BlueTurkey's Polls
BlueTurkey published 16 polls

Who do you ship more with Zoro

Which anime is more appropriate?

Which Straw Hat Pirate is you favorite?

Your thoughts on "Qfeast Network Police Force".
Which iPod wallpaper?
When do you usually wake up Christmas morning.
Do You Like LittleKoriboh?
What Should I Dye My Hair in About 2 Months
What shall my followers be called; "Hunters" or "Stalkers"?
Do You Have a Nintendo 3DS/3DSXL/2DS?
What Should I Call My Followers? (1)
Which Do You Prefer; "Standard Base Model" or "Old Way"?

How do you feel about underaged (under 13) people using the internet in a social way?

How Much Do You Think A Wood Chuck Could Chuck Wood?

Do you like waffles?