name of her house. She continues going by her new name. Elsewhere, Azura and Ares meet Merihem. A storm is brewing. One issue has been solved, but it's only the beginning.
*Crimson returns to Mobius, where she fights Dusk once more. She manages to win. The two reunite, and Dusk decides to reveal the truth.
*It seems peaceful, but it's only the calm before the storm. Crimson meets "Raziel", though, he goes by Jinn. Dusk immediately realizes what he is, but says nothing in front of Crimson, only later to have a...chat.
Part 2v
*Crimson has a chance encounter with her brother, but neither showed recognition for the other. It reignites the desire for revenge.
*Crimson backtracks to her "roots", the town which had been razed, only to find that someone had turned it into a graveyard for the citizens of the town.
*She manages to track the killers down and See More delivers retribution. Still, now that she has, she has nothing to do, her purpose lost. Meanwhile, "Celeste" met someone akin to her, his name being Ares , though, he went by "Sol." Despite being stronger, just, she owes a debt. They form a plan.
*Crimson meets a certain hedgehog. She chooses to fight for the good of others rather than take lives in revenge and thus eventually accepts his offer. That and it meant she had time to explore the world and truly live, though, she would still search for the reasons behind Dusk's leaving.
*Meanwhile, Dusk joins Ivo for his own reasons. It was the one place They would never look. By now, the charm had worn out. They would be coming to Mobius too, though, he wasn't sure who they'd send.
*The Phantom Thief's notoriety rises but so does Crimson's, and so she goes after him.
*After a successful heist, Dusk encounters Crimson once more. A battle follows though, Dusk is under a guise. He escapes but leaves behind a message for his sister.
*Crimson realizes she has a lot to learn, and even if the message were a trap, follows the advice to regain her past memories.
*She arrives back at her true home, only to find it on the verge of collapse. The Council do nothing; so she takes matters into her own hands to uncover the truth.
*Changes occur, and whilst it takes time. There are ups and downs, and close calls but she regains the honour and name of her house. She continues going by her new name. Elsewhere, Azura and Ares meet Merihem. A storm is brewing. One issue has been solved, but it's only the beginning.
*Crimson returns to Mobius, where she fights Dusk once more. She manages to win. The two reunite, and Dusk decides to reveal the truth.
*It seems peaceful, but it's only the calm before the storm. Crimson meets "Raziel", though, he goes by Jinn. Dusk immediately realizes what he is, but says nothing in front of Crimson, only later to have a...chat.
on October 27, 2018

A Brief(?) Plot of Events...
*Lilith and Samael meet. Time passes and eventually, they get together. They become the Lord and Lady of Erebos.
*Lilith gives birth to a son. They call him Astaroth, he becomes the heir of Morsephtis. Many years pass.
*Lilith falls sick half-way during her second pregnancy, but she hides it. A snake is in their midst.
*When Astaroth is "6", Mara is born, a happy and healthy child.
*Her mother begins to show signs of recovering but then disaster See More strikes. At the age of "13" and "7" respectively, Samael passes away. It's speculated that it's a murder.
*Lilith's illness worsens. It isn't long before she too dies, Astaroth becomes the heir of Morsephtis at the ripe young age of "14", one of the youngest yet. He swears an oath and makes a promise as the new Young Lord.
*A year later, he disappears, leaving her alone. She has to leave.
*Following the will, she leaves her home, heading to the place called "Mobius." She is taken in by a village.
*Mara changes her "name" to Crimson, just as Astaroth becomes "Dusk", just as how Samael and Lilith took the name "Alizarin' and "Dawn" respectively all those years ago.
*Time flows by, Crimson unknowingly starts sealing her dormant demon blood away, but it gains self-awareness. Then, her new home is razed. She sets upon the long, twisted path of revenge.
*Crimson becomes a member of an Assassin's Guild, she gains the moniker of "Red Cardinal" just as Dusk became Revenant.
*2 years later, the flame has faded. She had long since left the guild, but they don't forget. Crimson almost dies. With her demon-side locked away, she has no other choice. She makes a deal with someone who appears in what is her darkest hour yet. Unknowingly for Crimson, It forms. It becomes known as Azura, but took on the name of "Celeste" despite being anything but.
*Lilith and Samael meet. Time passes and eventually, they get together. They become the Lord and Lady of Erebos.
*Lilith gives birth to a son. They call him Astaroth, he becomes the heir of Morsephtis. Many years pass.
*Lilith falls sick half-way during her second pregnancy, but she hides it. A snake is in their midst.
*When Astaroth is "6", Mara is born, a happy and healthy child.
*Her mother begins to show signs of recovering but then disaster See More strikes. At the age of "13" and "7" respectively, Samael passes away. It's speculated that it's a murder.
*Lilith's illness worsens. It isn't long before she too dies, Astaroth becomes the heir of Morsephtis at the ripe young age of "14", one of the youngest yet. He swears an oath and makes a promise as the new Young Lord.
*A year later, he disappears, leaving her alone. She has to leave.
*Following the will, she leaves her home, heading to the place called "Mobius." She is taken in by a village.
*Mara changes her "name" to Crimson, just as Astaroth becomes "Dusk", just as how Samael and Lilith took the name "Alizarin' and "Dawn" respectively all those years ago.
*Time flows by, Crimson unknowingly starts sealing her dormant demon blood away, but it gains self-awareness. Then, her new home is razed. She sets upon the long, twisted path of revenge.
*Crimson becomes a member of an Assassin's Guild, she gains the moniker of "Red Cardinal" just as Dusk became Revenant.
*2 years later, the flame has faded. She had long since left the guild, but they don't forget. Crimson almost dies. With her demon-side locked away, she has no other choice. She makes a deal with someone who appears in what is her darkest hour yet. Unknowingly for Crimson, It forms. It becomes known as Azura, but took on the name of "Celeste" despite being anything but.
on October 27, 2018