
created a scored quiz
Cup O' Cocoa Test
See if you know my story Cup O' Cocoa well or if you should reread it.
1 response 0
on March 04, 2015
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
life dimension
life dimension
you come from the life dimension. you help the wounded and care for family and friends. you might not be the strongest dimension, but you are the most important since you harvest most of the food for trading. you are and amazing person.
on March 03, 2015
added a new chapter to Cup O' Cocoa
Cocoa turns Thirteen
Cocoa turns Thirteen
I woke up early morning as the mail carrier drove by. I peeked groggily out the window to see if they stopped at our house. They did, so I dragged myself out the door to get it. I opened the mailbox. Junk, junk, Honeydew Fashion Magazine for Meg, the news, and- a small box with a dinosaur attached? I rapidly opened it up and read what was inside. "Lily + Meg: yu ar invited to Cocoa's berfday partee. wear whatefer. 12 o clok today. Cocoa's apartmint." the letter read in scribbled letters. I ra...
on March 02, 2015
added a new chapter to Cup O' Cocoa
Cocoa visits Lily's Home
Cocoa visits Lily's Home
I groggily opened my eyes to the dizzy sight of my parents and Cocoa looking down at me. "Are you feeling any better?" mom asked. "Yes, no, maybe so?" Cocoa said. I felt my head. There were bandages. "How many fingers am I holding up?" Dad asked.

I squinted. It looked like twelve, but nobody has this many fingers, so I took a guess. "Five?" I said. "Right. I still think you should stay in bed, though." he went off. Cocoa dug some stuff out of her backpack. "This is for you." she said.

on February 28, 2015
added a new chapter to Cup O' Cocoa
Cocoa starts a Snowball Fight
Cocoa starts a Snowball Fight
The next day, I woke up in Cocoa's bed. She wasn't in the room. I bolted up to search the apartment until I was stopped at the kitchen by the smell of pancakes. "Bon appetit!" Cocoa said when she saw me.

Cocoa was wearing a chef's hat, an apron, and was holding a bottle of syrup. Cocoa looked at it and explained. "I don't have any more homemade." she said. I shrugged and sat down to eat.

The pancake was absolutely divine! Light and fluffy, drenched in syrup, and served fresh. I finished in...
on February 27, 2015
added a new chapter to Cup O' Cocoa
Cocoa has a Sleepover
Cocoa has a Sleepover
"Wait. We need to tell mom." I told Cocoa. I looked around for a phone until Cocoa pulled an iPhone out from under a pink elephant. It looked like a teddy bear.

"Number?" Cocoa asked. "555-624-8842" I answered. Cocoa tapped a few times on her phone and then tapped a few more times. Then I heard a smooth whoosh and some beeping. The phone rang.

"Me and Lily are having a sleepover. Come for lunch." Cocoa hung up.

"I told her. Want to make cookies?" she asked. I was dying to see her recipe....
on February 26, 2015
created a personality quiz
Hogwarts House Sorting
Will the sorting hat place you in the brave Gryffindor, the loyal Hufflepuff, the wise Ravenclaw, or the ambitious Slytherin?
48 responses 1
on February 26, 2015
created a poll
Which Hogwarts house is your favorite?
23 votes 8
on February 26, 2015
My favorite flavor!
Mint Chocolate Chip
Mint Chocolate Chip
Now this is the bomb! This flavor is great. You got the minty part for your breath and the chocolate for your deliciousness. It's good for anyone who has a sweet tooth and wants to chew gum at the same time! Great combo.
on February 26, 2015
added a new chapter to Cup O' Cocoa
Cocoa's Apartment
Cocoa's Apartment
After I was dressed mom hurried me into the car and discussed proper manners for a dinner at someone's house. I just nodded my head.

We arrived at... an apartment building? Mom checked the address and told me it was the right place. I walked in and asked a teenager with light brown hair for the room number of Cocoa Memphis. "Um..." he walked over to the desk and dug through a pile of papers until he found a red book. "Cocoa Memphis, room forty-nine." I scrambled up the stairs until reaching ...
on February 26, 2015
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
You are in Ravenclaw! You are smart, witty and you are an excellent learner. Legendary wizards have been in your house, like Garrick Ollivander and Filius Flitwick. Congratulations!
on February 26, 2015
Look at my quiz results! What about you?
3 correct questions out of 3. The passing score mark is 3
on February 26, 2015
Look at my quiz results! What about you?
3 correct questions out of 3. The passing score mark is 3
on February 26, 2015
created a story
Cup O' Cocoa
Life in Honeydew becomes exciting when a new girl named Cocoa shows up. Inspired by Pippi Longstocking, Cocoa is wacky and doesn't fit in with the crowd of ordinary people. Follow Cocoa's adventures from the view of Lily Albert...
33 reads 14 readers 8
on February 25, 2015
subscribed to page
Harry Potter Fan Club!
For all the potterheads out there hope you can subscribe or be a member! WARNING UNCONTROLLABLE FANGIRLING!!! subscribe reqest anything lets talk about hp and our love or it!!!! :D <(^_^)>
629 subscribers 36 members
on February 25, 2015
subscribed to page
Animal Abuse Needs To STOP!!
This is about animal abuse and how it seriously needs to stop. If you love animals and agree that they don't deserve it please subscribe and request a membership. Please help me make this a very popular page so everyone can see...
827 subscribers 62 members fully opened
on February 25, 2015
uploaded a photo
CafeGirl1908's Photo 0
on February 25, 2015