Hogwarts House Sorting Will the sorting hat place you in the brave Gryffindor, the loyal Hufflepuff, the wise Ravenclaw, or the ambitious Slytherin? CafeGirl1908 published on February 26, 2015 Stacked 1/10 Why do you want to be a wizard? All the nice people I meet! I like knowing what I can do to people who are mean to me... All the knowledge! Quidditch! 2/10 Which Divergent faction are you? Dauntless Abnegation Erudite I don't care. 3/10 What stereotype are you? Jocks Rebels Geeks Normal 4/10 You are taking a test, but you forgot to study last night. What do you do to pass it? I try to remember what the teacher said yesterday. I answer the one that sounds right. Smart-Answer Quill, don't fail me now! Me? Forget to study? Never! 5/10 Which do you want? The sorting hat takes your opinion into consideration. Gryffindor Hufflepuff Ravenclaw Slytherin 6/10 After sneaking out of the school, you get lost. There is a cave and a forest. You hear the sounds of a troll from the cave, but the forest is longer. Cave. My owl can distract the troll and let me get by safely. I never left the school. Forest. I don't like trolls. Cave. No troll scares me! 7/10 Your teacher suspects your best friend of cheating, and asks you. You know that your friend cheated. I would tell them to ask my friend. I would lie and say that they didn't. My friend could help me cheat on the next quiz. I would lie and say I don't know. I don't want to get my friend in trouble. I would tell the truth. Cheaters deserve to get in trouble! 8/10 How would you describe yourself to someone new? Fearless Loyal Best Smart 9/10 You are planning to sneak out of school. What is that plan? I would never leave the school! Me and my friends split up and all head for the exit in different ways. If we get caught, we would be "looking for the other two." Invisibility cloak. Do a memory charm on anyone who saw me. 10/10 Which insult is made about you? (Y/N) is so dumb! Nobody else would go headfirst into a werewolf! (Y/N) isn't good at anything! (Y/N) is a teacher's pet! (Y/N) couldn't pass an exam without cheating if it was for first years!