So I got an account for Anime News Network. Hopefully I'll be able to keep up on news of anime and keep track on anime's I've watched.

on July 13, 2015
on July 11, 2015

CHILDREN! We are going to Japan!!
CHILDREN! We are going to Japan!!

Tokyo One Piece Tower Theme Park is a Straw Hat Pirate-Lover's Dream - Interest - Anime News Network
A firsthand visit, with over 70 pictures from the new One Piece Tokyo Tower park opening ceremony! A live show, elaborate set recreations, mountains of merchandise, games and more!
on July 11, 2015

By the power of friendship!!

Shamchat: Don't be yourself!
A conversation between Luffy (4kids) and your archenemy.
on July 10, 2015

I haven't watched anime since yesterday... I don't know how I'm still alive...
on July 10, 2015

I thought I was doing it right! Sanji's a womanizer so I thought it fit!

Shamchat: Don't be yourself!
A conversation between Sanji and Sailor mars .
on July 10, 2015

BlueTurkey added a new chapter to Indigo.
Indigo is not apart of illuminati
Indigo is not apart of the illuminati because indigo is indigo. And indigo likes doing things that indigo things like to do, like being indigo.
But wait...
Indigo can be on triangles which you cut pizzas into triangles before serving them. And teenagers mostly eat pizza. Teenagers and people with no lives usually make these illuminati things. Indigo is apart of the illuminati.
There is no way to unprove it.
Unless... Pasta... Because pasta is pasta and pasta can be indigo.
But, if pasta can... Read Full Chapter
But wait...
Indigo can be on triangles which you cut pizzas into triangles before serving them. And teenagers mostly eat pizza. Teenagers and people with no lives usually make these illuminati things. Indigo is apart of the illuminati.
There is no way to unprove it.
Unless... Pasta... Because pasta is pasta and pasta can be indigo.
But, if pasta can... Read Full Chapter
on July 09, 2015

I'm thinking about writing a SaNa fanfic... I don't know if I should or not though...
on July 09, 2015

You guys remember when they tried making the homepage look like Pintress?
on July 09, 2015

I'm such a dick on the online of Animal Crossing.
This person was harassing me to do a glitch with them, I got to the point where I said "I hope you ruin your game by how much glitching you do" and then I left.
This person was harassing me to do a glitch with them, I got to the point where I said "I hope you ruin your game by how much glitching you do" and then I left.
on July 09, 2015