Anime Quotes
This is where you can post quotes from any anime that help you in your lives.
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The Slope Game offers an exhilarating experience as players navigate a fast-moving slope, dodging obstacles while trying to achieve the highest score. It's a test of reflexes and timing, often played during breaks or downtime. Whether you're a casual gamer or a competitive player, Slope Game can elevate your gaming experience with its dynamic challenges. Dive in and enjoy the thrill of racing down the slope!
on January 09
on December 05, 2023

Kira: That's right. I stole the cookies
Lol jk this was just a comment on YouTube it's a meme
Lol jk this was just a comment on YouTube it's a meme
on June 30, 2016

"People don't cry because they're weak, but because they've been strong for to long."
-Mirajane Strauss
-Mirajane Strauss
on July 29, 2015

Shanks: *pours alcohol* "C'mon! Have some!!"
Hawkeye: "Weren't you just hung over?"
Hawkeye: "Weren't you just hung over?"
on July 22, 2015

"There is no other way. Just only I could be. If it had not been me, I should have done like everyone else and treat another person as if he did not exist. It is better that I'm the one that is ignored."
on July 18, 2015

"Oh no! Prussia's here! Everyone start freaking out!"
on July 18, 2015

"I'm so hot I could kiss my self!"
on July 18, 2015

"It is better to be the one who is HURT than to be the who HURTS others."-Kaneki Ken (Tokyo Ghoul)
on July 18, 2015

Sword Art Online Quotes
Sword Art Online Quotes Home / archive Reminiscing the other world Asuna: Wh-What? Kirito: It's just...Those clothes look good on you. They bring back alot of memories. Asuna: Yeah. But I don't have a rapier. And I see you're wearing a lot of black today. Kirito: Well... Sugu washed all my clothes this morning. This was all I had. Asuna: That's why you shouldn't let you're laundry pile up! Kirito: *scratches head* Asuna: So we both happen to be wearing our old colors today... What are the odds of that? Kirito: Well, if we meet all the time over a year --- Asuna: *grabs Kirito's arm* Just say, "Yeah, you're right!" Come on. Let's go! 6 months ago | 95 notes | Reblog | kirito, kirigaya, asuna, asunayuuki, swordartonline, sao, sword art online ii, saoquotesonli
on July 18, 2015