Honestly I don't fluant around saying "I'm an Otaku!!" Like half these people who watch anime do. I'm just like "Yeah, I watch anime." I understand that anime is literally cartoons from Japan.
Like seriously, there's no big whoop for you liking anime. You like anime? Good for you. You have friends and/or people that you can talk to about anime? Even better.
My point pretty much is is for people to stop fluanting around saying they're Otakus. And that anime is, I kid you not, See More cartoons from Japan.
Like seriously, there's no big whoop for you liking anime. You like anime? Good for you. You have friends and/or people that you can talk to about anime? Even better.
My point pretty much is is for people to stop fluanting around saying they're Otakus. And that anime is, I kid you not, See More cartoons from Japan.
on August 01, 2015

BlueTurkey asked a question
Is this creepy? (1) I have a guy friend that I text 24/7. He used to live in my area, b...
on July 30, 2015

They're updating Miiverse... You can only comment on posts 30 times a day.... FU'CK THIS SHIT

on July 27, 2015
on July 27, 2015

So I've found a charcter that looks like Sanji in a different anime. Turns out the anime is called "Working!!". I'm gunna take a break from One Piece and watch that for a bit.
on July 26, 2015

Just got a Reddit. :3
My username is "BluTurkey"
My username is "BluTurkey"
on July 25, 2015

So Weird Al is having a concert in Maine here pretty soon.
I really wanted tickets to go see him, but I didn't have the money. My father said that this rock radio station was giving away some today and he tried to win but he didn't. He said that they usually give away tickets to the same guy the next day. I gotta wake up early tomorrow and see if they're giving away some more. Keeping my fingers crossed!!
I really wanted tickets to go see him, but I didn't have the money. My father said that this rock radio station was giving away some today and he tried to win but he didn't. He said that they usually give away tickets to the same guy the next day. I gotta wake up early tomorrow and see if they're giving away some more. Keeping my fingers crossed!!
on July 23, 2015
on July 23, 2015
on July 23, 2015
on July 23, 2015

Shanks: *pours alcohol* "C'mon! Have some!!"
Hawkeye: "Weren't you just hung over?"
Hawkeye: "Weren't you just hung over?"
on July 22, 2015

on July 22, 2015

Tomorrow I'm going to an amusement park with a friend, so I won't be on all day tomorrow.
on July 17, 2015

So I think reading the One Piece manga will make it quicker for me to catch up on, so I'm swapping over to the manga. So I ended on episode 385, and I'm on chapter 490.
on July 15, 2015